Chapter 24: You're Not Trying To Have Unspoken Rules With Me, Are You?"

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Gu Jinrong sat in front of the computer for two hours, carefully reviewing Shen Qingzhi's roles from the past year.

Although in terms of appearance, Shen Qingzhi undoubtedly had the highest compatibility with Xiao Feng, but to perfectly portray a character, many details needed to be taken into consideration.

When she made the statement to Alice and at the Awards Ceremony before, she didn't have complete confidence in her heart. Now, after systematically reviewing these character profiles, she finally felt relieved.

She had always known that her little girl was excellent, but it was only after taking the time to understand that she realized Shen Qingzhi was even more exceptional than she had imagined.

Having no formal training and a monk half way* she was able to portray the first role with great vitality.

*Someone without solid foundation or proper training 

Several subsequent roles had similar character types, but as a newcomer, she could differentiate the traits of each character in her performances. Even when watching edited compilations, one wouldn't feel a sense of homogeneity.

It's time to have a good chat with someone.

Gu Jinrong turned her head towards the door.

Where is she? Wasn't she just talking to me?

At that moment, Shen Qingzhi was on the balcony, practicing puppetry. Being a monk half way, she needed extra practice in the fundamentals of acting.

Normally, due to the demanding schedule of the film crew, with day and night reversed, she had limited opportunities. But now that she had some free time, she wanted to seize the opportunity to catch up on her studies.

The balcony had a spacious area, and she walked on the tiled floor, imagining herself as a stringed puppet. She envisioned a string above her head, extending from her head, neck, shoulders, arms... all the way down, opening up the joints.

Gu Jinrong found her way to the balcony and happened to see Shen Qingzhi with a wooden expression, arms spread out like a mechanical figure walking towards her.


Shen Qingzhi ignored her and passed by, rotating her limbs. The joints between them seemed to reassemble like after a bone fracture.

As Gu Jinrong watched, she couldn't help but try to twist her own arms.

Ai, I'm getting old. I can't do it to that extent anymore. I could do it a few years ago.

Gu Jinrong didn't want to disturb Shen Qingzhi's training, so she moved a chair and sat aside, waiting.

However, half an hour passed, and Shen Qingzhi showed no intention of stopping. On the contrary, she became more and more excited in her practice, and it seemed like she was planning to challenge a 360-degree Thomas rotation. The intensity of this training seemed a bit excessive.

Gu Jinrong worried that Shen Qingzhi might push herself too hard and injure herself, so she waved her hand and approached her again.

But Shen Qingzhi executed a direct 90-degree turn, brushing past Gu Jinrong without even sparing a glance.

Feeling completely ignored, Gu Jinrong silently returned to her chair, sighing several times in frustration.

When someone is doing puppet training, it is not advisable to forcefully interrupt them as it can easily cause injury. The trainee should voluntarily choose to stop.

But now Shen Qingzhi was clearly deliberately ignoring her. Gu Jinrong tried tempting her with delicious food and sharing interesting stories, but Shen Qingzhi treated her as if she were invisible.

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Gu Jinrong had initially been cautiously reminding Shen Qingzhi to pay attention to the training limits.

However, as soon as she uttered those words, Shen Qingzhi directly performed a highly difficult combination technique, leaving Gu Jinrong in awe and fear.

So Gu Jinrong decided to take a different approach. Instead of offering encouragement, she began to nitpick.

"Qingqing, your recent movement wasn't executed correctly. Your forearm should be lifted above your head."


"The upper arm should be extended at a 60-degree angle, but you just extended it to 75 degrees."

"Just now, the tilt duration of your neck was inconsistent on the left and right sides. The right side was half a second shorter."

Gu Jinrong used to be the role model for these training exercises.

Although she couldn't perform them as perfectly as before, her critical eye remained sharp.




This translation is originally posted on

Shen Qingzhi, even though she was acting as a puppet, still had her senses intact.

At first, she found Gu Jinrong's feedback reasonable and strived to demand more from herself.

However, as she continued, she gradually sensed that something was off.

The more serious she became, the more picky Gu Jinrong became. She pointed out the problems with increasingly meticulous angles, reaching the point of nitpicking.

The difference of half a second in neck tilt duration, is that really a significant issue? 

And do you realize how annoying it is to have you buzzing around all the time?

"Qingqing, your shoulders need to be raised higher..."

Shen Qingzhi couldn't bear it anymore and stopped her movements. "Are you done?!"

