Chapter 11: This Is A Little Annoying, What's Going On?

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There's a guest who rarely come to the house, and Shen Wangshu is very enthusiastic. She goes above and beyond and prepared five dishes.

"Jinrong, it's been years since we last met, and you look even more beautiful. Come and taste Auntie's cooking."

While Shen Wangshu is welcoming everyone, she uses the serving chopsticks to pick up a piece of sweet and sour spare ribs for Gu Jinrong.

Gu Jinrong busily held the bowl with both hands to receive it. She was about to politely compliment them when she noticed that Shen Qiong and Shen Qingzhi beside her had been silent since the dishes were served, each with a detached gaze.

The atmosphere felt somewhat strange.

She lowered her head and glanced at the spare rib in her bowl, realizing that things were not as simple as they seemed.

Previously, she was too engrossed in chatting with her mother-in-law and failed to notice that the dishes on the table were far from ordinary.

The tomato and egg dish contained eggshells, the braised pork still had blood streaks, and even the sweet and sour spare rib in her bowl had a convincing resemblance to a piece of charcoal that had been salvaged.

Under the watchful eyes of the Shen family trio, Gu Jinrong placed the sweet and sour spare rib, which carried her mother-in-law's affection, into her mouth and chewed carefully.

With her naturally refined appearance and elegant dining manners, she made a piece of black coal seem like a delicacy from the land and sea.

Until every piece of meat was stripped off the small spare rib, Gu Jinrong used a tissue to wipe away the oil stains from her lips and sincerely nodded at Shen Wangshu.

Shen Qingzhi, who had been silently observing: ?

Could it be that food truly shouldn't be judged by its appearance, or is it because the bottle of vinegar I personally bought has some magical effect?

She pondered this in her mind, half-believing and half-doubting, as she picked a piece of spare rib to gnaw on.

In the first second the spare rib touched her tongue, she mentally cursed Gu Jinrong from head to toe.

Black hearted! Big liar!

It tasted terrible, even worse than the previous version!



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This translation is originally posted on

She was about to spit out the spare rib when her eyes met Shen Qiong's gaze beside her.

In the blink of an eye, she displayed the lifelong training of an actress, calmly finishing the entire piece of spare rib with a composed expression.

In the end, she added, "Mommy, you're making progress."

Shen Wangshu, who was praised for her cooking skills by two people for the first time, felt extremely happy. With a hint of showing off, she said to Shen Qiong, "Wife, did you hear that? Even our Yao'er praised my excellent cooking skills."

Shen Qingzhi: ?

I just didn't seem to say that.

Shen Qiong, seeing both younger generations acting this way, couldn't help but give face to her wife.

She thought to herself: Even if Shen Qingzhi had some intentional acting just now, I still have to make my wife happy.

However, as soon as she tasted the spare rib, she realized that she had overestimated her acting skills.

Shen Qiong, the usually cold and stoic matriarch of the Shen family, displayed an incredibly rare and remarkable expression at this moment, much to the delight of Shen Qingzhi, who was observing from the side.

Shen Wangshu was a bit puzzled. "Wife, what's with that expression? Isn't it delicious?"

Shen Qiong naturally wouldn't let herself be the sole culprit responsible for ruining her wife's mood. She shook her head repeatedly.

"No, no, I'm just so moved. This small spare rib contains all the love you have for me, wife."

How exaggerated, only my mommy will fall for that.

Shen Qingzhi rolled her eyes in her mind, but she noticed that Gu Jinrong was looking at her parents with a pensive expression.

All three of them spontaneously started showcasing their acting skills with this plate of spare ribs, and Shen Qingzhi inwardly shouted in anger.

Come on, let's hurt each other!

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Shen Qingzhi's gaze wandered across the table, about to select the tomato and egg dish as the next prop for their acting showdown, but Gu Jinrong cut in first.

"I didn't expect Auntie to be so knowledgeable about cooking."

"To be honest, when I was in Country M before, I enjoyed cooking my own dishes. But when it comes to Chinese cuisine, the conditions in Country M are indeed not as good as in China."

"This time, I came back to the country and had the honor of meeting Auntie. I wonder if I could be fortunate enough to receive Auntie's guidance?"

Shen Qingzhi stared in astonishment at Gu Jinrong, who calmly and sincerely delivered this whole speech without a hint of blushing or hesitating.

You're ruthless, I won't compete with you!

Shen Wangshu was delighted by this compliment and felt that she had found a kindred spirit. She humbly responded, "Ah, actually, I've just been experimenting on my own since I returned to the country. It's not really about giving guidance. If you're interested, we can learn from each other and progress together."

"Speaking of which, I haven't finished cooking the other half of the dishes in the kitchen yet. How about... we go and learn from each other now?"

