Path of the Lilies

Chapter 125: 125

"So, how is it?" Lu Wan yawned as he looked at the two girls in front of him. "Is there anything important from what the teacher said?"

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"For today, we have to prove to them that we know plants that are edible. We need to gather two for each party," Mu Xin answered. "You can form a party with as many people as you want. Also, after the hunt is over, they're going to hold an arena competition."

Ye Jiao nodded. "We're free to do whatever we want to do in the forest and gather the core of the beast that we defeated."

"Is that so? Then, let's start," Lu Wan stretched his body and walked to the direction of the forest. He crouched down and picked up two types of different leaves. "Mu Xin, do you think this is enough?"


"To pass the first round."

Mu Xin took the two leaves from Lu Wan's hand and inspected them. She has trained in the forest before with her father, so she has some basic knowledge of edible herbs. It took her a few seconds to recognize the two of them.

"This is Dew Grass and Yellow Leaf. We can eat the two of them without the need to worry."

"Pass it to the teacher," Lu Wan pointed to the teacher. "Just say that you find it nearby, so we want to get inside the forest. Don't forget to say that you've formed a party of two people."

"O-ok," Mu Xin was still surprised that Lu Wan could have knowledge over the herbs this great. If one saw Lu Wan on a daily basis, they would only associate him with the word 'crude,' but this time she saw a different side of this young master.

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It was weird of Lu Wan to not want to get recognized for his skill, but Mu Xin knew better than to ask unnecessary questions. She formed a party with him just because she wanted to protect Ye Jiao and nothing else.

When Mu Xin walked away, Ye Jiao shook her head. "There's no need to show off your ability to recognize plants, right Young Master Lu?"

"It's just a stupid request after all," Lu Wan yawned. "Recognizing these plants are a piece of cake for me."

"Young Master Lu, you may say that it's easy for you to recognize them, but can you say the same for other children. Not everyone has the experience of seeing these plants in their real life until today," Ye Jiao warned.

Lu Wan paused in his action as he thought about it again. Thinking it that way, it was indeed true that the children shouldn't have any experience since they normally lived in the city. Their parents would provide them with everything they needed, so there was no need for them to study everything.

Only some of them would have the basic knowledge ready.



"Sometimes, I can't see you as a 9-year-old girl. You seem to be very knowledgeable and more mature compared to me," Lu Wan said solemnly.

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Ye Jiao turned her gaze to Lu Wan. "I'm still the same. I just learn much more compared to you and try to apply it in my life."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah," Ye Jiao clenched her small fist. She was also in a hurry to grow up and become stronger, so she tried to take in everything she could study to help her grow.

"By the way, here's the portion for today's poison," Lu Wan handed a bottle to Ye Jiao.

"Why do I feel that the dose just increases every day?"

"That's just your imagination."

Ye Jiao put the bottle away in her pocket as she didn't want to use her storage bracelet. Using it would only make them realize that she could use Eon Energy.

"I have finished," Mu Xin returned and handed a wooden plate to Lu Wan. "That's your plate. If you're in danger, you can destroy it to call for the teachers."

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"Even if you use it, they're not going to come too early," Lu Wan turned around and headed to the forest. "In any case, I'm sure that a mere rank 1 beast is going to be nothing for us."

"During the Spring Hunt, they'll allow rank 2 beasts to roam around. It's going to be dangerous without this," Mu Xin warned.

"Rank 2 beast, huh? It's just going to be interesting," Lu Wan chuckled and tucked the plate into his storage bracelet. He was not afraid of rank 2 beasts because he knew that he and Ye Jiao has the capability to run away from it.

In any case, they had already experienced it once before in the forest because of their mission.

The three of them soon entered the forest. The number of teachers were far lesser compared to the students, so it would be impossible for them to watch over the students every single time. Still, they were staying in certain points to watch over the students and help out in case there was someone who needed it.

"You're awfully calm," Mu Xin remarked.

Lu Wan shrugged. "Don't worry, there must be a way to deal with them. Besides, Eon Energy Masters are those who walk on the path of martial arts. It's normal to face danger and grow stronger in the process."

Mu Xin paused for a moment. She nodded her head in agreement. "You're right. Eon Energy Master will face against those stronger than them."

"… I feel like I have heard that sentence before."

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"Must be your imagination."

"Really?" Ye Jiao looked at her senior brother suspiciously while Lu Wan tried to get away. He couldn't possibly say that it was Ye Jiao who said them, right? Right after the mission finished, Ye Jiao said similar words because of her choice to become an assassin. Right now, Lu Wan just changed it to be a martial artist.

The two of them were about to argue again when they sensed sudden presence coming in their direction.

"There's a beast coming," Lu Wan summoned his sword out of his storage bracelet.

"Prepare for battle, Xin Jie."

Mu Xin also took out her sword as she furrowed her brows slightly. "Are you sure that there's a monster coming? I can't sense anything."

"Yes," Lu Wan answered. "Be careful!"


Something suddenly headed to Mu Xin's direction.

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