Chapter 9 Undress and be honest?!

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The sound insulation of the car was very good, and it was also very spacious. People outside couldn’t see what was inside the car at all. After the screen was down, even the driver in front was completely isolated, and the person wouldn’t see or hear what was happening on the back.

Su Qingqing calmed down her stunned heart, as Quan Moting said nonchalantly, “What are you nervous about, think I’ll be interested in you?”

After listening to Quan Moting’s words, Su Qingqing’s face turned even redder, and that special relationship between the two flashed in her mind. She was indeed a little embarrassed.

She cleared her throat and tried to talk in her normal tone, but her voice was still a little bit hoarse, revealing her nervousness at the moment.

“If I were a worthless woman, the Second Master would not have chosen me to be your shield.” Su Qingqing still had this confidence.

“It’s just that, I’m a girl. Shouldn’t the Second Master act more like a gentleman? I don’t have the habit of changing clothes in front of others. Or, is it because the Second Master has one?”

She raised her red and gorgeous lips and gave a soft snort. She was not afraid of Quan Moting at all. 

Mamma Mia! My palms are sweating!

The man changed his sitting position gracefully, and patiently looked at Su Qingqing elegantly, “Do I have any, are you curious?”

“Still think it’s a little unfair for me to watch you change, so you want to see me change too?”

Su Qingqing shook her head again and again. Her head was shaking like a rattle.

“No, no, Second Master, you misunderstood. I don’t have the guts. In fact, I just wanted to say that it’s okay to change the place where I should undress and change. We won’t waste any time.”

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“Do you think that after such a big thing happening, the old man would still want to see you in this dress while showing off your strength in front of him?”

The man asked her in reply.

Su Qingqing glared for a moment, sweat dripping from her forehead, “He would…wouldn’t be.”

“You can also test his high blood pressure to see if it will soar to 180 in an instant.”

Su Qingqing: In the end, he’s his own relative and doesn’t even blink when tricking people.

Acting must of course be a full set. Mr. Quan was the most critical part, and she couldn’t make any mistakes. She gritted her teeth, “Okay, I’ll… change right away.”

“Then…you, turn around and don’t take a peek.” Su Qingqing still wanted some face. 

Undressing in front of a man was different from seduction. She didn’t want Quan Moting to misunderstand….and look down on her as the kind of woman who doesn’t love herself.

“You have nothing worthy to see.”

Quan Moting’s face was light and airy, as he said these cruel words. Su Qingqing’s silver teeth were about to break from gritting too much.

Was he sarcastic and disdainful that her figure is not convex enough?

“Ah, of course I’m no better than those women of the Second Master. With a figure like mine, it won’t surely catch the Second Master’s attention, that even the Second Master did not bother to get out of the car and wait for me for a while.”

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“Oh, does this make you angry?”

At this moment, Quan Moting looked directly at the woman beside him. He had to say that Su Qingqing was not the prettiest among the many women he had ever met, but she was the one that made him look the most pleasing to the eye. Her face was flushed, with delicate red lips that looked playful and cute when she smiled.

Ah, it’s no wonder that Quan Lie was fascinated by her.

Su Qingqing was very uncomfortable under his observing eyes, as if her clothes had been peeled off one by one. Fear and anxiety welled up from the bottom of her heart.

“Since the Second Master wants to see me take off my clothes, then look at it. Anyway, I am also the Second Master’s person, and it won’t hurt to be frank in advance.”

Immediately, as soon as Su Qingqing’s delicate words fell, the man’s slender fingers landed on his black suit, and unbuttoned a black button neatly, then he opened the car door.

But before getting out of the car, Quan Moting said, “Five minutes.”

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Su Qingqing blinked in astonishment, and her heart finally calmed down.

She didn’t really want to undress in front of Quan Moting, she just wanted to use aggressive tactics.

As long as you are not embarrassed, then the others will become the one embarrassed.

Phew~ Fortunately, she won the bet this time.

It was not difficult for Su Qingqing to change a piece of clothing in five minutes, but in order not to cause some unnecessary embarrassment, Su Qingqing changed it as quickly as possible, however the zipper at the back was too difficult to pull up.

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Damn! Can’t pull it up!!

I’m finished. Besides Quan Moting, there was only the driver. Would it be shameful to ask the Second Master to zip her up?

Su Qingqing blew her hair. Might as well drop a thunderbolt and strike her to death!

For Su Qingqing, it seemed like a long century had passed in that short five minutes. After all the entanglements, Su Qingqing finally lowered her arrogant head in front of reality.

And, tremblingly rolled down the car window.

At this time, the man was leaning against the luxury car, staring at the tablet in his hand with a serious face, his concentration could be described in any handsome word.

Su Qingqing boasted that she had seen many handsome men, but those men were like fish in front of Second Master Quan, not comparable to him at all.

Su Qingqing felt that her mortal heart was shot by Cupid in an instant, even if she just took a peek at him, her little heart not only thumped, but also blushed fiercely.

Ah ah ah ah ah! 

Su Qingqing felt that she was becoming more and more impure in the face of such a handsome man.


The man’s eyes moved from the tablet to the car window, and took a faint glance.

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Su Qingqing, who was hit in the heart on the spot, felt even hotter, and breathed warmly while shyly saying, “That..Second Master, can you help me with something.”

He didn’t say anything, just walked over with his long legs, opened the car door and got into the car, then watched Su Qingqing biting her red lips and opening them to speak.

“I can’t reach the back, can the Second Master help pull the zipper for me?”

Su Qingqing bowed her head in embarrassment, and the exposed position of her back was cold, but her face was very hot. The more the man kept silent, the more her heart thundered.

Suddenly, she felt that there were more hands behind her. He pulled the zipper up slowly and skillfully, then his deep voice sounded beside her ear.


At that moment, Su Qingqing had a sense of being teased, but after the zipper was pulled up, she quickly regained her composure.

In addition to the travel, the atmosphere in the air added a bit of inexplicable embarrassment. Su Qingqing sat upright and did not dare to look at Quan Moting again until the car successfully arrived at the Quan family’s royal villa.

The door was opened again, and Quan Moting was the first to get out of the car with his long legs.

Su Qingqing took a deep breath, the girl’s flush on the white face had turned into a deep dignified blush. She was worried. She imagined in her mind many possibilities that would happen in the face of Mr. Quan. She had no idea whether it would be a blessing or a curse this time.

But she knew she had no way out.

As she got out of the car, the man’s warm palm fell on top of her head, Su Qingqing raised her head dully, and Quan Moting had already withdrawn his hand from the car door, for fear that she might hit her head.

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