Mu Yunyao’s heart could not help but ache for her. “Mother, it’s already very late, you can do the rest tomorrow, you don’t have to be in such a rush.”

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She got Su Qing to help with the records only because she did not want Su Qing to become too bored, but she also did not want Su Qing to feel tired. Not even a bit.

Su Qing closed a book. “These two days, although we only sold a few sets of clothing, we did not account for the cost of the needles and fabrics and even the disciples’ salary. If we don’t do it as soon as possible, we might meet into some trouble soon.” Mu Yunyao froze before nodding her head in agreement. “Mother, it’s good that you reminded me. The clothes that we made are for those big shots. If anyone were to try to make changes to the clothes to try to make trouble for us, we could have a big problem. If we were to do our records properly now, we would have evidence in the future.”

Hearing that her suggestion was useful, Su Qing was very happy. “Alright, I will take heed. In the future, no matter what, we must record everything down here.”

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“Then I must trouble Mother.”

Su Qing smiled in reply. Before, she felt utterly useless. Now that she could truly help Mu Yunyao, she was extremely happy and felt that this job was not torturous in any way.

The mother and daughter pair chatted a while longer until bedtime. However, Mu Yunyao was still whining about wanting to sleep together with Su Qing, causing Su Qing to shake her head. “Mother here is raising a huge infant!”

“Where would you be able to find such a beautiful baby like me?”

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“Mother does not know if this beauty can be found anywhere else, but Mother is sure that this thick-skinned aspect of yours is unrivalled.”


When the lights had all turned off, Liu Liang hugged his sword and jumped onto a tree. He settled down onto a branch and laid down. The stars in the sky reflected against his eyes, making it seem like his eyes were sparkling. In the future, he would also have to be extra careful to stop anyone from hurting her, so that she would not be worried about another thing.

Out of the twenty sets of clothes she had readied, on the first day, Mu Yunyao released four. Afterwards, as each day passed, she would released another set. These sets would be displayed to the public for five days.

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After this successfully managed to attract many people’s attention, Mu Yunyao started to slow down the releases. No matter who came to ask her, she would say that the works are still in progress, causing the peoples’ hearts to itch from frustration.

The person who was more frustrated than the Ladies was Colour Moon Shop’s Shopkeeper. At first, when he heard that only four people went to Niyun, he secretly celebrated and mock Niyun. However, after knowing the price of those clothes, he felt that he could no longer smile.

He never would have thought that a single set of clothing together with some simple accessories would actually cost more than a thousand silver. Furthermore, many people still coveted it despite the price.

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As Niyun became more and more popular as the days go by, the hair on his head also became thinner and thinner due to all of the pulling. Although Colour Moon Shop did also have high, medium and lower quality clothes, but the high quality clothes and fabric took up most of their shop. Before Niyun opened, Mu Yunyao stole away Lady Jin. The opening of Niyun further stole a large crowd of Ladies’, causing his heart to bleed profusely.

“What can I do, what exactly am I supposed to do?”

“Shopkeeper, didn’t Niyun do some beauty ranking thing? We can also do our own Colour Moon Beauty ranking. When it come to our name, we are definitely better than Niyun.”

Colour Moon Shop’s Shopkeeper hit his head. “You’re right, you’re absolutely right, we shall do just that!” Although this method may cause people to suspect them of plagiarising the idea, this was war. Cunning plots are necessary and there is no right and wrong. Well, the only right is earning more money.

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