Gu Jinrong smiled with her eyes and brows, "Then I will respectfully follow your lead."

These two didn't waste any time and went straight into the kitchen, leaving Shen Qiong and Shen Qingzhi's mother and daughter staring at each other at the dining table.

Shen Qingzhi didn't feel like chatting with Shen Qiong, so she took out her phone and pretended to be busy.

Surprisingly, this time Shen Qiong didn't scold her for indulging in electronic junk, but silently got up and went back to her bedroom.

Shen Qingzhi was left alone in the living room, playing with her phone, keeping an eye on everything and listening attentively to all directions.

Not long after, Shen Qiong sat back at the dining table with a serious tone, "Shen Qingzhi, stop playing for now. There's something I need to tell you."

Shen Qingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and she sat up straight, "Mom, I did what I did earlier just to make you happy. You won't hold a grudge, right?"

Shen Qiong replied impatiently, "What are you thinking? Do you think I'm that petty?"

As she spoke, she handed a bank card to Shen Qingzhi.

"This is the dowry that your mom and I prepared for you. We originally planned to buy you an apartment in City H, so you wouldn't be a bother to us every day."

"But since your marriage happened so hastily, there's no time to buy the house anymore. Now that you've already started your own family, you'll have to arrange things on your own."

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Shen Qingzhi looked at the small golden card on the table, unsure, "Mom, are you really giving this to me?"

No wonder Shen Qingzhi couldn't believe it. In the past, even if she bought a few more figurines and Shen Qiong found out, she would criticize her for "not focusing on her career."

But now, she suddenly acted so generously, giving her an entire house?

Shen Qiong let out a long sigh.

"Originally, I wasn't planning to give you this money so soon.

"But after meeting Jinrong today and seeing that she is a reliable child, I feel reassured with you living together. As parents, it's time for us to let go when the child grows up."

Shen Qingzhi thought to herself, So it turns out you rarely act generous towards me, but it's because of someone else's face.

She remembered the agreement between the two of them and lost some interest. She evaded the topic, "What about Sister?"

Shen Qiong became impatient, "Can we do without your sister? Hanzhi is much easier to deal with than you. What's the matter, Shen Qingzhi? You're lingering about with the money. That's not like you."

In the last half sentence, there was a hint of suspicion in her tone.

Shen Qingzhi was startled. It was no wonder Shen Qiong became suspicious. When she was young, she was always enthusiastic about receiving pocket money. Her recent performance did indeed deviate from her usual behavior.

I can't let the old fox discover that our marriage is fake.

"Thank you, Mom." Shen Qingzhi quickly accepted the card and smoothly changed the topic.

"Speaking of Sister, there's something I'm curious about. She's almost thirty and still not married. Why don't you urge her?"

Shen Qiong gave Shen Qingzhi a stern look and spoke frankly.

"Hanzhi is busy with work most of the time. Whether she wants to get married or not depends on her own wishes."

"She is a determined child who doesn't need us to worry too much. But you, Shen Qingzhi, as long as you're not settled, your Mommy won't be at ease. It's causing me to worry too."

Shen Qingzhi: ...

Alright, I shouldn't have brought this upon myself.

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Shen Qingzhi lowered her head, unwilling to speak. At that moment, Shen Wangshu entered the living room with two plates of dishes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Try the results of Jinrong and my recent collaboration."

On the table were two new dishes, braised pork and tomato scrambled eggs. They appeared much more normal compared to before, and she wondered how the two of them "improved" their skills in the kitchen.

Shen Qingzhi felt like she had found a savior and used her chopsticks to pick up a piece of the newly served braised pork.

"Mm, not bad."

This time it was the truth.

Following closely behind, Gu Jinrong also arrived with two plates of food. As soon as she entered the living room, she heard Shen Wangshu lavishing praise on her.

"You know, Jinrong has a real talent in cooking. She catches on quickly."

Gu Jinrong humbly took her seat and said, "Auntie, you're too kind. It's thanks to your guidance."

Shen Wangshu became even more satisfied upon hearing this.

"I like your modesty. Unlike my other two family members, they don't cook and are picky eaters."

"Ah, if only you were my daughter."

Shen Qingzhi, once again caught in the crossfire: ...

Swallowing a piece of meat, Shen Qiong calmly replied, "It's alright. Although she may not be your daughter, she can be your daughter-in-law."

Shen Wangshu turned her head and looked at Gu Jinrong with joy on her face. "I remember that Jinrong had a good relationship with Hanzhi more than ten years ago. I thought you two were a good match back then. Now you're together?"

Shen Qingzhi:!

This is a little annoying, what's going on?

Author's Note:

Mother-in-law conquered x 2.

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