Path of the Lilies

Chapter 202: 202

The children were brought to a large room. After they had entered the room, one of the older girls headed to the door and tried to shake it open.

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"Use your Eon Energy!"

"I already use it," the girl replied desperately.

Most of the girls in this room were around the age of 9 to 12 years old. At most, they would have just formed their core without the suitable ability to use it. Unless they could reach rank 1, they still wouldn't be able to use too much of their Eon Energy.

Ye Jiao watched from the back as she waited for the guards to leave. She was glad when she noticed that they were walking far away from here. Her two senior brothers should have entered the residence from the area that she has cleared before. If not because she was worried of alarming others, she would have continued to move.

'But I guess I won't have any trouble to defeat Eon Energy Master rank 2 now.'

The skill that her master taught her seemed to be very advance. Even when she was near the man, they didn't realize her presence at all. It was as if she didn't exist in their eyes.

"Pull it again!"

"I already tried to pull it."

Ye Jiao could feel the sudden disturbance of Eon Energy around her. As she had to be careful when doing missions, she had trained herself to be more sensitive with Eon Energy. With her sensitivity that she had since young, it was honed to the level where she could easily detect when there was something wrong with just their movements.

'They have started to fight.'

When she realized that they had started to move, Ye Jiao stepped to the door. She used her Eon Energy to pull the lock without being seen by the other children. After practicing, she was already proficient in controlling them at around one meter around her.


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The door was opened suddenly and the children were thrown to the back. Their eyes lit up as they ran out of the room in disorderly manner. Some of them still remembered the route, so soon they already reached the hall.

"The children escape!" the guard was alarmed.


As the children disperse, Ye Jiao headed straight to the guard and summoned her sword out of her storage bracelet.


With a single strike, she killed the guard.


The other guard was barely able to say anything when he felt pain on top of his stomach. In the next moment, he also fell down to the ground.

The children were dumbstruck when they saw Ye Jiao stood with a blood stained sword in her hand. She was still around the same age as them, but her appearance at that moment was like a princess who was leading her soldier into the war. Her small back was brimming with power, giving them confidence and protection.

"I'll take care of the guards. You just run out."

"Ah! Y-yes!"

Ye Jiao ran out to the field with the children following after her. They were awed when the guards who blocked them were sent flying or down in just a strike. It didn't take long for them to reach the door.

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Ye Jiao frowned when she noticed that her sword couldn't break the metal bar. She put her hand forward and enveloped the bar with Eon Energy. With it, she lifted it and threw it to the side.


"You can go out now."


The children cheered as they ran out. One of the girls looked at Ye Jiao with worry. "How about you?"

"Me? I still have a business with that fat pig."

Ye Jiao swiftly dashed from her position. Now that the children were safe, she headed into the inner part of the residence. At the same time, she changed her weapon to that of a dagger.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal clashing reverberated from the inner chamber. Ye Jiao rushed to the location and saw Qi Huan fighting the Governor head on with Lu Wan on the back, facing the second sword.

"Over here!" Qi Huan yelled.

"Got it!"

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Ye Jiao used the pillar on the side and jumped above the man. She swung her dagger down, but the governor blocked it.


Somersaulting midair, Ye Jiao positioned herself as Qi Huan also dashed forward and ran his quick attack to the man. Numerous sword attacks were directed at the governor, who controlled his sword and used his Eon Energy to block them all.

Meanwhile, Lu Wan was facing the second sword, who was flying out and trying to sneak attack them. His blade and chain danced as it blocked the sword every advance.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Ye Jiao moved to the man's side and swung her dagger.


His sword reached her at the right time to block. Using the curved side, Ye Jiao held the sword firmly as Qi Huan started his barrage of attack.

Slash! Swish!

Some of the sword attacks reached the governor's body, wounding him terribly. His face was ugly for he realized that the children were unordinary. They were attacking him in the manner that he couldn't predict.

"WHO IN THE WORLD ARE YOU B*STARD!" the governor roared as he pounced forward with his sword on hand. Qi Huan side stepped to evade and started his barrage of sword attacks once more.

"Where's the guard? Guh!"


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The number of wounds on the governor's body kept on increasing as Ye Jiao and Qi Huan jointly attacked him together. They took turns of who should take the sword and the man's attention while the other one wounded him.


Ye Jiao jumped to the back. Her eyes widened when she saw the flying sword heading to her. Her reflex allowed her to roll to the side as the sword pierced into the wall.

"Hold it there!" Lu Wan yelled as he used his chain to lock the second blade and pulled it away from the man.

"That's useless, I can control it as long as my…"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Ye Jiao swung her dagger around the first sword, cutting off the thread of Eon Energy that connected the sword to the man. Eon Energy Master rank 3 only has the advantage of their better control, but it was not the level of invisible. If they cut off the string relating the sword to the owner, he wouldn't be able to use it anymore.



Before the governor could try getting his sword back, Qi Huan had attacked him and swung his sword, cutting him diagonally. Blood flowed out from the blade's wounds as the man lost his energy.


The governor was about to ask, but his body fell down to the ground first.


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