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After Mu Yunyao stood up, she directly walked over to Lady Jin. “Daughter greets Mother.”

Lady Jin stood up and helped her up. With a face full of smiles, she sized her up before asking, “Yao’er, is everything alright?”

After hearing about the relationship between Su Qing and Mu Yunyao with the Su family, Lady Jin had hoped that they would come to the Capital as soon as possible. Finally, she was looking forward to them coming. Lady Jin had been waiting for two days to come to visit. However, she heard that Mu Yunyao had got slapped by the young miss of the Meng family. After carefully inquiring about the causes and consequences, she couldn’t help feeling distressed.

Now that Mu Yunyao’s face was practically devoid of traces, it was only then that she felt her heart, which had been hanging in the air this entire time, calm down.

“After coming to the Capital, my grandmother and aunts took great care of my mother and me. Everything was peaceful and good.” Mu Yunyao had a sweet smile as if there wasn’t the slightest bit of haze on her face.

Lady Jin lightly squeezed Mu Yunyao’s hand and replied with a smile, “That’s good.” She had no one to rely on when she came here, and she didn’t even know anyone. So she was framed and made things difficult for her. Fortunately, the Emperor summoned her to the Palace. The backyard of the influential house has always been the most tight-knit. It was not a secret that even if someone died, they would be able to do it soundlessly.

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Mu Yunyao’s heart warmed. After accompanying Lady Jin for a while, she saw Su Yuyi walk over. “Little Sister Yunyao. Last time, we agreed that I would bring you to meet a few more people. Today is perfect for that. Everyone is here, let’s go talk together, how about it?”

Mu Yunyao looked at Su Qing, “Mother, please accompany my adoptive mother. Elder Sister and I are going to make some friends.”


Lady Jin nodded at Mu Yunyao, hinting that she would take good care of Su Qing. Only then did Mu Yunyao relax and followed Su Yuyi’s footsteps.

There were all sorts of colorful chrysanthemums blooming outside, and none of the chrysanthemums that could be placed here were ordinary. With just a glance, Mu Yunyao could see Purple Dragon Lying Snow (Zi Long Wo Xue), Cinnabar Red Frost (Zhu Sha Hong Shuang), and Yotai Jade Pheonix (Yao Tai Yu Feng) … Each flower had a different shape and blooms to the extreme. It made people unable to shift their eyes away.

In order to make the young ladies more at ease, the ladies gathered in the main hall, leaving the courtyard empty for the young ladies to play.

Mu Yunyao followed Su Yuyi to the corner pavilion. With a glance, she saw the ugly Meng Yanran sitting in the pavilion. She couldn’t help but slightly raise her eyebrows. “I really didn’t think that this Young Miss Meng would dare to appear here right after being humiliated.”

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Meng Yanran also saw Mu Yunyao. A trace of malice flashed past her eyes.

Su Yuyi didn’t stop and walked to the pavilion to greet a few young ladies who had already stood up.

Su Yuyi had a smile on her face: “Little Sister Yunyao, let me introduce you. You already know Little Sister Yanran, so there’s no need to say anymore. Here is the legitimate daughter of the University Scholar Mansion, Zhang Wan. Here is the legitimate daughter of the head of the Imperial Academy, Zhou Yuyin. They are both older than you, so you should call them Elder Sister.”

Mu Yunyao stepped forward to pay her respects but didn’t follow Su Yuyi’s words to address them as an elder sister. Instead, she greeted them one by one according to their identities, “Greetings, Miss Meng, Miss Zhang, and Miss Zhou.”

At the end of the salute, Mu Yunyao glanced over Zhang Wanin intensively. She was the young miss of the University Scholar Mansion whom Su Qingwu get betrothed. According to their agreement, the two of them would be married by the end of the year, but who would have thought that during the September Autumn Hunt, the Sixth Princess of Huai Yang would be able to recognize Su Qing with a single glance. She had threatened him to marry her and had even caused a commotion. If Su Qingwu didn’t want to marry her, he would have to leave the family, forcibly annulling this marriage.

