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The Eldest Madam didn’t mean much to blame. She patted her hand with a smile: “Your father is also very optimistic about His Highness Third Prince, but now that His Majesty’s health is in good health and the situation of the court is unclear, there are many things that cannot be easily said. Mother has painstakingly hidden you for so many years, so it is time for you to amaze everyone.”

Su Yuyi’s eyes flashed with excitement. “Mother, do you mean that the time has come?”

Everyone in the Capital knew that the Su family’s eldest daughter, Su Yuyi, was talented and attractive, but very few people were really able to see her. The Eldest Madam had put in a lot of effort for her daughter. She knew that her appearance was a powerful weapon, but such a weapon must be displayed at the most appropriate time to come out to be invincible. It was just like a priceless Luminous Pearl that could only be found once in a hundred years. If one were to spend the entire day in a room with it, no matter how valuable it was, it wouldn’t be precious again.

Things were precious when they were rare, and beauties were too!

The Eldest Madam nodded slightly. “I was thinking of letting you appear after the situation has been resolved, but who knew that Princess Yi De would suddenly spread the word that she wanted to find a suitable girl to be fostered in the name of her lost daughter. It is a rare occurrence. Naturally, we cannot miss out on such a good opportunity.”

“Don’t worry, Mother. I will live up to your expectations.”


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The next morning, Mu Yunyao, who had just finished her breakfast with Su Qing, heard Jin Lan’s report. “Madam, Miss, Eldest Miss is here.”

The mother and daughter looked at each other. Mu Yunyao smiled slightly and said, “Mother, I’ll personally welcome my elder sister.”


Su Yuyi had already prepared herself for Mu Yunyao to make things difficult for her. However, she didn’t expect that the moment she stood in the courtyard, she would see Mu Yunyao with a smile on her face coming out: “Greetings, Elder Sister.”

“Little Sister Yunyao quickly gets up.” Su Yuyi carefully examined Mu Yunyao’s face, her eyes filled with concern, “The wounds on your face seem to have lightened a bit compared to yesterday. How’s the injury on your body? Does it still hurts badly?”

“It’s just that I’ve been beaten twice. Because I have been weak since I was young, I can’t withstand it. That’s why it looks a little more serious. If it placed on ordinary people, I presume it wouldn’t be much of a problem.”

“Little sister is very delicate. In the future, you must take extra care to recuperate, so I have prepared some medicinal materials to apologize to Little sister.” As Su Yuyi spoke, her eyes filled with sadness. Her long eyelashes reflected the sunlight on her flawless cheeks. She looked as beautiful as a fairy. “At that time, I did not make a decision immediately and believed too much in Yanran’s words. I misunderstood you and caused you to be slapped. Not only did you receive a slap, you even received two planks. I am truly sorry …”

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Mu Yunyao smiled. “Elder Sister is right, you didn’t know about this matter from the beginning to the end, so naturally, you can’t be blamed. Who would have thought that a noble girl like Miss Meng would actually condescend to use such a despicable method to frame me?”

“It’s good that Little Sister isn’t angry. I hope that Little Sister can take these medicine materials. It can help you to recuperate and get better.”

“Then I will not be polite with Elder Sister. Thank you very much, Elder Sister.”

“You and I are good sisters, so there’s no need to be polite.” Su Yuyi smiles, just like a peony in full bloom. “Today, in addition to apologizing to Little Sister, I also want to ask if you have any guests that would like to be invited. Mother is preparing a banquet to welcome Aunt and you, and the invitation will be sent out in the afternoon.”

“When Mother and I didn’t know many people when we first came in the Capital. We were only sending an invitation to the inspector general’s office to Lord Cao. There is no need for anything else.”

“Alright, I’ll tell Mother when I came back and asked her to draft up the invitation and send it over as soon as possible. You’ve only been in the Capital for a short while, so you don’t know many people. However, you will slowly get familiar with them after a few more banquets. If I receive any invitations in the future, I will definitely invite you to go with me.” Su Yuyi intimately pulled on Mu Yunyao with a smile that like the bright and shining morning glow.

Mu Yunyao couldn’t help but sigh in her heart. No wonder Su Yuyi had walked so smoothly in her previous life and had such an appearance, even in the Nine Heavens Dragon Gate, there would still be people lying on the ground, doing their best to protect her. They would desperately send her straight into the sky, and they would even have to sacrifice everything in exchange for her smile.…

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“Thank you, Elder Sister.”

After showing her good intentions, Su Yuyi led her servants and left in a mighty manner. Mu Yunyao stood in the courtyard looking at her back, and the corners of her lips revealed a mocking smile.

Back then, she wasn’t loved by the Old Madam. When she was struggling in the Su family’s backyard, this young miss had walked over with such a smile and affectionately held her hands as she spoke about their sisterhood. Who could have thought that behind her words that kept talking about sisterhood, there was a poisoned sword.

Su Yuyi had torn off her hypocritical face just because she had unintentionally gotten a compliment from the Third Prince. One poison sword after another had pierced down, almost taking her life.

The love between sisters was deep, but in reality, it wasn’t really worth a damn.

Mu Yunyao gathered her thoughts. Seeing the medicinal materials in Jin Lan and Jin Qiao’s hands, she made them put the herb into the pavilion beside the lotus pond. She casually picked up plump ginseng and dragged it on the table.

The Snow Fox jumped over. Seeing Mu Yunyao’s actions, it slightly lowered its body and shook its ears as if it was making threatening noises at the ginseng as if it was treating it as its prey.

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Mu Yunyao chuckled and took the ginseng to tease the Snow Fox while watching her bounce around on the table. Just as she thought this was interesting, he suddenly heard a somewhat arrogant voice in her ear. “What are you doing?”

Mu Yunyao stopped her actions and looked over. She saw a young girl with eyes full of arrogance.

The girl was not tall and was very slender, even a bit weaker than her. Because she was so thin and frail, her eyes exceptionally looked big. She slightly raised her eyebrows, looking over with a wild and untamed gaze, as well as hidden a bit of curiosity.

Mu Yunyao slightly tilted her head, leaned on the table, and supported it with one hand. The snow fox climbed up her other arm, crouched on top of her shoulder, and stared at the girl. “Who are you? How come I’ve never seen you before?”

The young girl’s gaze swept back and forth between Mu Yunyao and the Snow Fox. She pursed her lips slightly, the arrogance in her eyes becoming even more intense. “You should call me Elder Sister!”

“Nonsense, you’re not even taller than me, and you’re also much skinnier than me. You should be the one calling me Elder Sister!” Mu Yunyao chuckled. The Snow Fox on her shoulder also rolled away and almost fell to the ground.

The young girl’s eyes widened, and she almost cried out when she saw the Snow Fox falling down. Fortunately, the Snow Fox was smart and agile, so it stretched out her paws to grab Mu Yunyao’s clothes, but it accidentally left a scratch on the beautifully embroidered fabrics.

Mu Yunyao reached out and took the back of the Snow Fox’s neck and put it on the table: “You’ve damaged my clothes. Think about how to compensate. If you can’t afford it, I’ll take off your fur to make a collar.”

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