Path of the Lilies

Chapter 177: 177

Feeling curious, Ye Jiao made her way to the building. The moment she shifted her gaze to the building, she could see a woman standing in the middle with a dark expression. Her body stiffened at the familiar face as Ye Jiao could feel her blood boil in hatred and anger. it was a face she could never forget.

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"Madam Su Daji, it's the arrangement that Madam Su Lian had. Please do not make things difficult for us."

"Difficult? Who do you think wants to come here in the first place? If not for that b*tch suggesting me to come here at the last minute, I'll never be here. Stepping my feet on this dirty ground is clearly out of the question!"

Su Daji was enraged. Right after her son finally formed his core, she was called by her husband to come here. The one who should come was originally Su Lian as the representative from Wei Family. However, Su Lian's current condition was unsuitable. As the result, they changed it to her.

"But Madam, activating the array requires a lot of money. Even for Wei Family, it's a large sum."

"Does that mean I can't go home before the arena battle is over?"


"That's ridiculous! I need to go home and see my son! If that b*tch know the truth about the fragility of children who had just formed their core… argh!"

From outside, Ye Jiao listened to her words as her fist slowly relaxed. She had managed to calm down and from what she had seen, it was possible that Su Lian would make her move when Su Daji was not around.

The seed she sown not long ago has started to grow.

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'This might be cruel of me, but you all already make my life difficult for years,' Ye Jiao's gaze slowly turned determined. 'I'm not a saint who has a kind heart and could forgive you all so easily. I hope that all of you die miserably.'

Turning her body around, Ye Jiao left the building. She knew that what she had planned for them was cruel, but she didn't want to care anymore. They were the one who started it. She just retaliated because she didn't want them to chase after her anymore.

It would be better if they were destroyed from the inside.

The city itself was not too large because it was mainly focused on the arena in the middle of the city. Ye Jiao only had to turn around in the alleyway a few times until she reached the area where it was mostly dark.

'I better wear a mask.'

Ye Jiao took out a mask that Lu Wan gave to her before. After their first mission, he decided that it would be better for them to use masks when they did their mission in case there was a survivor who saw them. After all, they didn't plan on having their identities known as assassin.

Loitering around the street, Ye Jiao's eyes caught the signboard of a peculiar store: Herb's Store.

"Welcome," a young servant greeted her when she walked inside.

Ye Jiao nodded. "Is it possible to sell herbs instead of buying here?"

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"Yes, it's possible. Please come over to the counter."

A man was sitting behind the counter when Ye Jiao came closer. He frowned upon seeing Ye Jiao because he could see that Ye Jiao was still very young. After all, there were not many adults at the same height as this little lass over here.

"Is there anything I can help?"

"I want to sell this?" Ye Jiao took out one Natural Essence Fruit from her storage bracelet and presented it to the man.

The man picked it up and scrutinized it. He was astonished when he sensed the amount of Natural Eon Energy inside the fruit. It was slightly higher than what people usually sell on the street, making it more valuable.

"I can see that you have quite a treasure over here. Give me your price."

"1 gold 10 silvers," Ye Jiao purposely picked the price above the market price. She had heard from Qi Huan that this fruit usually only sold at the range from 30 silvers to 1 gold.

The man raised his eyebrows. "This fruit is indeed better than the normal one you can find, but it's not by too much. Besides, this place is quite close to Cao Kingdom, so I won't be able to sell it if you raise it too much. 70 silvers, lad."

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"Too low, make it one gold."

"That's above the price market. 80 silvers."

"95 silvers."

"85 silvers."

"90 silvers."

The man sighed. "Fine, you win. 90 silvers it is. How many fruits are you going to sell?"


"I see," the man nodded. With the large amount of fruits this girl planned to sell, there was no doubt that she wanted to sell it in Black Market. "I'll take them all."


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After securing the deal, Ye Jiao received the 90 gold coins while the man received 100 of the fruits. She walked out of the store while the man looked at the fruits in his hand with interest.

"This fruit can definitely sell for 1 gold," the female servant remarked.

The man nodded. "There'll be a lot of geniuses coming here after the arena battle ends because they want to consolidate their power further. For us, this sudden stockpile is a heaven sent. We'll definitely make a lot of profit from selling them."

"With their higher grade, it's obvious."

Unfortunately, the man didn't know that Ye Jiao headed over to five more herbs stores in the city after his store. She had more than 1000 fruits in her storage bracelet, which she was sure that she wouldn't be able to consume all of them. Their effect had diminished so much that it wouldn't help her too much.

'I might still need some, but obviously not this much.'

The price the shopkeeper offered varied between 90 to 95 golds. In the end, Ye Jiao received 553 gold coins after visiting 6 shops in total. This number of golds were already more than enough to turn her into a rich lady who didn't have to work for the next decade.

Of course, that was just by the standard in the four kingdoms. 

But Ye Jiao's goal was never the gold. She only needed them if she wanted to travel, so they were obviously more convenient. As for the fruits, she still has a few hundreds left in her storage bracelet.

'Now, it's time to visit the arena. I wonder how Senior Brother Qi and Senior Brother Lu fare there.'

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