Chapter 17:dreary

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Translated by: NekoCat

Editor: Galooza

Liu Duo’s eyes turned red, exhaustion hit. She was relieved to be freed from that nutcase.
It doesn’t matter whether he believed her or not, she wasn’t running anywhere!

With an expressionless face, she pulled her sleeves down and turned away, not even looking at Ye Mo.

The three brothers naturally saw the fingerprints on her wrist.

Worried as he was, Ye Ling immediately chased after her: “Duo’er, let me rub it for you. Does it hurt?”

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“I’m alright.”

“Duo’er, this is third brother’s fault, I’ll bring him to apologize, so please don’t be angry,” Ye Ling said, trying to keep up with her.


“…” Someone didn’t seem to have much to say now!

On the face of the ever-smiling Ye Liu, there was no smile to be found: “Dang it, third brother! I’ve told you twice not to mention that. Why don’t you listen!?

Do you want her to run? All you’re doing is giving her more reason to try! You’ve got to stop threatening her like this, or me and eldest brother…” he concluded, then turned and left.

The scolded Ye Mo wrinkled his eyebrows, looked over at Liu Duo, then continued pulling weeds. He was a little confused, unable to see what had hurt her.

Not in the best of moods, he went over to the rice paddy to keep working.

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The vegetable field wasn’t far from home. Ye Ling silently followed Liu Duo, unable to help but be in low spirits, given the situation. He couldn’t understand why the two of them didn’t get along to such an extent.

Back at home, Liu Duo went to the shacks to wash her menstrual cloth. She hung it up to dry without a word. It was obvious she was feeling out of sorts.

Ye Yang had been in the courtyard weaving a basket. He saw Liu duo and Ye Ling enter the door, both silent.
He sat down on a stool next to Ye Ling, worried as to what was going on.

“Fourth brother?” He didn’t say much. He just looked at Ye Ling with inquiring eyes.

Ye Ling told his brother what happened.

Ye Mo kept silent, bowed his head, and continued weaving.

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Ye Mo and Ye Liu around six or seven that night. Ye Ling was cooking in the kitchen, while Ye Yang finished the basket and set it aside.

Ye Liu opened the door and entered Liu duo’s room. He saw her lying on the bed, not asleep but lying in a daze.

“Xiao Duo, what are you thinking about? Are you still angry? Second brother will hit him for you!” He sat on the bedside laughing, watching Liu Duo stare at the roof


With no reply, Ye Liu continued to coax, “Let’s beat him up, so he’ll know what it’s like!”

“……” Liu Duo still didn’t reply. Instead, she closed her eyes, pretending not to hear.

Seeing her pretending, Ye Liu’s lips curved up. He put his face close to her: ” Xiao Duo, if you don’t speak, then I’ll have to….”

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Feeling his breath on her face, Liu duo’s eyes shot open. They stared at each other’s eyes for a while, making sense of their situation.

Ye Mo smirked with his perfect facial features and beautiful face, causing Liu Duo’s heart to almost skip a beat.

Shocked for a second, she looked away, blushing, and pushed Ye Liu away: “Just go on already.”

Looking at the shy Liu Duo, Ye Liu stopped. He didn’t want to push things, afraid she might become disgusted with him.

“Xiao Duo, lets go. This brother will take you to beat Ye Mo!” Ye Liu took her hand and pulled her up.

Beat Ye Mo?

“Pfft…” Liu Duo practically choked on her own saliva. “Hahaha…”

Seeing Liu Duo laugh, he was at a loss. What’s so funny about beating third brother? Oh well, as long as she’s happy!

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