PBCW Chapter 10

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When she heard this, the extremely shameless Tang Wan blushed with shame for once. The Tang Wan, who valued feelings and suffered the condemnation of the public for Lu You, was this body’s original owner. She meekly accepted Madam Tang’s rude words because she didn’t get the chance to beat her up before Zhao Shi Cheng already cut her off. As for the poems in the flower festival, it was the stolen works of famous poets, so it was even more not worth mentioning.


The girl he likes, is it the Tang Wan before she transmigrated? From this perspective seeing the motive he has for marrying her, she felt a little upset for some reason. What he saw wasn’t her real self. She was an immortal for several thousand years, how can she be no match for a woman from ancient times?


Tang Wan didn’t understand where this envious mentality was coming from. She sounded out and asked, “Um… what if I wasn’t as great as what you’ve said? To be honest, I also have some small faults…”


Zhao Shi Cheng smiled calmly, “How can anyone have no weakness? There’s no one who’s perfect. Miss Tang, you don’t have to be modest.”


She laughed hollowly and asked again. “What if my appetite is a bit bigger than normal people?”


He pondered in his mind that perhaps Lu You caused her fear being hungry and mistakenly thought that she had a big appetite. In reality, look at how she walked like a weak willow being supported by the wind and her carriage was slender and graceful. How much could she eat? “Relax, I’m even hoping that Miss Tang would eat more!”


Tang Wan’s eyes immediately lit up. “Then what if my strength is larger than normal girls? For example, it’s enough to open a stele and split a rock.”


This time, Zhao Shi Cheng completely thought she was joking. Her slender fingers were not inferior to light blue. If she touched the rock, it might even be cut. She even wanted to open a stele and split a rock? “Miss Tang, I don’t even know martial arts and my strength can’t be compared to the average soldier. But didn’t I become a military official? If you married me, you can just live a comfortable life and do as you please. You don’t have to have an amazing military strength to marry a military official so Miss Tang, please don’t pretend to be strong.”


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Just listening to him say that after marrying him, she could live as she pleased, made her elated. She turned a deaf ear to the rest of his words. “Don’t call me Miss Tang. Just call me Wan er.” Because of his persuasion, her feelings of jealousy towards the previous Tang Wan disappeared. A sweet feeling arose in her heart for no reason. “Since it is so, then quickly propose the marriage.”


Originally, Tang laoye1 and Tang furen 2 was extremely angry that their daughter didn’t immediately come home after being divorced and stayed at Lu family’s other residence, staying in contact with Lu You. But this time when she came home, rumors immediately spread throughout the capital that Lu You was remarrying. The partner was the daughter of the Wang family. This meant that their daughter kicked out of the Lu family for the second time. Tang laoye and Tang furen loved their daughter and couldn’t bring themselves to scold her again.


Furthermore their daughter also brought back good news that gave a little comfort to the parent. Their daughter struck a relationship with General Zhao’s youngest son! Although Zhao Shi Cheng’s official title was an empty title, but he was a member of the royal clan and had big connections. He was a hundred times better than Lu You. Therefore, the parents were also eager for the Zhao family to come propose.


It’s just that after waiting for a long time, they didn’t wait until Zhao family’s matchmaker came, yet they waited for an unexpected wedding invitation.Tang laoye was so angry that he almost stormed towards the Lu residence.


Lu You ,that unfaithful lover, not only did he fail to live up to his daughter’s deep affections, he was going to remarry and even dared to send an invitation!


Although Tang laoye was Lu You’s uncle, receiving the invitation was not unreasonable, but in this situation, the wedding invitation was without a doubt a provocation. But seeing that his daughter wasn’t unwanted,Tang laoye repressed his anger.


Time quickly went by and it was already the day Lu You gets married. But the Zhao family didn’t appear.


