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As Mu Yunyao stood up, she felt a strong wave of anger coming from her side. She turned her head and saw Su Yu Yi’s gaze filled with anger, and Su Yuyi said, “Cousin Sister is here kneels down to pray for Grandfather, but she still has time to pay her respects in front of the Grand Princess, this is truly unexpected.”

“I also took advantage of it. Because I came here earlier yesterday, thus I met with the Grand Princess. If Elder Sister had been here yesterday, I don’t think I would have had the chance to meet her today.”

Mu Yunyao’s words were very amiable. But in Su Yuyi’s ears, it was no different than a slap to her face.

Why didn’t she come yesterday? Wasn’t it because the Capital was filled with unbearable rumors, confusing her with a lowly dancer, forcing her to find someone and teach her how to dance, so she could use it to break through the rumors and restore her reputation.

Mu Yunyao’s words were obviously taunting her! She was just a lowly slut under someone else’s roof. How dare she say such words?

“Then Cousin Sister should go and copy the Buddhist scriptures as soon as possible. After all, the matter with the Grand Princess is more important, so we can’t delay her.” A fire rose in Su Yuyi’s heart, but her expression became more arrogant and colder. She raised her head high, and her slender neck was graceful. After saying that, she leads her people to walk away. Su Qingwu looked worriedly at Su Yuyi, then turned to Mu Yunyao and said, “Being able to help Grand Princess Yi De write a Buddhist scripture is your good fortune. Don’t go to the prayer hall to kneel down at night, so you could copy Buddhist scriptures with ease. In addition, in order to appear solemnity, you should take a bath in the incense in advance, and then go to the main hall to worship the Buddha, and then go to the Scripture Pavilion to copy the Buddhist scripture, so that the etiquette is not lost.”

“Thank you for the reminder, Cousin.” Mu Yunyao thanked him in an extremely courteous manner, but her heart was still a little unsettled.

The reason Grand Princess Yi De was able to see the Buddhist scriptures that she copied must be because she was reading them in the prayer hall. That is to say, last night, Yue Wang must have been there. So today, is it because of Yue Wang that Grand Princess Yi De asked her to copy the Buddhist scriptures?

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Su Qing walked up and caressed Mu Yunyao’s hair, “You don’t have to think so much about it. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse is not something that can be avoided. The Grand Princess’s words have already been handed over. All you have to do is copy the Buddhist scriptures with peace of mind.

Mu Yunyao nodded. “Alright. I’ll listen to Mother. Mother needs to pay extra attention to herself. If you want to go out for a walk, you must bring along Si Qin and Si Qi with you.

After copying these two scrolls of Buddhist scriptures, she was at the heart of the struggle. Furthermore, looked at Su Yuyi’s appearance today clearly showed that she was full of resentment. However, this was Baohua Temple, and with Grand Princess Yi De here, she shouldn’t act rashly.

“Don’t worry.”

Mu Yunyao had a great impression of Grand Princess Yi De, so when she was asked to copy the Buddhist scriptures, no matter what the reason was, her heart filled with respect.

The moment she returned to her room, she saw a flower vase placed on the table. The vase was slender and long. At the mouth of the vase, there were two blooming Hibiscus Mutabilis.

When Si Shu saw her expression, she felt more guilty and said in a low voice, “Miss, these two Hibiscus Mutabilis flowers were also picked up by this servant.”

Mu Yunyao angered to the point of laughing, “I still lack a maid. Do you want to pick her up at the door as well?”

“Ah, doesn’t Miss have a servant by her side? There are Jin Lan and Jin Qiao. Are they not enough?”

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“Isn’t this to find a new one to exchange for you?” Mu Yunyao glanced at her.

Si Shu hurriedly pleaded, her face turning pale. “Miss, this servant knows her wrongs. In the future, I will not randomly pick up anything. Please forgive this servant.”

Mu Yunyao looked at Hibiscus Mutabilis, which was on the table, and bit her lower lip. “Get up and prepare some hot water. I want to bathe myself. You wait until I finish copying the Buddhist scriptures, and I will settle accounts with you slowly.”

Si Shu turned bitter. “Yes, this servant will go right away.”