Seeing that Shen Qingzhi finally stopped, Gu Jinrong smiled innocently, not even half of the arrogance she had when she was criticizing just now.

"Qingqing, you worked hard in your training. Do you want to have some chilled pudding?"

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Shen Qingzhi snorted heavily through her nose. "No!"

She was full of frustration.

She walked over to the chair, looking down at Gu Jinrong from above. "Instead of causing trouble here, why don't you go and properly review the information about your new drama's leading actress?"

That remark hit the nail on the head. Gu Jinrong held one of Shen Qingzhi's hands and spoke in a gentle voice that could drip with water.

"I've finished reviewing the information. I came here to consult with you about your interest in playing the leading role in my new drama."

Shen Qingzhi, being habitual in her opposition, retorted, "Then go and talk to her..."

But as she spoke, she finally realized, "You want me to play the leading role in your new drama?" Gu Jinrong didn't utter a word, but the smile in her eyes said it all.

Suddenly, the frustration that had been pent up in Shen Qingzhi's heart vanished, replaced by an uncontrollable sense of excitement.

Almost laughing out loud, she managed to control herself just in time.

She deliberately supported her cheek with one hand, maintaining a serious expression, and said coquettishly, "What kind of drama is it? I'm not someone you can easily invite."

Gu Jinrong anticipated Shen Qingzhi's reaction and said, "First, take a look at the script."

The two of them entered the study, and Gu Jinrong handed Shen Qingzhi a printed script. As Shen Qingzhi flipped through it, Gu Jinrong explained by her side.

"It's a period drama with two female leads, telling the story of two heroines fighting against the forces of good and evil for a peaceful society."

"The first female lead is a girl from an ethnic minority, with a pure and outgoing personality. It suits you very well."

The script only contained the content of the first two episodes. Shen Qingzhi skimmed through it and could only grasp the general framework and initial character development. Although the story required a lot of background information to be explained, the introduction to the character Feng Yasong provided enough insight into the character's essence. It was much more vivid compared to the previous piles of stereotypical antagonists.

Shen Qingzhi closed the script, her lips curved with a joyful arc. "A positive role?

Gu Jinrong smiled, "Naturally. If you prefer to play a villain, I can choose a different script for the next production."

"No, I don't want to play a villain for now," Shen Qingzhi firmly denied.

Those interviews saying they want a chance to play a villain are mostly from actors who haven't played villains much before.

Imagine being in four productions in a year, and three of them are villains, and the remaining one is a short-lived ghost.

She smoothly continued her words but suddenly realized something was not right. "Where did the next production come from? I haven't agreed to this one yet."

Gu Jinrong remained calm and casually pulled out a lollipop from the desk drawer, handing it to Shen Qingzhi.

"Well, if you have any thoughts, whether it's about the role or the contract, feel free to share."

Shen Qingzhi took the lollipop and subconsciously unwrapped it, putting it in her mouth.

Usually, it was her agent, Song Ling, who handled contract matters, and she only focused on whether the roles were interesting. As long as they were interesting, she would take them, although her choices were not always extensive.

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Although this script is only two episodes long, it undoubtedly captivated her. Just the fact that it offers a positive role is enough to overshadow all the other scripts she currently holds.

Shen Qingzhi also felt frustrated. Why do production companies always hand her villainous scripts when she clearly has a pure and innocent appearance? Being beautiful doesn't mean she has to play a treacherous character.

So, if there's truly any thought, it's that this script seems too good.

The last page of the script includes a list of the crew members, from the director to the screenwriter, all of them well-known. 

Although she didn't want to admit it, she felt that now, playing the lead role in such a high-profile production, she seemed somewhat unworthy.

Shen Qingzhi never believed that good things would fall from the sky. As a smart person, she had to be cautious.

She suspiciously sized up Gu Jinrong and cautiously asked, "There are many actresses of the same age in the industry who have more fame than me. Why did you choose me? Is there some ulterior motive?"

Gu Jinrong's eyes and brows softened. "What ulterior motive could I possibly have?"

"Appointing the female lead..." Shen Qingzhi dramatically crossed her arms and said, "You're not trying to have unspoken rules* with me, are you?"