“Did the Zhao family go back on their word?” Tang laoye walked around the hall. He naturally didn’t attend Lu You’s wedding. But on this day, he clearly seemed even more anxious. His complexion became gradually grew worse. He repeated the question he asked already for like eight hundred times, “Wan er, are you sure that Zhao Shi Cheng will come and ask for your hand in marriage?”


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“He will come. I believe him.” Although Tang Wan was also puzzled at why Zhao Shi Cheng hasn’t come yet, but she believed that Zhao Shi Cheng won’t go back on his word. Therefore, she calmly picked up a mincemeat cake and was about to put it in her mouth while also saying, “ Maybe the Zhao family had something that delayed them.”


“Eat, eat, eat. You only know how to eat! What happened to you? How come your appetite became so big?” Tang laoye slapped off the cake in his daughter’s hand. “You’re not allowed to eat anymore! Didn’t I tell you to eat half a bowl every meal and two small dishes of vegetables? Look at your gluttonous face right now, if the Zhao family saw this, they might even break off the marriage.”


After he scolded his daughter, he immediately had a sour expression on his face again, like a bear being imprisoned for too long, he continued to circle around the room. “What if they already broke off the marriage!?”


Tang furen was almost dazzled by her husband. She sighed and persuaded, “You should stop scaring yourself. If they’re going to come, they will come. There’s no need to cast your anger at our daughter,” she looked towards her gloomy daughter and couldn’t help but persuade her. “But Wan er, recently you have been eating too much. It is time to restrain yourself.”


Tang Wan helplessly lowered her shoulders. Heaven knows that she was so hungry her chest was sticking to her back. It was even more miserable compared to living at Lu You’s place. When she remembered that Zhao Shi Cheng said that she could lively freely after marriage, right now, even she couldn’t stand it and cry out in her heart; Zhao Shi Cheng, you bastard, where did you go? Quickly marry this lady here!


Suddenly, the sounds of firecrackers came from outside, making the members of the Tang family enter a moment of silence. Because the Tang family’s front door wasn’t facing the street rather you had to turn into the lane and also the Tang family was the only family in this lane, normally if there was a party sent by the groom to meet and escort the bride to the wedding, a celebration or other activities, the sounds of firecrackers won’t travel inside the lane unless it came for the Tang family.


“Could it be that the Zhao family came?” Master Tang was radiant with joy. He didn’t wait until the servants went out to ask and trotted out of the room. He was about to go to the front door to welcome them.


Tang furen and Tang Wan rushed to chase after him. They saw Tang laoye open the front door. Outside the door, the sounds of firecracker resounded and the deafening sound of gongs and drums was still the same. But the party passing by didn’t seem to be the party for proposing marriage and sending betrothal gifts, instead it seemed more like a wedding procession. More importantly, Tang laoye saw with sharp eyes that in the middle of the long wedding procession, the groom was actually Lu You.


In other words, it was fine that Lu You was remarrying, but the route to escort the bride to the groom’s house for the wedding actually went around the lane the Tang family was in. Obviously, the Wang family lived at the other side of the capital. This clearly was displaying their strength!

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Perhaps it was because Tang Wan walked away with Zhao Shi Cheng that night and Madam Tang felt indignant, therefore, she made such an immature move and had the wedding procession take a detour. It was also only until the day of the wedding procession that Lu You knew. Although he had no choice, but an arrow fitted to the bowstring cannot avoid being discharged 3, as the groom, surely he couldn’t have the bridal sedan chair turn back. Furthermore, he still loved Tang Wan. If he could see her again before he got married, it could also slightly comfort his heart that was like stagnant water.


Therefore, when the procession moved inside, Lu You was both anxious and expectant. He didn’t mean to upset her, but this kind of actions greatly infuriated ang laoye.


“Lu You, you bastard! Even if we are no longer in-laws, you’re still my nephew. You actually used these dirty means to destroy my reputation!” Tang laoye swore, having difficulty hiding his fury. “You, people of the Lu family, get out of this lane!”


