Path of the Lilies

Chapter 162: 162

Bam! Bam!

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Sounds of rapid footsteps came from outside. The three of them looked at the rubbles nervously, hoping that there was no stupid beast suddenly barging inside uninvited. If that was the case, they would need to fight despite their battered situation.

Three pairs of eyes were looking in one direction nervously.


The earth shook once more, but the three of them didn't move. Even without any instruction, they came to a tacit agreement that the safest action right now was to not do anything.

As time trickled, there was no beast coming in their direction. Slowly, the shaking eased until it came to a stop. There was no more sound coming from outside the cave anymore.

"That's scary," Lu Wan mumbled.

Ye Jiao nodded in agreement. "I didn't expect the beast to turn around."

"In the first place, there shouldn't be any beast horde around here. I'm afraid someone is actively seeking harm to us." As he spoke, Qi Huan turned his head to look at Lu Wan. His meaningful gaze was caught by Lu Wan. Even though Lu Wan was slow, he knew that the possibility was there.

"I might have attracted unwanted enemies."

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"What did you do, Senior Brother Lu?"

Lu Wan flashed an innocent smile. "Let's not talk about this now."

The three of them were exhausted because they continued to fight without using any Eon Energy. Their stamina was drained out because they constantly challenged their limits. First, they had to face a bull, then run away from a horde, afterwards, they fight against an uncountable number of bats and lastly, they fought against rank 2 bat's leader.

It was very tiring.

"Let's recover our Eon Energy and then have some sleep," Qi Huan suggested. "Whoever has the stamina will guard."

Even though he said that, the other two didn't really care about that as they just focused on their place and started to absorb Eon Energy from their surroundings. The area reeked with the smell of blood, but they didn't have the time to care as they nourished their body with Eon Energy.

As soon as the energy started to enter their bloodstream, they could feel the warm. Ye Jiao also felt extremely comfortable as Eon Energy started to fill her core once more. She could feel a large amount of Eon Energy around her, which she pulled into her body without any restraint.

More and more Eon Energy filled her body, providing her with the comfort.

'It has been a long time since I enjoy this sensation.'

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When she was small, she would always absorb Eon Energy because of the warmth they provided her. As time continues, she never paid it too much attention because it has become part of her daily activities. It was only now that she sensed their warmth and comfort once more. She enjoyed it much more than before.

At some unknown point of time, the three of them fell asleep, drowning in the comfort of their Eon Energy absorption and their tiredness. Not even a single one of them managed to stay awake because of their fatigue.

Thankfully, there was no beast around. The three of them were safe, sleeping peacefully. 

"Mhm," Lu Wan opened his eyes. As he had reached rank 2, his body function has increased significantly, allowing him to be the first one to wake up among the three of them.

'I'm hungry.'

He took out several dried meats that they had prepared on their way and stuffed them into his mouth. Afterwards, Lu Wan looked around and started to collect the core from the bats. Seeing the large amount of core in his hand, he felt extremely happy.

"Hehehe, we're going to win the hunt with this."

"What are you doing laughing like an idiot, Senior Brother Lu?" Ye Jiao opened her eyes and moved from her position. She smiled when she realized that her body no longer felt hurt. There might be some scratches left, but it would surely heal after some time.

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"I'm just happy," Lu Wan defended himself. He showed the cores that he had gathered. "With these, we're going to win the hunt."

"There's no certainty. I'm sure that many students will try to take advantage of the horde and collect the cores of fallen beasts," Ye Jiao pointed outside. Due to the speed and recklessness of the beasts, there was no telling whether they had trampled on their comrade or not. Because of that, a lot of beasts would surely die on the way.

"You're right…"

"I'll search around the cave. It didn't seem normal for the bats to grow into that size," Ye Jiao pointed to the bats around them.

"They might have just eaten too much in their life."


Ignoring her senior brother, Ye Jiao walked into the cave. There were still some bats left, flying above her head. However, they didn't have any intention to attack her anymore, so Ye Jiao also didn't try to create trouble.

The entrance of the cave was small, then there was the large area where she and her senior brothers fought against the bats. Afterwards, Ye Jiao noticed that there was a narrow passageway into the deeper part of the cave. It was tall enough for adults to pass through, but could be quite narrow if they were fat.

"There might be something at the back of the cave," Ye Jiao returned and reported.

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Lu Wan. "What did you find?"

"Passageway. I don't know where it heads, though."

"We'll wait for Qi Huan to wake up before we start heading there," Lu Wan's hands were still busy collecting the bat's core. There was no way he would want to miss this opportunity.

"I'll prepare some food."

"Wait, don't start fire in the cave!"

"I'll go near the entrance, so the smoke won't reach deeper."


"Do you want to eat or not?" Ye Jiao rolled her eyes and directly asked.

Lu Wan shut his mouth and returned back to his work on collecting the cores while Ye Jiao made fire to cook.

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