Pat Me Please

Chapter 106

[Warning! Mild implicit sexual content.]

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Yu Zhou knew that basketball has four quarters and football has two halves, but she never imagined that this kind of thing could also be played in episodes.

If she was writing a story, this would be called a sex cliffhanger. However, this is her real-life experience – her heart feels cold, damp then dry, and damp again, hmmm… perhaps not just her heart.

At 21 years old, Yu Zhou was still a young and beautiful girl who thought she could meet a gentle and caring older sister leading her. Yet, she never expected that her first sex would almost leave her with a deep emotional scar.

She turned around and assumed a sleeping position. Su Chang, who was also thin-skinned, had nothing more to say but lay down beside her, covering her with a blanket.

Yu Zhou, with her back facing Su Chang, picked up her phone to check the time. Despair filled her as she saw that their intercourse had lasted for more than an hour – and finally ended in failure.

Every pore of her body screamed dissatisfaction, but she didn’t want to appear too desperate. Truth be told, she and Su Chang had been together for less than a month, so she was still a bit concerned about how she appeared in Su Chang’s eyes.

As she calmly scrolled through Weibo without making a sound or turning on the light, she hoped that Su Chang would say, “Don’t use your phone in the dark; it’s bad for your eyes.” Then, she would reach over to take away Yu Zhou’s phone, allowing Yu Zhou the opportunity to turn around, lie in Su Chang’s arms, then look up into her eyes – initiating an intimate, lingering gaze that would lead them to kiss again.

However, Su Chang touched her shoulder with her cold fingers and asked, “Do you want to put on your pajamas before sleeping?”

Yu Zhou took a deep breath, buttoned up her shirt and stood up. Barefoot, she stepped over Su Chang and got off the bed, putting on her shoes in the dark.

“What’s wrong?” Su Chang softly asked.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Yu Zhou replied, “I don’t feel very comfortable.”

“I’ll get the water ready for you,” Su Chang said, her voice light and enchanting.

As she speaked, she brushed past Yu Zhou and headed for the bathroom.

Yu Zhou starts to feel exasperated. What water was there to get ready in her small, shitty bathroom? There’s no bathtub to fill. What’s wrong with this woman?

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But she didn’t want to talk more, so she just sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Su Chang to call her.

The bathroom light turned on and then off again. A few minutes later, Su Chang returned, her hands wet. “All done,” she said.

As she spoke, her knee pushed the bedroom door shut.

“Wha…” Yu Zhou stammered.

Su Chang leaned in for a kiss. “I’ve washed my hands, now let me see where you’re feeling uncomfortable.”

Half-opened pajamas still adorning her body, Yu Zhou lies down on the bed as Su Chang’s hand slipped in from her waist, cool and damp, meeting a part of her equally cold and moist – as if they have found their kin.

Not wasting any more time, nor considering her innate good upbringing, Su Chang didn’t need to think about her purpose or possession anymore, but to make Yu Zhou comfortable first.

Some things require methods, such as opening a channel in someone’s heart, while others rely solely on instinct, such as how to please your beloved.

Like eating a meal, she held the porcelain spoon, when her brows relaxed and her face brightened, you’ll know that the spoonful of soup was incredibly delicious. And when using fingertips to tease her even more sensitive taste buds, observing the blush on her face, her suppressed moans, her lost gaze, and her hands helplessly clasping and releasing, everything could tell you whether your delicacy was delicious or not.

After experiencing it once, one will want to try it again. Her brows would tell you the right intensity; her biting lips would tell you the proper speed. Her desire was hidden in the most secret place, continuously pouring out like an endless supply of passion.

Yu Zhou looked especially beautiful in the throws of passion. Su Chang didn’t miss a single detail, carefully and sincerely taking in her expression that belonged only to this moment.

Because during that time, she felt that she would never have such an experience with anyone else, nor would she allow Yu Zhou to have such an experience with anyone else. Making love is essentially a process of releasing possessiveness. Even if they were profoundly respectful and restrained during daytime, at night they needed to hear the slightly twisted sound in each other’s nostrils, see that near-painful expression when their chins lifted in utter comfort.

The rental house had thin walls, so Yu Zhou got into the habit of not making noise during that time. Su Chang hugged her, listening to her own heart pounding while whispering to Yu Zhou, “How about we go to my place tomorrow, alright?”

She longed for more, desired more.

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“Okay.” Yu Zhou grabbed Su Chang’s arm with her damp hair rubbing against the pillow, and answered like a little cat.

She didn’t dare look at Su Chang, but she wanted to tell her how wonderful it felt, making her want to give herself completely over to Su Chang’s hands. She could feel the touch of Su Chang’s fingertips in that second, and with Su Chang’s palm pressed against her lower abdomen, it made Yu Zhou feel treasured.