The most front end of the party was Madam Tang’s trusted aide. What the trusted aide wanted to see was the Tang family getting angry so he could go back and take credit of this accomplishment in front Madam Tang. Therefore, he shouted triumphantly, “Who’s the blind person in the front? Didn’t you see that the Lu family sedan chair carriers are coming through? Quickly get out of the way, don’t ruin our happy event!”


“Who does Lu family think they are! As the maternal uncle, I doesn’t even think it worth it to attend your wedding!” Tang laoye denounced.


“Isn’t it because you don’t dare to come, you’re embarrassed to come? After all, our Lu family has divorced the daughter of the Tang family!” The trusted aide sneered.


When this was said, several people in the front of the party began to jeer at them. And the passerby standing at the entrance of the lane watching the fun, who also knew of the grievances between the Lu and Tang family,  gesticulated at them. For a moment, Tang laoye turned red in the face and wanted to dig into the dirt.


Lu You didn’t expect that those servants would be this arrogant and was just thinking about stopping them. Yet, another group came in from another end of the lane. Their length didn’t not lose to Lu You’s wedding procession. Furthermore, the person riding on the horse at the most upfront was impressively the present Zhao Zhong Shi, whose prestige and power was like the sun at high noon.  On top of another horse was Zhao Shi Cheng, who was wearing new clothes and had an impressive bearing.


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From afar, Zhao Shi Cheng could hear Tang laoye shouting curses. And he also definitely didn’t mistaken the figure of Lu You at the rear of the opposing side’s wedding procession. He pondered on the possible cause and effects of this matter and immediately knitted his eyebrows. He whispered a few words to his father.


Zhao Zhong Shi was a straightforward man. As the great general, he had a sense of justice even more. When he heard that his future in-laws seemed have suffered humiliation, how could he restrain himself? He immediately came down from his horse and strutted forward, shouting loudly, “The people in the front get out the way quickly!”


The aide didn’t see who the speaker was clearly and only heard that arrogant tone. He sneered, “Who do you think you are, actually daring to tell our Lu family’s party to get out of the way?”


It’s fine even if he didn’t say anything. But the way he said it completely offended Zhao Zhong Shi. He only heard the latter heavily snort and behind his back, four highly talented bodyguards came flying out in front of Lu You’s party with a commanding presence.


“General Zhao Shi Cheng is here. Who dares to get in the way?”


When he heard the title and name, the aide was so scared that his legs felt weak and fell on the ground. But the four bodyguards wasn’t to be trifled with and they’re also not compassionate. The four people walked forward side by side. They didn’t need to make a move and just their bearing made the people in the front of the wedding concession take a step back automatically. People were pushing and jostled in a great mess. And the four people cleared out an open space to meet Zhao Zhong Shi.


Zhao Zhong Shi glanced at the Lu family’s party indifferently. “I brought my son forward to propose to the Tang family. Is the Lu family jealous or envious, actually daring to blocking my path?”


T/n: Sorry for posting Chapter 10 a week later than scheduled. I started translating the chapter a bit late and because of all the tests I had this week, I got delayed. I’m so happy that Tang Wan and Zhao Shi Cheng are about to get married. We’re also finished with a third of this novel. Please point any grammatical mistakes you see so I can fix them. It’s almost Christmas so I’m going to change the schedule the posting schedule so I could maybe post new chapter on Christmas. Happy holidays everyone, even if you don’t celebrate Christmas.

laoye refers to master or lord. Originally, the text meant Father Tang and Mother Tang, but that didn’t sound nice. I changed it to this.  furen refers to the lady of the house. To differentiate between Madam Tang and  Tang furen, remember that Madam Tang is Tang Wan’s aunt and Tang furen is Tang Wan’s mother  an arrow fitted to the bowstring cannot avoid being discharged- reached the point of no return or one cannot but go ahead (source: Pleco) 

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