Seeing Mu Yunyao so relaxed, Lady Jin sighed with exasperation. “Do you know? There is so much going on out there, and here you are, hiding here.”

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After Mu Yunyao stood up to do her greetings, she beamed, “I’m not hiding, it’s just that Colour Moon Shop is currently at its peak period, I’m just taking cover from any danger.”

“I heard from Yin Hong that you are very confident with yourself. Tell me, what do you have in mind?” “Well, it’s not really such a good plan, but I’m not scared. My Mother and I do not have any roots in Jingling City, so we are unable to compare with Colour Moon Shop, but we just happened to have such good luck! Our first customer was a fairy! As long as you wear our clothes and walk around Jingling City, our business would be back in no time.”

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“So that’s what it was, you are pushing everything to me. However, I have a better idea.”

“I feel that my idea was good enough,” Mu Yunyao said as she put up a stubborn look. Lady Jin could not help but laugh, “You ah, such a sweet mouth. However, Colour Moon Shop has a very strong background, you must tread carefully. In another half a month is the Qixi Festival. The Provincial Governor’s wife has already sent an invitation to all the residences, saying that she would be holding a banquet. You can do something at that time.”

(T/N: Qixi Festival is on the seventh day on the seventh month of the Lunar calendar. Women would present a melon to the Heavens, praying for Fairy Zhinü to bestow them with greater embroidery skills.)

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“During the Provincial Governor’s wife’s banquet, you can just wear that Moon Fairy dress. That way, I will be able to win without battling.” Saying this, Mu Yunyao clapped her hands with happiness, a look of relief spreading across her face, causing Lady Jin to poke Mu Yunyao’s forehead. After pulling her hand back, Lady Jin then realised that her actions were a little too familiar. Lady Jin pursed her lips. In her heart, she treated Mu Yunyao as a younger generation who is close to her. Whenever Mu Yunyao started to act spoilt, Lady Jin could not help but treat her better. These days, she had started to think that giving birth to a little girl would not be a bad idea.

Mu Yunyao smiled, her eyes seemed very sparkly. “Don’t worry, Lady. On the day of Qixi Festival, I will do my best. I don’t want others to think that Lady has bad taste.”

“It’s good that you know. Then, I will be waiting.” Lady Jin was relieved.

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In Colour Moon Shop, Shopkeeper was currently flipping through his finance records. His face, strangely, had a dark expression on.

“Shopkeeper, what is the matter?” “Before, since we were so busy, I did not take a close look. However, after recording today’s revenue, I found a problem. Although our Colour Moon Shop has been earning a lot, but most of the things we sell are the cheaper cloths and discounted clothes. As for the medium and high quality fabrics and clothing, not many asked about it.”

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“Shopkeeper, perhaps just releasing a beauty handbook and rankings is not enough. The reason why Niyun was able to become so famous is because they are able to make clothes that look exactly like in their booklet. We can just do that too.”

“Easier said than done. At that time, to get this booklet to spread better, we had used large sums of money to hire a first grade painter. Although these clothes may look beautiful, creating it in real life will not be an easy feat.”

The servant scratched his head. “This……this servant is at a loss too. Niyun’s skills are indeed unprecedented.”

Colour Moon Shop’s shopkeeper narrowed his eyes. After staying in Jingling City for such a long time, he knew all the Ladies’ preferences. However, when it comes to clothes-making skills, he was no match to Niyun. However, that servant also reminded him of something. He may not have anyone with Niyun’s skills, but Niyun does!

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