“Miss Mu need not be so courteous. I have long heard of your good name. Seeing you today is indeed worthy of your reputation.” The one who spoke was Zhang Wan. She had a gentle and beautiful appearance, and her tone was exceptionally soft. At this moment, she was smiling as if she wanted to draw others closer to her.

The University Scholar’s Mansion was extremely strict with their daughter’s upbringing. Every move of Zhang Wan’s was exceptionally well-behaved. However, her character was too soft and weak, allowing her to accept death’s reason. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been forced to die in the end.

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Meng Yanran laughed coldly and said without concealing her hostility, “Is the wound on your face has healed? It’s strange to say that. I think about it carefully. That day, I didn’t really use much strength to beat you. Why are the scars on your face blue and purple, so how many days have they disappeared?”

She kept having the feeling that Mu Yunyao was the one who had done something to her, purposely acting pitiful to gain sympathy!

Mu Yunyao looked over indifferently, with a smile on her lips. “The skin on my face is delicate, and even I usually can’t stand bumping. It’s unlike an ordinary person whose skin is thicker and will not show any traces of being slapped the next day.”

Meng Yanran stared at Mu Yunyao with a gaze that caused people felt chills running down their spine. This bitch, didn’t she say she was thick-skinned? She took a deep breath to regain her senses, “Little sister Yunyao’s eloquence is truly something that no one can compare. You must have read quite a lot every day, right?”

Meng Yanran couldn’t use injuries as an excuse to belittle her, so just used her background?

Mu Yunyao is really a bit unpredictable about Meng Yanran’s mind. The best method right now for this person was obediently staying in the Meng family. Once this matter was settled, she would then think of a way to save her reputation. Who would have thought that she would actually appear at this banquet and take the initiative to be humiliated.

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“Miss Meng should know that I’m from the countryside. I only speak the truth. I haven’t read many books.”

Zhang Wan, who was standing at the side, noticed that the situation had turned sluggish and could not help but say, “The chrysanthemum flowers in the yard are blooming quite well. I saw a Yatoi Jade Phoenix …”

Meng Yanran refused to let her go, her eyes full of sarcasm, “Sister Zhang, how did Little Sister Yunyao know what a Yatoi Jade Phoenix is? I’m afraid that she has only seen wild chrysanthemums blossoming in the countryside and might even think that the Ink Peony is a black peony flower! “

Mu Yunyao, on the other hand, didn’t care at all. She calmly looked at Meng Yanran, “People don’t know it when they are born. I have never come into contact with these rare chrysanthemum varieties. I don’t know if it’s excusable. Does Miss Meng have any advice for me?” Zhang Wan slightly heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone knew about the conflict between Mu Yunyao and Meng Yanran, and she was afraid that the two would quarrel on the spot. However, from the looks of it, Miss Mu was a sensible person. Even when she was scorned and humiliated, she isn’t angry. On the other hand, it was Miss Meng who was so aggressive, but she is inferior.

Meng Yanran sneered, “I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand even if I gave you advice. What can I say to you? Can you tell me the colors when I talked about wild chrysanthemums?”

Mu Yunyao’s gaze became cold, “Appreciating flowers has its own preferences. Some people like expensive and famous products, but some people prefer natural things. From what Miss Meng said, you looked down ad don’t like rural farmers. As a person, one must not forget one’s duty. Drinking water is still thinking about the source. Miss Meng enjoys the convenience brought by rural farmers, but she keeps looking down on others. Don’t you think you are hypocritical?”

“You, what did you say?”

Mu Yunyao’s figure stood straight, and her voice filled with authority, “Could it be that what I said was wrong? Which of the fragrant rice, vegetables, and fruit that you eat every day is not the result of farmers’ hard work? It could be said that they had gone through the cold to reclaim the land, had taken good care of it in the heat, and had poured sweat over it to make the food sweet in your mouth. If you looked down and did not like them, you could have avoided eating later on. You also wore satins and silks, without the farmers breeding the silkworm, without the farmers shedding the cocoons and reeling the silks. How could you wear so brightly today? That’s right, I’m from the countryside, but I’ve never been ashamed of it, so you don’t have to remind me all the time!”

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