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In the next few days, Su Qing went to the Cao family’s residence very frequently. The originally ugly child quickly grew up, becoming white and tender, which was especially attractive. 


Cao Yunnian flipped through the books, wanting to find a great name, but the words he chose were too unfamiliar. Lady Jin looked at it and disagreed. Instead, she found Mu Yunyao, “Yao’er, why don’t you help your little brother choose a name?”

Mu Yunyao was really shocked, “How is it appropriate for me to choose a name?”

“What’s wrong with it? If you didn’t come to help, can this child be born safely? Naturally, there would be no one more suitable for this than you.”

Thinking of Concubine Zhou and those two midwives, a cold light flashed through Lady Jin’s eyes. Although she didn’t want to kill the innocent, she will not be merciful when she meets people who want to murder her. If they dared to reach out, then don’t blame her for being merciless.

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“This …” Mu Yunyao looked somewhat awkwardly at Cao Yunnian at the side, “Didn’t Father flip through a lot of books? Let him choose it.”

Cao Yunnian laughed dryly, “Your Mother despises me for finding such a strange name. I’ve racked my brains to come up with a name that doesn’t suit my son. But what your Mother said is right. It’s very appropriate for you to choose the name.”

Looking at the expressions of the two, Mu Yunyao couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Alright, since it’s like this, then I won’t decline any longer, this name … Let me think. A gentleman wins when he’s civil, a man wins when he’s historical, and a gentleman becomes a gentleman when he’s cultured. If not, let’s call it Zhiwen, Cao Zhiwen?”

“Then, a gentleman, not bad, not bad. It’s much better than your Father thought. I don’t want him to be rich or powerful, I only want him to be decent, to understand the ways of the world, to be a gentleman, and heaven will treat him well. He is called Zhiwen, Cao Zhiwen.”

Cao Yunnian nodded, “Well done.”

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After talking for a while and discussing what to do with the full moon wine, Mu Yunyao got up and left.

After she left, Cao Yunnian asked Lady Jin, “Madam, what you’re doing seems to have a deeper meaning?”

Lady Jin smiled, “What is Old Master’s think of Yunyao?”

Cao Yunnian thought for a moment and sighed with emotion, “There is nothing to pick on in terms of looks, character, and temperament, especially in terms of intelligence. There is a sense of elegance in her body, and if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I would not believe that an ordinary family could bring up such a child.”

“Besides these, how does Old Master think of her future?”

“Future?” Cao Yunnian thought for a moment before shaking his head. “Although she has been praised by the Emperor twice, business is not the right way. Scholars, farmers, commerce, and merchants are still in the lower ranks. She may live a rich life, but it is really complicated to predict what kind of future she will have.”

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On the other hand, Lady Jin shook her head. “I’m thinking the exact opposite of Old Master. I think that in the future, she will make a great leap forward and make a great surprise!!”

Cao Yunnian stared at her and asked. “How do you know?”

“The words I said might not be pleasant, but please do not mind Old Master. In the past half-year, Old Master had first been promoted to an official, then received a reward from the Emperor. Now that your performance evaluation was excellent, the promotion was imminent. Although there was a reason why you were able to become an official for His people, it was mostly due to you receiving rewards from the Emperor. That could also be a consideration due to Mu Yunyao’s influence. What she had done looked ordinary and unremarkable, but in reality, she has gradually laid a solid foundation for us, making Jingling City famous in the eyes of the Emperor. So how could such a woman be willing to be ordinary?” Lady Jin sighed. “Some people are born different from others. Even if they are from a humble background, they will definitely surpass tens of thousands in the future. I think Mu Yunyao is one of them. We are the ones who are leading her, but in the future, she can reverse this situation. We recognize her as an adopted daughter, and we have already made this good relationship. Now that she’s given a name for our son, it’ll be to stabilize our relationship for the next generation. Even if Yunyao’s future is not too good, with her helping me giving birth safely, it won’t be too much to ask her to choose the name.”

Cao Yunnian thought carefully and couldn’t help but nod his head repeatedly. He held Lady Jin’s hand and said, “Madam is so thoughtful. In the future, we will treat Yunyao as our own.” Lady Jin smiled and nodded. She knew that Cao Yunnian was not a pedantic person, so she dared to say what she said before. Otherwise, if she was a petty person, not only would she not be grateful to Mu Yunyao, but she would also have a grudge in her heart. “Look at how I’ve been taking care of my child these past two days. I’ve forgotten about the matter with Concubine Zhou. Back then, Yunyao was too worried for me, so she scolded her. Master, please don’t mind her.”

Mentioning Concubine Zhou, Cao Yunnian’s expression turned even worse. “I wanted to let her go to the manor to rest her heart for a while. Seeing that the Emperor’s promotion is going to pass down, we are going to live in the Capital in the future. Although she is a concubine, she can still influence the reputation of the Cao family. If she can raise her temperament, we can avoid any trouble in the future.”

“But no one has lived in the manor for a long time. Some things may not be complete, but if Concubine Zhou is not used to living in such a place …” Concubine Zhou always complained. If she directly sent people to the manor, she would write back and cry in two days. At that time, it would be hard for Cao Yunnian to be soft-hearted. It would be better to block the way for her now.

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“How can you allow her to do so many things? Madam is calm and tolerant of them. In the future, when she entered the Capital, she must put more restrictions on herself. After all, those people are all nobles, and if she is to offend them accidentally, she will only cause trouble.”

“Alright, I’ll listen to Old Master.”

Seeing that Lady Jin was about to be out of confinement, the imperial government sent down the decree to promote Cao Yunnian. The order to transfer Cao Yunnian to the Capital, join the inspector’s office. His official position was the fourth rank, which was a big step forward.

At the same time, Li Munian also came down with the order to take over the position of the Jingling Salt Transport Envoy. In another month, after the handover of the things in hand, Cao Yunnian and Lady Jin would set off for the Capital. If they want to come to the Cao family’s residence to do the Full Moon Banquet, they will be able to meet the new Salt Transport Envoy.

When Mu Yunyao heard the news, she didn’t take it to heart. Recently, the items from Liu Liang has been coming back continuously. She had to carefully look through it a few times every day to organize the news and pick out what was useful to her. Jin Qiao helped to stack the paper neatly and asked Mu Yunyao in confusion, “Miss, the flowers and plants you gathered have already been placed in Jin Xiu Garden’s greenhouse. The weather is still too cold now, the flowers and plants are already delicate and tender, not to mention raising them, it’s very troublesome to raise them, it’s also too difficult to make them blossom. Can you really use them?”

“I went to the greenhouse to take a look, and the person who once operated this Jin Xiu Garden was also very meticulous. The place has everything, and after a short rest, it will convert into a greenhouse. With a greenhouse, it’s much easier to raise flowers and plants, not to mention the fact that it’s already near spring, even if it’s windy and snowy outside, the flowers would still blossom brilliantly.”

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