*潜规则 (qián guīzé) refers to implicit or informal norms and practices that exist within a particular group or organization. These rules are often not explicitly stated or documented but are understood and followed by the members of the group. They can involve various aspects, such as social interactions, power dynamics, favors, or unwritten expectations. In certain contexts, "unspoken rules" may also carry a negative connotation, implying hidden or unfair practices that exploit or manipulate others. In the entertainment circle it's an agreement with a bigshot, a favor (usually sexual but not exclusive) given in exchange for a backing or a career boost

Gu Jinrong played along with her acting, leaning their heads closer, their breath gently brushing against each other's chins, causing a tickling sensation.

"Do we still need to have unspoken rules in our current relationship?" 

Shen Qingzhi, thick-skinned as she was, took two steps back in a staggered manner. "What... What relationship do we have? Don't spout nonsense."

Gu Jinrong stopped at the mention and stood up, a calm expression on their face.

"A working relationship, don't we have a marriage agreement? Did you forget so quickly?"

Oh right. Shen Qingzhi remembered that, regaining her confidence. "But the agreement didn't say anything about working together in the same production. That wasn't included."

Gu Jinrong took out the agreement and pointed to one of the clauses. "Clause Eleven: During the duration of the marriage, neither party shall be involved in any romantic scandals with a third party. You said it yourself."

Shen Qingzhi lowered her head to take a look, and it was indeed something she had personally dictated.

The reason for adding this clause was to prevent any rumors from arising that would lead the media to dig into their marriage. Nowadays, these paparazzi and gossip sites are always idle. Today they expose XXX's new girlfriend, tomorrow they dig up XXX's ex-girlfriend's group. It's like a domino effect, no one knows how it will unfold.

Shen Qingzhi stammered, "It's true that this clause exists, but does it have anything to do with us working together?"

Gu Jinrong gently opened their thin lips and spoke clearly and unhurriedly.

"Of course, it does. You know that when actors work on a film, the lead actors often spend months together, day and night."

"These paparazzi can infiltrate everywhere, and it's hard to guard against them. I've had firsthand experience with them in Country M, and I've heard that it's even worse here in the country."

"Even if I conduct myself upright and proper, I can't guarantee that someone won't take things out of context."

"After careful consideration, the only way to solve this problem from its root is by working together on a film. Being the person you have the most contact with during filming significantly reduces the probability of romantic scandals with third parties."

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"This solves both of our problems at once."

Shen Qingzhi listened in awe as Gu Jinrong expressed this insightful view. The media often portrayed her as cold and elegant, but she had never seen her display such a dominant and authoritative demeanor before.

This note is much smoother than my "quick mouth firecracker".

Indeed, actors had sharp tongues, and all that cold elegance was just an illusion.

At first listen, it seemed to make a lot of sense, but upon closer examination, something felt off. However, Gu Jinrong didn't give her much time to think and continued speaking.

"However, there's another crucial reason why I want you to play Feng Yasong."

"I've watched your previous acting clips, and you have a remarkable sense of spirituality. Your emotional expressions are natural, without being overly bound by techniques and templates."

"There are many actors your age who come from a formal acting background, and while they can act well, it's challenging for them to truly merge with their characters. But I believe you can do it."

Shen Qingzhi's eyes lit up as if they were filled with countless stars upon hearing these words.

"Are you... affirming my acting abilities?"

Gu Jinrong nodded. "Of course, everything I've said is the truth."

Shen Qingzhi felt relieved. As an actor, she cared most about her acting abilities. 

Netizens could scold her for having a bad temper or a difficult personality, but if anyone said she acted poorly, it would affect her for a long time.

Gu Jinrong, despite her darker side, had authoritative opinions when it came to acting.

Being praised for her skills by someone with such authority made Shen Qingzhi feel as sweet as honey inside.

The smile on her lips was about to burst, but she still wanted more confirmation. "Really?"

Gu Jinrong remained composed. "Of course, it's true. I never lie. If you don't believe me, go for an audition tomorrow and see what the director says. She's the most successful director in China when it comes to producing hit dramas."

"No problem!" Shen Qingzhi was thrilled by the praise and readily agreed. In her heart, she praised Gu Jinrong for having a keen eye.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? As expected, talented actors like me won't be overlooked."

She bit down on the remaining lollipop in one bite, crunching it loudly.

Only when the stick in her hand became empty did she suddenly remember what she had said on the first day.

[No thank you. I hate eating lollipops.]

Why did her face feel a little swollen?

She looked at Gu Jinrong beside her with an ordinary expression, without any abnormality, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, Gu Jinrong has a goldfish memory, she shouldn't remember what I said that day.

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