A flash of annoyance flashed through Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper’s eyes. Spring Embroidery, the very chain that had been a thorn to his side for so long, was gone. However, this girl appeared and stole his business. If he was unable to repress even a little girl like her, would he not become the laughing stock? For the past two months, Colour Moon Shop had earned a few thousand silver less than it was supposed to. Just the very thought of that made his heart bled.

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“Miss Mu, actually, I have come to discuss a partnership with you.”

“A partnership? How can a little girl like me be capable of helping you in any way?”

“Miss does not have to be so self-effacing, your skills have been continuously praised by Lady Jin, but for there to be only one person to do all the work is rather inefficient. Making one clothing would take you ten to fifteen days, that would equate you to only being able to earn about a thousand silvers every month. And that is only when there are no negative supply shocks. If there were, who knows how long it would take you to make the clothing?” Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper made himself sound like he was whole-heartedly trying to help.

“Looks like shopkeeper has investigated into my matters very thoroughly, “ Mu Yunyao gave a small smile. Nevertheless, she still looked very unreadable.

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Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper was feeling quite annoyed. He assumed that the only impressive thing about this girl was her clothes-making skills. Who knew, she was also quite sly. “Miss, I am only trying to create a partnership with you, you don’t have to be so on guard.”

“What does shopkeeper have in mind?”

“Our Colour Moon Shop is willing to give you a high price to buy Miss’s various special sewing techniques.” Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper’s face was filled with honesty. He stretched out two fingers, “As for the exact price, not any lower than this. How about that?”

“Twenty thousand silvers, shopkeeper is really serious.” Mu Yunyao lowered her eyelids and gave a light laugh.

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“I wonder if Miss is willing? You must know, with the rate that you are going, who knows when you are going to make twenty thousand silvers?”

“I only have my Mother, so we don’t need that much silver. If we had too much, we would be on edge all the time. I must thank shopkeeper for your kind gesture.”

Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper furrowed his eyebrows, “That means to say, you are rejecting my offer?”


“Hmph! I saw that a little girl like you was working so hard every day and decided to help you out. Do you think you have the power to go against my Colour Moon Shop? The powerful Spring Embroidery was beaten down by us until there was nothing left of them. As for you, you are just a mere fly!”

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Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper angrily stood up and swung his sleeve. His tone was also especially overbearing. Although he was trying to gain something from Mu Yunyao by partnering up with her, in reality, he held her with disdain. A little girl without any powerful roots can be easily squashed by Colour Moon Shop with a mere finger.

Mu Yunyao was still all smiles. There was not a single hint of annoyance on her face. She gestured for Liu Liang to come closer, “Help me escort Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper out. Remember to be very respectful.”

“Hmph! You refuse to drink the good wine and stubbornly want to drink the punishment wine! I have already offered you twenty thousand silvers, and yet you still refuse to cooperate! In future, don’t come crying to my door!”

(T/N: Those of the readers who regularly read Chinese translated novels probably heard of this wine thing. 敬酒不吃吃罚酒。It’s super common in Chinese online novels, and usually the bad guy says it. The mcs don’t really say it cuz they are supposed to be nice…? It kind of just means “you refuse to accept a kind gesture, but want the bad ones”. So basically, you can’t differentiate the good from the bad, and thus fail to accept others’ good intentions.)

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“What a pity, I refuse to drink any wine.”

(T/N: Mu Yunyao is trying to say that he can’t do anything to her.)

“You……,” Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper was about to say more when a cold light flashed before his eyes. He felt as if a water droplet had fallen onto his eyebrow. He retreated, shocked. His frightened eyes stared at Liu Liang’s long sword. “Good, good, I see how it is. Next time, don’t come begging to me!” He turned and ran out the door.

The moment his retreating figure disappeared, Mu Yunyao suddenly laughed. “Liu Liang, I am doubling your salary this month. No, make it triple!”

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