In the Future, Mingle with this Sister

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Qian DuoDuo was this type of person. It was good that Long YuTian left. In the future, he and Zhu SiSi will cross the two people bridge while she – Qian DuoDuo will walk her underground road.

If he dared to turn back around, she will definitely slap him to death as though he was a clown!

Qian DuoDuo, from time to time, placed her gaze at Zhu SiSi who leaned in Long YuTian’s embrace. She continued to sing the song in a peaceful and melodious manner but in everyone’s ears, it contained a faint sorrow.

That type of feeling was like an invisible sharp sword which slowly slashed into Long MuChen’s blood from his ears, combining as one in his heart.

Wishing to find the true love in one’s life and never to part with them despite white hairs at old age.

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He thought that he was willing to give such a beautiful wish but to her, from other people’s gazes, it was that out of reach and unattainable.

Why does she seem to be that strong and courageous, not caring in the littlest, but when it reached this lyric within the song, the voice contained a tint of weeping and grief?

What Long MuChen wanted to give, he was able to do so. But does she want it?

“Pa—-” The glass that he held within the palm of his hand were shattered apart by Long MuChen’s invisible force. Some of the shattered pieces pricked the palm of his hand which was mixed with alcohol but he hadn’t felt pain. However, there were still some things that pricked into his heart.

When Qian DuoDuo finished a song, she seemed a little weak. She waved her hands and after letting Xiao Rou carry away the piano and the drum kits all out, she then slowly walked back to her spot.

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It’s just that she purposefully sat at the very corner, keeping a huge distance from Long YuTian.

There was a moment of silence within the main hall.

Qian DuoDuo, this type of performance compared to the one from when she shook her head and had a good time, was as different as though sky and earth.

If they were to say that the woman before was as though the ghost that ran out from the underworld with great fanfare that led one’s blood to run cold. Then her right now was like a fairy that wasn’t able to rant out loud about her feelings. She led people to admire her, noble and indifferent. Only to look in the far distance but can’t be played with.

After they were stunned for a while, then applauses rang as though the sound of lightning within the main hall. Everyone all praised her from the bottom of their hearts.

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When Long YinTian snapped out his trance, he was the first one to move to Qian DuoDuo’s side. He peeled off the banana and immediately attempted to please her.

At this time, Qian DuoDuo got rid of all the grievances she felt from Long YuTian and left the impression as though she trifled without respect. She ate half the banana off, without a trace of politeness. She bit at the meat of the banana, mumbling: “As they say, one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions. Four, if you have something then say it.”

What unaccountably solicitous? He has always been solicitous okay?!

Long YiTinan bumped against Qian DuoDuo, smiling: “Duo Er, how did you play with the bowls, ladles, basins? If you have time, you should teach me too. I think it is really satisfying.”

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Once Qian DuoDuo heard that someone was complimenting her, the passive look on her face immediately blossomed as though a flower: “You also think that it’s satisfying? I am saying that four, of all brothers, you have the strongest plasticity. I wasn’t joking about this. If these items were brought to the battlefield, it will definitely raise the spirits of the soldiers and sweep everything before it. When the time comes, they might give me the title of a general or something to be. Hahaha!”

“…” Long YinTian was sweating.

Long MuChen who was also listening couldn’t help to have three black lines appear on his forehead.

This young girl knew how to talk nonsense. She is taking the battlefield to be the dancing hall ah.

However, the moment Long YinTian opened his mouth, it formed Qian DuoDuo’s poor quality idea. She rushed over to Long YinTian, sneakily observing him then opened her mouth in a good mood: “Four ah, I am seeing that you have talented cells so how about in the future, you mingle with this sister? This sister will definitely turn you into a noble idol!”

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