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“Yao’er, you want to befriend with the Second Madam?”

“Not really. I have more or less given Su You some face. That fifth sister…How to say, I always feel like I’m in the same boat with her.”

“Sympathize with each other?” Su Qing thought for a moment and suddenly reacted. “Yao’er, I can see that Su You’s body is really fragile. I’ve heard you mention the Su family before, but you’ve never mentioned her. Could it be?”

Mu Yunyao slightly nodded her head, “If we were to calculate according to the time, it should be around the age of 15. ThatElder Sister Su You probably won’t be able to hold on.”

Su Qing’s heart skipped a beat. Although she hadn’t spoken to Su You, she had a look at her from afar. The child was even thinner and weaker than Yao’er. “Can you still save her?” Although she felt that it was a pity, she was selfish enough not to involve her daughter.

Mu Yunyao’s eyes flashed with a dark light. “Mother, I secretly took a look at her pulse. I have sixty to seventy percent confidence in myself, and I’ve also discovered a surprisingly interesting matter.”


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“She has accumulated quite a lot of poison in her body. Although it is said that there will be three portions of poison in her body and there will be some residual poison within her body after taking medicine all year round, it shouldn’t have accumulated to such an extent? Who do you think is behind this?”

Su Qing felt chills behind her back. She thought that the entire Su family was like a vicious beast with its mouth wide open, and it was unknown when it would bite down, causing people not even have a corpse. “Although Su You was the Second Madam’s daughter, as a daughter’s family, she didn’t hinder people much. Why should someone do so much harm to her?”

“There must be some other reason, but we don’t know about it yet.”

Mu Yunyao had a faint guess in her heart, but she didn’t have any evidence at the moment and couldn’t rashly tell Su Qing about it. Thought about it, this matter gave off a goosebumps feeling.

Although Su You was a girl, the girls in the officials’ families had always been precious. She was the direct descendant and held an important position amongst the descendants of the Su family. Besides, her Second Uncle and Second Aunt were very fond of her. All the imperial physicians in the Palace were invited, but a lot of poison accumulated in her body. Could it be that none of the imperial physicians invited could detect the poison? Since she could see through it, why didn’t they remind them? If she thought about it more deeply, if someone could move his hand all the way to the head of the Second house without the Second house noticing, what kind of identity did this person have?

Mu Yunyao slightly blinked her eyes, her heart filled with curiosity. In her previous life, although she also had doubts in her heart. But because of her identity, she couldn’t verify them one by one. She had plenty of time and energy in this life to dig out the hidden things of the Su family. She is also sure that these things will push the Su family to the bottomless abyss!

Mu Yunyao didn’t take the Mid-Autumn Festival Palace Banquet to heart, but she didn’t expect that Third Prince, Jin Wang, would deliver a post to her door the next day. Along with the gifts that Jin Wang prepared, they weren’t considered expensive, only two pots of blooming chrysanthemums.

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Mu Yunyao took the invitation. It was personally written by Jin Wang to invited her to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival Palace Banquet.

Jin Lan courteously sent the person who sent the post and gift away. When she returned, she saw Mu Yunyao’s smiling expression as she examined the chrysanthemum. “Miss, why His Royal Highness Jin send a gift to you?”

Mu Yunyao extended her pure white fingertips and lightly touched the petals in front of her. “Jin Lan, do you know the names of these two chrysanthemums?”

“This servant doesn’t recognize him. But, I think it looks pretty good.”

“This pot of white, with the slender and curled petal and light purple tips, were called Baiou Zhubo, while the petals the other has two different colors. The petals on the front are red and black, while the back is a flawless white. When the petals closed, people would think that the flower was white, but after it was fully bloomed, they found something mysterious inside. So, they have named it Shameless Beauty.” Mu Yunyao said while carefully measuring that pot of Shameless Beauty. It seemed that she was extremely fond of it.

Jin Lan frowned and thought for a moment before asking hesitantly, “Miss, aren’t the names of these two pots of flowers a little strange?” It always gave people the feeling that Jin Wang had an ulterior motive.

Mu Yunyao lightly laughed as a light flashed in her eyes, “You said that it has some other profound meaning, but in reality, it’s just two pots of flowers. If you say that it’s ordinary and unremarkable, then this name only makes people think.” It was the outstanding aspect of Jin Wang. He had only done fifty to sixty percent of what he said. But, in the eyes of the onlookers, he always felt that he had done his best. Therefore, even the Emperor was looking up to him with all his might. He had even said the words ‘Jin Wang Xiao Zhen’ before, and it was only because of these four words that Jin Wang had been able to travel smoothly in the Imperial Court these past few years.

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“Miss, what is the meaning of these two pots of flowers?”

Mu Yunyao lightly withdrew her finger and took two steps back. She carefully appreciated the pot of Shameless Beauty and said, “Put these two pots of flowers on the windowsill of my room. I can see that they’re extremely my style and let Jin Qiao carefully take care of them.”

“Yes, Miss.”

Su Qing arrived at Mu Yunyao’s room and immediately saw the flower pot on the windowsill. “Yao’er, why did you place the flowers here?”

Mu Yunyao extended a hand and pulled Su Qing to the window sill to admire them. “Mother, take a careful look. Are these two pots of flowers pretty?”

Mu Yunyao stretched out her hand and pulled Su Qing to the windowsill to admire. “Mother, take a closer look. Are these two pots of flowers beautiful?”

“It looks astonishingly beautiful, especially this flower pot with two colors petal. It is certainly amazing to look at.” The white side was pure and flawless, while the other side was a deep red, even the color was a bit black.

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“I like this Shameless Beauty very much too.” Mu Yunyao’s eyes held a smile. “Mother, I didn’t want to enter the Palace at first, but Third Prince ordered someone to send a post. Coincidentally, I also want to enter the Palace to take a look at Elder Sister Yuyi’s demeanor, so I’m afraid that I won’t be able to accompany you during the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

“That’s nothing. We are together every day and reunited every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s Mid-Autumn Festival or not.”

“Then Mother will make some mooncakes for me to eat tonight.”

“There’s no problem for my mother to do it, but the dining room...”

“It’s okay, let Jin Lan give them orders and free up one or two stoves.”

Su Qing felt that this wasn’t appropriate. After all, there were many things to be done in the kitchen. If they can spare two for them, the others might have to wait a little longer before they could eat.

Mu Yunyao, however, didn’t mind at all, “Mother, there’s no need to think much about it. I only want to find an excuse to create a small kitchen. To eat the food in the dining room, a meal or two, and it isn’t a big deal, but I won’t be able to bear it for a long time.” They’re all things that need to be imported. They’re in the hands of others, and they don’t have the peace of mind to hold them.

“Well then, let Jin Lan give an order later.” Su Qing nodded and stopped insisting. Besides, she also wanted to make something for Yao’er.

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