Path of the Lilies

Chapter 251: 251

Days passed quietly. It was only a few days later that she met Lu Wan again because Qi Huan had arrived. He was late because he had to take care of some family matters before he could possibly come here.

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"Senior Brother Lu, I'm coming in." Ye Jiao pushed the door open.

"Ah, welcome back," Qi Huan smiled. He was sitting on the chair with Lu Wan crouching on the corner of the room. Apparently, he was sulking when he found out that Qi Huan also has reached rank 3. Not only that, this boy was already in the middle of rank 3, almost reaching the late stage.

Eon Energy Master Rank 3 was divided into four ranks. First was early, which was the moment they reached that rank and slowly consolidated their power. Second was middle stage. At this stage, they would have much more Eon Energy and much better control. Also, it was commonly at this stage that Eon Energy Master Rank 3 was able to control their weapon well.

The third one was late stage, which was the time when they had complete mastery of their control. At this stage, they would also start to learn their specialization for when they reached rank 4. The last one would be the peak. This was the highest stage and also the most powerful one below rank 4. Those at this rank only needed the realization of their martial path if they wanted to advance into rank 4.

With the great disparity in their current strength, it was no wonder that Lu Wan was sulking. He was the oldest, yet he was also the slowest among the three of them.

"Are you alright, Senior Brother Lu?"

"How can I be alright when you two appear in front of me with that rank? I feel as if I'm a failure as a genius."

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Qi Huan flicked a glance to Lu Wan. "That's because you're never a genius."



Seeing the two of them started to fight again, Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. At the very least, Senior Brother Qi was still holding back because if he didn't, Lu Wan wouldn't be able to last even one second against him. The amount of Eon Energy and the power that he could harness was already more than twice what Lu Wan had.

It was truly a great gap.

"You two, can't you stay quiet for a second?" Zhan Jing's voice traveled from the bathroom.

Ye Jiao turned her head around and saw her master walked out with an annoyed expression. He turned to look in her direction as his eyebrow shot up. "And I have heard what you have done, Little Lass. That's quite a ruckus in Chen Kingdom thanks to you."

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"Ah, I…"


Before Ye Jiao could speak up, Zhan Jing flicked her forehead. "Tsk, it seems that you couldn't understand the meaning of staying low."

"Sorry, Master."

"You don't look like you regret your decision."

Ye Jiao pursed her lips. If she tried to act as if she regretted what she had done, she knew that it wouldn't be the truth. She didn't have the slightest bit of regret for doing what she had done. They wanted her life, so she would pay them back for what they had done to her and what they wanted to do.

Seeing her expression, Zhan Jing sighed. He crouched down to reach the same height as the young girl and raised his arm.

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Ye Jiao closed her eyes as she thought that he wanted to hit her. She knew that she was reckless, but she was impatient and the chance might not come twice. Contrary to her expectation, her master's hand reached her head and rubbed it slowly and tenderly.

"M-Master?" Ye Jiao opened her eyes and looked at her master. The gaze that he had on his eyes was filled with a complicated expression.

Zhan Jing continued to rub the young girl's head. "Stay true to your heart and pursue your path, that's the path of a martial artist. Your action is reckless, but I know that you have your own reason to do so. Just remember one thing, pursuing revenge solely will only lead to a circle of revenge with nothing good coming out of it."

It was filled with hatred, grief, sadness, and also anger.

Ye Jiao had seen for herself how her actions led to that particular circle, so she didn't want to repeat that. Unless they aimed for her life, she would not kill just anyone because she understood, killing and killing again would only lead to a circle of revenge whereas the survivor stood back to reclaim what was theirs.

In her heart, she knew that the last people she would chase would be the Imperial Family and also her fake mother. Even though she still didn't know how to get close to the Imperial Family and find that woman, she would seek the truth. She wanted to know what had actually happened to her parents to make them hate her family so much.

The bounty for her head was still out there.

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She slowly nodded her head. "I understand, Master."

"Do not be blinded by hatred and revenge. The world is much more beautiful than that. There are more things that you can pursue as a martial artist," Zhan Jing lifted his hand.

"Are you angry, Master?"

��Angry? No, I'm not angry, I'm just worried about you," Zhan Jing sighed. "But I can understand why you pick that decision. However, just remember that life is filled with a lot of color. You will surely see them more when you grow up."

Ye Jiao blinked her eyes. She knew that lives were not only filled with revenge. All this time, she never fully focused on that because she had fun with her senior brother and others. She also had her dream that she wished to fulfill. But surely, there would be many more things waiting for her as there would be broader paths in the future.

"I understand, Master."

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