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The Old Madam exclaimed and fell to the ground slowly with a pale face.

Su Wenyuan immediately went forward to support the Old Madam. “Mother, what’s wrong with you? Go get a doctor!”

Lin Yuhan, the medicine woman that took care of the Old Madam, hurried forward to take her pulse. Her face was filled with anxiety as she replied, “Reporting to the Lord, the Old Madam’s pulse is extremely chaotic. She was so frightened that her blood was not flowing smoothly.”

As soon as Doctor Lin finished speaking, the Old Madam who had fainted earlier suddenly opened her eyes and struck out with her cane towards Su You. Her eyes were slightly lifeless, completely different from her usual self, as her face contorted with a sense of unspeakable ruthlessness: “Little bitch, why aren’t you dead? Why aren’t you dead yet?”

The people around dispersed one after another, looking in disbelief at Old Madam Sun. Hearing these words, was it something that a grandmother should say as a person?

The Second Madam had been guarding Su You carefully. Upon seeing the Old Madam hitting someone with her walking stick, she hurriedly used her body to help Su You block it. “Mother, what’s wrong with you?”

The Old Madam seemed to resent and have a deep hatred for Su You a lot. “Useless thing. The Su family has been supporting you with delicious and delicious food for so many years. It’s not easy for you to be to come in handy. How dare you not listen to my orders? If you die, everything will be fine!”

Su Wenyuan came forward and wanted to cover the Old Madam’s mouth, “Mother, you’re sick. You’re so sick that you’re losing your mind.”

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Doctor Lin was pushed to the side and quickly cried out for someone to support the Old Madam. “The Old Madam has lost her mind. Quickly stop her.”

Lost her mind? The Old Madam of the Su family lost her mind because she was in shock and frightened? This matter was enough for them to laugh for half a year. Moreover, from her words just now, she seemed to be hoping for Su You’s death. In this way, it would be reasonable to frame Mu Yunyao for the crime. Unexpectedly, the kind Old Madam, who always fasting and chants Buddhism, her heart was completely dark!

Su Wenyuan covered the Old Madam’s mouth, but the latter did not give up. She fiercely bit his hand and almost bit off his finger. Su Wenyuan could only let go with a cry of pain.

The Old Madam scoffed coldly and looked at Mu Yunyao with a crazed expression, “You also deserve to die, bitch! Don’t think about destroying the Su family. The Su family will get better and better! The credit for spreading the embroidery needle technique belonged to the Su family. Ni Yun Fang and Bu Xian Luo also belonged to the Su family too! A disobedient chess piece should be destroyed. All of them must be destroyed!” After shouting, the Old Madam seemed to have run out of energy and fell straight onto the maid’s body.

Su Wenyuan knelt down beside the Old Madam with a dejected look. His fingers couldn’t help but tremble. “Mother … Mother....”

Without saying anything, all the guests began to take their leave this time.

Su Wenyuan did not even bother with his usual courtesies and did not even say a word of farewell. The guests didn’t mind either. They had watched a good show today, and it can be said that they are satisfied.

Shen Binghuai stood at the side and did not move. Behind him was an officer from Shuntian Manor, “Lord Su, today’s matters must be investigated. I have already written a note and sent it to the Imperial Palace. I had asked His Majesty to grant me a permission.”

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Su Wenyuan handed the Old Madam over to the maid and got up with a gloomy face. “Lord Shen, my mother is very ill. Do you really have to add insult to injury at this time?”

“Lord Su must be joke. The Old Madam is seriously ill, and I am also quite worried. However, what I want to investigate is a lawsuit. If it has nothing to do with the Old Madam, it will not disturb her peace. Does Lord Su think that this will affect the Old Madam?” Shen Binghuai had a righteous face, and when he thinks of the Old madam’s roaring just now, he feels that there is a big problem hidden in it.

Su Wenyuan’s expression became even more unsightly. “The Emperor has yet to issue a decree allowing Lord Shen to investigate the matter in my residence. Please head back first. When the Emperor’s imperial decree is comes down, it won’t be too late for Lord Shen to investigate this matter.”

