Chapter 33: Showing anger

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Translated by: NekoCat
Editor: Jessica

Ye Ling was worried, his Second Brother (Ye Liu) was really angry this time and even wants to kick Ye Mo out of the house! He’s afraid it might really happen.

The brothers vowed to live together and to take care of each other, but Second Brother just now wanted to break that vow. That only shows how angry he is!

Even though Ye Liu usually smiles, both brothers knows he’s actually the most serious one among them. Once he decides on something, whatever you say will be useless.

“Second Brother, Third Brother will never do it again,” Ye Ling urged to help.

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Ye Mo kept his silence.

Ye Liu slapped the table, with a bang:
“Fourth Brother, don’t speak for him! When Eldest return I’ll tell him what happened.
He will definitely be kicked out!”

Ye Liu thought Lui Duo was pitiful for being sold like a commodity by her family. It’s only right, to treat her well.

Although they’re poor, she was still their wife and has to be treated as a family member and not as a tool to pass on the ancestors!

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“Third Brother, admit your mistakes and promise not to bully Duo’er anymore.” Ye Liu worriedly shakes Ye Mo

Ye Mo avoided his eyes and in a low voice he said: “Second Brother, I admit my mistakes.”

Finally admitting his mistakes, Ye Liu was relieved.

“Ye Mo, Xiao Duo is not only our wife but most importantly, our family. An indispensable part of the family. Do you understand?”

“Look at how you treat her? Do you treat your family members that way?”

Those questions struck Ye Mo speechless.

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He always tells her that she’s someone they only bought, a wife to carry on children. He never treated her like a family.

“Luckily, Liu Duo wasn’t so mad this time. All credits to my efforts coupled with my handsome looks”
Ye Liu said, not forgetting to flatter himself.


Earlier, when Liu Duo heard a bang, she thought they were fighting again, so she moved near the door to eavesdrop.
She nodded as she hears Ye Liu saying she’s part of the family.

After eating his last bite, Ye Liu moved a stool to the side and sat down. Raising his leg on his other “Third brother, I’m giving you one last chance. Once you repeat it again, you can scram, Do you understand!”

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Hearing Ye Liu call him ‘Third Brother’, he knew his anger subsided. He’s now feeling regretful about his impulsiveness and realized his huge mistake.

“Tell me your wrong? Why is it wrong? And why did you do it? One by one, I will listen.”

Ye Ling interjected: “Second Brother, let Third Brother eat first otherwise the food will get cold.”

Knowing Ye Ling was helping Ye Mo, he laughed “What are you afraid of? We can just reheat it again, firewood doesn’t cost us money.”

T/N: thanks for helping out Jessica 

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