Chapter 45

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They only had Liu Liang to protect them. A dragon would never be able to overpower a local snake. If the Tan family were to surround them, they would not be able to escape.

(T/N: A dragon may be strong, but it can never defeat someone in its own domain. Can set traps, call backup etc.)

Liu Liang was frozen as he saw the two of them run away. Only when Mu Yunyao looked back and hurriedly wave at him did he start to run too. His usually emotionless eyes had a hint of laughter in them. It was gone in the next moment, however.

The two boatmen had already returned. Mu Yunyao got onto the boat and said, “Let’s go quickly, I just saw the tax collector heading in this direction.”

“Ah, go, quick, quick.” The boatmen did not need her command. They immediately untied the rope and got the boat away from the dock in a flash.

Mu Yunyao, who was sitting in the boat cabin, was extremely happy. If that Colour Moon Shop’s young master were to really go and get his revenge, things would become even more interesting.

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After Su Qing processed everything that had just happened, she examined Mu Yunyao’s body.”Yao Er, did you get hurt, you’re alright, right? You didn’t get injured?”

Mu Yunyao, who had been afraid that Su Qing would start to scold her, froze. Her eyes became crescent moons as she gave a big smile. “Mother, don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“That’s good, that’s good.” Su Qing brought Mu Yunyao into her embrace and gently massaged her hair. Yao Er had always been a kind girl, she would never do anything to harm someone else. It was that evil man’s fault, forcing Yao Er to go to such lengths.

Su Qing was completely unaware that she had started to get used to making excuses for Mu Yunyao’s actions. Mu Yunyao giggled as she leaned into Su Qing’s embrace. She felt that the negative emotions that had been suffocating her heart for the longest time were starting to dissipate. It seems that to completely regain her inner peace, she had to find a way to destroy the Su family and Jin Wang.

On Zhuian City dock, a group of servants holding sticks arrived. They checked the entire place for half a day but were unable to find Mu Yunyao. Tan Cuckold seethed, “If we can’t find that little wrench here, then go to the Capital. Spring Embroidery, Han family, I will definitely get my revenge!”

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After another half a month, the boat had went across Zhuai river and two cities. They entered Jingling river and slowly stopped at Jingling City dock.

Mu Yunyao helped Su Qing to stand. She looked at the buildings, her eyes bright. “Jingling City, we have come.”

Jingling City, the city that she had chosen out of all the others!

She gave the remaining payment to the boatmen and the three of them went onto the dock.

Su Qing was happy yet also a little nervous, “Yao Er, are we going to live here from today onwards?”

“Yes, Mother. This place is North of Suzhou City and Yangzhou City, South of Hangzhou Yangtze river. Transport is good and the atmosphere is more on the peaceful side. This place is most fitting for us.”

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“En, we are foreigners to this place, we must be careful. Yao Er, you……you must be level-headed, do you understand?” Don’t make a big scene out of a small matter.

Mu Yunyao quickly nodded her head, “Yes, Mother. Don’t worry, I will be very careful.”

It was currently noon. Mu Yunyao and company found an inn to have their meals and went into their rooms to rest. They slept till the sky got dark. When they woke up, they were much more lively.

They slept too much in the afternoon, causing them to be unable to sleep at night. Mu Yunyao and Su Qing lay together on the bed and started to chat.

“Mother, what kind of house do you like? Although we don’t have much money now, you can still choose a house that is to your liking. After I earn enough money, I will buy you the best house. Even the concubines in the palace won’t be as lucky as you.”

Su Qing couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright, Mother will wait for you.”

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“En, leave it all to me!” Mu Yunyao patted her chest, looking very proud of herself. “Mother, quick, tell me, what type of house do you like?”

Su Qing laughed even harder. She truly felt that her daughter was the only gift that she would ever want. “Mother once heard that there was book that included a gold house. What if Mother wants a gold house?”

“Alright! Mother, just you wait, not long later Yao Er will bring you into a gold house to live in!”

“Mother shall wait, then.”

“Mother, stop changing the subject, you still haven’t told me what type of house you liked……”

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