Mu Yunyao forced herself to look away from Hibiscus Mutabilis after the Si Shu left. She bit her lower lip and said, “Idiot.” It was unknown if she talked about the Si Shu or Yue Wang...

Mu Yunyao did her best to suppress her rising and falling thoughts. After bathing in the incense, she changed into a set of plain white clothes and used a jade-green hairpin to tie up her hair. Then, she headed to the main hall to worship the Buddha.

Su Qing was also worried about Mu Yunyao, so she let Si Shu and Si Hua follow her. She herself brought Si Qin and Si Qi to the prayer hall to continue kneeling.

The Baohua Temple was different from other Buddhist temples. It could borrow and copy the ancient manuscripts in the temple at will. Thus, a special place for copying scriptures has been opened up, which was the Scripture Pavilion where Mu Yunyao is now.

It was too quiet at night in the Scripture Pavilion. As soon as Mu Yunyao walked in, she could smell the faint scent of ink. The books and records were neatly placed on the bookshelves, and a little novice monk was standing by to sort them out.

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“Amitabha, does female benefactor want to copy a scripture?” Little novice monk looked to be about seven or eight years old and was about the same age as Nan’er. Her appearance was round and adorable, and his movements were especially earnest.

Mu Yunyao clasped her hands together in return. “Yes, I want to copy out two scrolls of the original Bodhisattva wishes, and I hope that Little Master can help me find them.”

“Yes, please come with me.”

Very soon, the little novice monk took out the Buddhist scriptures from the cloth bag, “Please treasure the Buddhist scriptures, Miss. After you have finished copying the Buddhist scriptures, put manuscripts on the table. The manuscripts can be taken away with you. This humble monk will not bother you anymore.”

“Thank you, Little Master.”

Si Shu and Si Hua helped to lay the paper and grind the ink. Mu Yunyao looked at the flickering candle flame, and her eyes gradually calmed down. “I’ll do it myself.” Since she wanted to copy it, she might as well do it with all her heart. Hopefully, Grand Princess Yi De could find her lost daughter as soon as possible.

The night was quiet, and the sounds of the insects were notably clear.

Mu Yunyao kneeled on the ground with her back straight. Her body was upright, and her white wrists were slightly suspended. The tip of her pen was slightly moved, and one by one, the charming small letters jumped onto a piece of paper.

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Yue Wang leaned on the entrance of the Scripture Pavilion and gestured at Si Shu and Si Hua to keep quiet. His gentle gaze gently fell on Mu Yunyao’s body as a concentrated and fiery light seemed to revolve in his eyes.

Mu Yunyao finished copying a Buddhist scripture. As she was changing the paper, her gaze inadvertently drifted towards the door, and she suddenly saw Yue Wang standing there. She didn’t know how long he looked at her, “His Royal Highness Yue Wang, when did you get here?”

Yue Wang walked in and looked at the Buddhist scriptures on the table. His eyes flashed with a touch of distress. “Don’t be in such a hurry. Just finish copying it before we leave Baohua Temple.”

Earlier, she had already copied down twenty scrolls of Buddhist scriptures, day and night. Because he was worried that she wouldn’t be able to hold kneeling on any longer, he secretly opened his mouth to speak to his Imperial Aunt. He had no idea that she was so anxious that she would come all night to do so.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to send the Buddhist scripture to Grand Princess Yide earlier?”

Yue Wang felt a little helpless. He should have thought of this earlier. Yunyao’s character was always stubborn, and she unwilling to show any weakness in front of others.

Si Shu and Si Hua had already retreated, and the little novice monk who had been standing guard had also disappeared. At this moment, there were only her and Yue Wang in the room. Mu Yunyao couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

However, Yue Wang didn’t seem to notice her uneasiness as he slowly walked up to the table and sat down. He looked at the Buddhist scripture Mu Yunyao had copied, and his heart was full of appreciation.

Yunyao is very powerful. She could not only imitate his broad open, and strong calligraphy, but she could also control his elegant, reserved, and introverted style. Just like her, she looks gentle and harmless, delicate and beautiful as a flower in the bud that was about to bloom. But once she was angered, she could also show her strength and kill people on sight.

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