Completely Hooked 

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Ming Yin suddenly came back to her senses after hearing the voice. She hurriedly smoothed out her sleeves. Because her movements were too fast, her body couldn’t help but sway. Her face became even paler. “Greetings, Lord Li.” After speaking, she looked at Yun Chun reproachfully, as if she was displeased that she had taken the initiative to bring him over.

When Li Yuanyi heard Yun Chun’s message, he first rejected it and then asked Yu Chun brought him here on his own accord. He thought Ming Yin wanted to capture him, but upon seeing her expression, he realized that Yun Chun must have made the decision privately.

Yun Chun lightly patted Ming Yin’s hand. “Little sister Ming Yin, you should have a good chat with Lord Li. Don’t worry too much about the rumors that are circulating, which will surely go away if it’s not valid.

Ming Yin couldn’t help but lower her head and gently bite her lower lip. Her expression became increasingly fragile as she said, “Big sister Yun Chun, you really shouldn’t …”

Yun Chun interrupted her by saying, “Lord Li, Yun Chun will be leaving first.”

“Alright.” After Yun Chun had retreated, Li Yuanyi looked at Ming Yin with great concern in his eyes. “Miss Ming Yin, how is your health?”

“Thank you for Lord Li’s concern. Nothing serious has happened.”

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“Miss Ming Yin, from the looks of you, you seem to have something on your mind. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?”

Ming Yin lifted her head with a smile on her face, but a hint of fragility flashed across her eyes. “I live a safe life in Bu Xian Luo, and there’s nothing to worry about it. Lord Li need not listen to the nonsense of Big Sister Yun Chun.”

“The more you say like that, the more certain I am that you really have something on your mind.” Li Yuanyi was a handsome man, and his aura was unusually elegant. This time, when he makes a caring look, it makes people more likely to have a good impression of him, “In Jingling City, no matter what happens, I can help more or less.”

“It’s really nothing that you need to worry about it, My Lord. Lord Li must be here to drink some tea in Bu Xian Luo. My body is much better now. If you want, I can make a pot of tea for you.”

“No need. Your body has not fully recovered yet. How could you work to make the tea yourself?”

“It’s not a big deal. Actually, I know a bit about swimming, but I suddenly choked when I fell into the water. I’ll be fine after two days of rest.” With that, she led Li Yuanyi into the pavilion, “These tea sets are for my daily practice. Lord Li, please do not mind them.”

“How could that be? Then I’ll have to trouble Miss Ming Yin.”

Ming Yin smiled faintly. Her smile was like a light flower on the water’s surface, light and weak, causing one unconsciously to feel pity for her.

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The more Li Yuanyi watched her making the tea, the more he felt that every movement was just right and pleasing to the eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up Ming Yin’s sleeves, revealing her slender white arms. However, there was a long wound on them, which looked particularly shocking.

Ming Yin hurriedly lowered her head to wrap her sleeve, but Li Yuanyi was able to see it clearly. “Miss Ming Yin, is your arms hurt?”

Ming Yin quickly stood up, her expression becoming more and more flustered. She placed the teacup in front of Li Yuanyi and prepared to retreat, “Ming Yin lacked in manners. Please excuse me, My Lord. The tea has already brewed, so I will not entertain you here anymore. I will take my leave first.”

“Miss, please wait.” Li Yuanyi immediately went forward to pull Ming Yin’s arm, but Ming Yin retreated too quickly, and he only had enough time to use his fingertips to brush against her sleeve.

Ming Yin left in a hurry, too flustered to notice that the silk handkerchief between her sleeves had fallen off.

Li Yuan stepped forward and picked up the silk handkerchief, only to see a piece of red embroidered on the silk handkerchief and four short poems: “The flowers bloom and the flowers fall in different ways. If you ask for love, it when the flowers bloom and fall.” 

The beauty had already left. Once Li Yuanyi finished his tea, he could only get up and leave. On the way, he bumped into Nan’er, who was trimming the plants in the garden and was helping people give directions. He could not help but give him a second glance.

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Nan’er hurried forward to pay his respects, “Is My Lord can’t find the way either? You can ask me where you’re going to go. There’s nothing in the garden that I don’t know.”

“Oh? Do you recognize Ming Yin?”

“I naturally recognize Big Sister Ming Yin. Are you here to visit her as well? Big sister Ming Yin has been in a bad mood these past few days and has not met with anyone. I’m afraid you’ll have to go there for nothing.”

“Do you know why she is in a bad mood?”

“There some people who are jealous of big sister Ming Yin. They have secretly spread a rumor about Big Sister Ming Yin!” Nan’er was exceptionally indignant. “Back then, it was all because of that Tan Bawang being rude to Big Sister Ming Yin, and she was on the verge of death. However, they still do not give up. It seems that they will not give up until they forced her to die. Fortunately, Big Sister Ming Yin asks Shopkeeper Qin to drive out those people who spread the rumor. However, Big Sister Ming Yin has always been meticulous, so I think that she will be difficult to forget it for a while.

“Who is Tang Bawang that you were talking about earlier?”

“My Lord, Aren’t you from Jingling City? I’ve never seen you in Bu Xian Luo before. Don’t tell me you’re a traveling merchant?”

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Li Yuanyi smiled, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and handed it over, “You still haven’t told me who Tang Bawang is.” Nan’er hurriedly put the silver back into his sleeves, looked around to see that there was no one nearby, then lowered her voice and said: “This Tan Bawang is the young master of Cai Yue Pavilion. This fellow framed us, Bu Xian Luo, not long ago. He even almost belittled Big Sister Ming Yin. Fortunately, Lord Zhao was fair and impartial, and he disposed of Tan Bawang. If not, then Big Sister Ming Yin will die from sadness. The matter is already in the past, so please do not speak carelessly to prevent Elder Sister from feeling sad.”

“What are you trying to say?”

Nan’er was just about to speak when he heard a voice calling for him to bring water, and he hurriedly said to Li Yuan, “My lord, I’m going to be busy, if you’re really curious, you can find a teahouse or a tavern to ask about it. This matter caused a lot of commotion in Jingling City, and many people came here to watch from the sidelines. You will understand the cause and effect if you ask around.” With that, he ran off.

Li Yuanyi was curious. After exiting Bu Xian Luo, he found a teahouse and walked in. He wasted a bit of silver and got to know the stories from the teahouse waiter. When he thought of the scar on Ming Yin’s hand, he could not help but feel more heartache for her. “It’s true that beauty is full of troubles.”

Fortunately, Miss Ming Yin met me. Otherwise, I’m afraid she would be sad in the future.

Over the next few days, Li Yuanyi would go to Bu Xian Luo to see Ming Yin every day, but she avoided him most of the time. On this day, it was only because Shopkeeper Qin forced her that Ming Yin entertained Li Yuanyi in the backyard.

“My Lord, you really shouldn’t have wasted your time on me.” Ming Yin’s expression was much colder, but there was bitterness in her eyes.

“Miss Ming Yin, I come over here regularly. You must understand what I mean. I’ve fallen in love with you at first sight. If you’re interested in me, I can give silver taels to help you redeem yourself and leave Bu Xian Luo.”

“Thank you for your good intentions, but there’s really no need for that. My life here is pretty good, and I have many sisters who can chat and have fun together. I’m not a canary, and I don’t like living in the golden cage either.”

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