Shen Binghuai looked at Su Wenyuan and frowned tightly. If he were to leave now, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to find anything else.

Mu Yunyao suddenly opened her mouth, “Eldest Uncle, Lord Shen just wants to investigate the matter of how Shen Ce harmed my reputation and framed me for ordering a murder. This has nothing to do with Eldest Uncle, so we don’t have to wait for His Majesty’s approval, right?”

Su Wenyuan suddenly turned around and stared at Mu Yunyao with an unfriendly gaze, “Yunyao, you have to differentiate between the internal from the external relations, and be able to see your own relatives. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Mu Yunyao ridiculed him with a smile, “It’s true that internal and external relations are important. However, it’s better to be clear that it was not black and white. Eldest Uncle is an official in the court and is deeply trusted by the Emperor. You should be more clear than anyone.”

“You....” Su Wenyuan’s heart was filled with killing intent, and he wished that he could kill Mu Yunyao with his gaze.

Mu Yunyao wasn’t the least bit afraid as she stared straight back at Su Wenyuan and didn’t lose any momentum. Without any hesitation, she said, “Lord Shen, there’s a case concerning me. Do you want to accept it?” Shen Binghuai looked at Mu Yunyao, and a hint of a smile appeared on his face that had always been serious. “Since there’s a grievance, why didn’t I dare accept it? I’ve taken over Miss Mu’s case and am about to proceed with the investigation now. When the coroner examined the body, you arrested the people involved in this matter. Placed them in Shuntian Manor’s prison and waited for me to interrogate them one by one.”

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“Shen Binghuai, those are the servants in this official’s house. How dare you put them in prison?”

“Lord Su, do the servants in your residence have an official rank, or does he have a title?”


“Since there isn’t any, why can’t this official lock them up? Men, bring these people away!”

Su Wenyuan was so angry that he felt his vision darken. When he saw the Old Madam lying unconscious on the ground and his wife sitting limply on the ground, he felt as if something had collapsed. Was the Su family doomed?

Shen Binghuai brought his men to investigate the East Wing room and pond. Then he saw that Mu Yunyao was standing quietly by the side. “Miss Mu is the victim and has involved this case. This official will invite Miss over to the Shuntian Manor to question her later.”

Mu Yunyao bent her knees and saluted, “Lord Shen, if you have any questions, you can summon me at any time. However, I will soon move out of the Su family residence and temporarily stay in Ni Yun Fang. Afterward, I will buy a house and move out. My people will inform Lord Shen where I will move at any time.”


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“Mu Yunyao, your grandmother is seriously ill and unconscious. Do you still want to move out now?” A fire appeared in Su Wenyuan’s eyes. If he let Mu Yunyao and Su Qing leave the Su family right now, it would be even harder for him to control them in the future.

“When Grandmother wakes up, Mother and I will personally come and apologize and allow Grandmother to punish us. Now we must go and pack our things first.” After Mu Yunyao finished speaking, she ordered Jin Lan, Jin Qiao, and the others, “Prepare a carriage and bring away whatever you can take away. If you can’t,will find another time to clean it up.”

“Yes, Miss.”

Su Wenyuan’s face was cold as he turned to look at Shen Binghuai. “Lord Shen, shouldn’t you be leaving now?”

Shen Binghuai looked worriedly at Mu Yunyao. Judging from Su Wenyuan’s attitude, he probably wouldn’t let her and Su Qing leave so easily.

Mu Yunyao smiled at Shen Binghuai and lightly shook her head, indicating that he didn’t have to worry.

“Lord Shen,do you have anything else to do?” Su Wenyuan’s tone was even worse.

“This official will take his leave first. I will take care of yourself.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Su Wenyuan said as he watched Shen Binghuai and his men leave. He then called for the guards in the front courtyard, “Close the door, and no one is allowed to go in and out at will!”

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