That was all she needed; she was delighted with this method.

What she liked even more was Su Chang’s hint about tomorrow when it was over. It meant that not only was Yu Zhou releasing, but Su Chang also enjoyed it and couldn’t wait to make an appointment for the next time.

Like an unfinished date, looking back time and again, determined to set the next meeting before leaving.

“Su Chang.” Yu Zhou reached out, cupping Su Chang’s face, her thumb gently pressing her upturned nose.

“Mm.” Su Chang tilted her head, gently rubbing against her chin and neck.

“I like you so much.” Yu Zhou felt that her heart had also grown fuzzy, along with the fuzz on her face, being caressed so tenderly by Su Chang, that it even brought her a little tear in the corner of her eye.

Su Chang smiled gently into her ear, so softly that it was barely noticeable, before whispering in her breath, “Me too.”

She pulled out her hand, wet and damp, and placed it on Yu Zhou’s waist.

“Why are you still trembling?” She hugged Yu Zhou, feeling her shudder.

“I don’t know,” Yu Zhou felt shy, snuggling into her embrace, thought for a while before whispering, “It seemed like I was jumping just now.”

Su Chang chuckled, pursing her lips and also feeling embarrassed, “Yeah, I felt that.”

She was particularly fond of Yu Zhou’s innocent curiosity, which could only be found in moments like this, and could only be shared with her, never with anyone else.

“Su Chang, can I touch you?” Yu Zhou deliberately brushed her eyelashes against Su Chang’s earlobe.

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Su Chang didn’t answer this time, taking a long breath and thinking for a while before she finally said, “Next time, I’m a little tired today.”

Her voice was slow and gentle as she spoke, her cheeks rosy, nothing like the usual composed Su Chang.

Aiya, Yu Zhou thought, not wanting to speak, just lifting her chin and giving Su Chang a gentle kiss.

She could feel Su Chang’s lips curl up slightly, a small curve like it wanted to push away Yu Zhou’s kiss, but at the same time, it was like wanting her to linger a little longer.

She wondered if all couples were like this, only on this night did Yu Zhou feel that she and Su Chang had truly become one another’s, witnessing and caressing the most intimate parts of each other, and they were irreplaceable by anyone else.

From then on, the names of Yu Zhou and Su Chang would be linked together, and she hoped it could be for a lifetime.

Ha, she was getting ahead of herself. Yu Zhou smiled, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She slept deeply that night and woke up the next day to the sound of her roommate leaving the room. The curtains in the rented room were thin, offering little to no light blocking, and Su Chang furrowed her brow, glancing to see the general color of the sky.

Yu Zhou was already awake, propping up on her arm while looking at Su Chang. Su Chang’s eyes softened as she looked back at her, and Yu Zhou smiled sweetly. Just as she was about to say good morning, she suddenly remembered something, covered her mouth and sat up, mumbling, “I need to go brush my teeth first.”

Her wrist was caught by Su Chang, who stroked her waist and said, “Let’s sleep a little longer.”

Her voice was hoarse and languid, very leisurely.

“No, don’t,” Yu Zhou said, pulling her listless hand and playing a boring little game with her fingertips against Su Chang’s. “I’ve actually been awake for quite a while, but I always want to snuggle with you. If I sleep any longer, I won’t be able to get up.”

Su Chang smiled gently, looking at her. The sunlight danced on Yu Zhou’s messy hair, making even her swollen eyelids seem particularly dazzling.

Yu Zhou met her gaze and suddenly pounced on her, lying on top of her. The base of her palm pressed against Su Chang’s chin, gently closing her smiling mouth. Then, she rested her head on Su Chang’s soft chest and said, “Don’t laugh.”

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“Why?” Su Chang asked, causing a faint tremor in her collarbone, which made Yu Zhou’s ears tingle.

“Because your laughter is very… that.”



“Which?” Su Chang laughed again.

“Annoying,” Yu Zhou laughed too, getting up, putting on her slippers, and tying her hair up to wash up.

After washing up, she opened the door and hung her hand on the doorknob, asking Su Chang, “What do you want for breakfast? Do you want dumplings? I have frozen dumplings.”

“Sure,” Su Chang replied, leaning on the head of the bed and smiling with her lips pursed.

“Hey, Su Chang!” Yu Zhou frowned and felt annoyed, “I told you not to laugh.”

“Am I not allowed to laugh?” Su Chang looked innocent. “You were laughing too.”

“Was I?”


Yu Zhou withdrew her hand, massaging her facial muscles while turning to walk toward the kitchen. “Whoever laughs is a dog.”

There was a dog laughing behind her, she heard it. Annoying!

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