Path of the Lilies

Chapter 294: 294

"If we try to get out of this place, wouldn't he try to stop us too?" Ye Jiao tilted her head. Since they have captured that man's attention, there was no doubt that he would chase after them.

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Qi Huan looked up. "Master, what's the price of winning the competition?"

"It's a teleportation stone," Zhan Jing replied. "With that stone, you will be able to transport out of this area to the main world or the opposite. However, you need to use it near the gate for it to work if you want to head out to the mainland."

"Then, let's win the competition," Lu Wan smiled.

"Didn't you hear me?" Zhan Jing's face was dark. He had just told them to leave and now they wanted to stay and win the competition?

"If we get the teleportation stone, can you use it to leave this place, Master?" Ye Jiao asked.


Looking at the three's expressions, realization dawned on him. Zhan Jing finally understood why they wanted to win the competition. They wished for him to get the teleportation stone to get out of this place.

"I have to stay here."

"But if you use it, won't you be able to meet with her, whoever she is?" Ye Jiao insisted. "Even if you're forced to return back because we're not going to stay in that organization forever, it'll be better if you can meet with her first."

Lu Wan grinned. "That'll be for the best, right Master?"

"Master, we want to help you," Qi Huan added. "So, trust us in this matter and let us win the competition. Afterwards, we'll get out of this place together."

Zhan Jing didn't have the heart to reject them when they were showing him that expression. At the same time, he felt touched that his disciples were willing to do that much for him. He didn't do much for them, but they willingly stepped forward to do so much more.

He sighed. "I see."

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"That settles it."

"We should just prepare for the next competition," Ye Jiao beamed.

Zhan Jing pointed to the floor. "Sit down and recover your Eon Energy. We'll think for a way to break out of this place with those Eon Energy Masters around."

There were three Eon Energy Master Rank 4 in this place. Each of them were extremely powerful on their own. Trying to fight against them would be hard because their base rank was lower. Even if they managed to hold on their ground against them, it wouldn't be an easy fight.

Ye Jiao and Lu Wan immediately sat down and absorbed Eon Energy like crazy. On the other hand, Qi Huan sat down but didn't begin immediately. He was looking straight at their master with a solemn expression.

"Master, you're important to us, so we want to help you," Qi Huan said slowly. "Even though you only teach us for a short period of time, you're still our teacher and would forever be one."

"Thank you, Shan Dian."

"This is the truth, Master."

If he had to be honest, this was the first time he realized how much of an influence he had over his disciples.

'I truly didn't worth having all of them.'

They were all good disciples with various personalities and habits. However, they have genuine hearts, who were ready to help him out despite knowing that he didn't really approach them with good intent.

You're our Master.

That one sentence reflected how much he was valued in their life. He sighed internally and looked outside the door. A glint flashed in his eyes.

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No matter what, he would not let them be tied into Bao Fu Organization.

They deserved much more than that muddy place.

Ye Jiao opened her eyes after she had finished filling her core. With the current amount of Eon Energy in this place, it was much easier for her to absorb a lot of them at once. She looked at her master before her, who had a complicated expression on his face.

"Master, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, you have finished, Ai Jiao?" Zhan Jing looked over to the young girl not far from him. He stood up. "I'll be leaving first. You should head over to the arena once these two have finished."

"Ok, Master!" Ye Jiao replied cheerfully. "Master, do you know what kind of competition the second part will be?"

"It's always different from time to time, but it should be a team competition. One advice from me, don't use up all of your power."

Ye Jiao could sense a hidden intent beneath her master's words. She knew that there might be something they needed to do after the fight. After all, a fight might occur if those people decided to force them to utter the Oath of Loyalty. The three of them wouldn't want to do so.

"Ok, Master."

"Good. Take care of yourself," Zhan Jing nodded and walked out of the room.

Ye Jiao stayed still in her place and did some circulation to train her body. She waited until Lu Wan finished his training before stopping hers.

"Where's Master?" Lu Wan arched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Master left first," Ye Jiao replied. "We should hurry to the arena once Senior Brother Shan has finished his recovery."

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"Also, Master tells us to not use all of our power in the battle. We still need to save up a considerable amount of Eon Energy in our core."

Lu Wan frowned. He had the feeling that their master really loved to give them impossible tasks. Trying to conserve their Eon Energy consumption while fighting against those geniuses wouldn't be easy. After all, those who could pass into the second round must have defeated more than 10 opponents in the span of 3 hours.

They all have great ability to conserve their Eon Energy and at the same time, great fighting ability. There was also a high possibility that they had a high amount of Eon Energy in their reserve, giving away the fact that they were not those who had just broken through to rank 3.

"How do we fight them with three early stage rank 3?"

"Senior Brother Shan is already at the middle or late stage," Ye Jiao reminded. "He's a bit quicker."

"Wait, you're telling me that he's even quicker?" Lu Wan pointed to Qi Huan in disbelief. He was already feeling down when he heard that the two of them reached rank 3 quicker. Now he got news that Qi Huan was no longer at early stage?

Damn it! Why did he have to be surrounded by monsters?

"Yeah," Ye Jiao nodded nonchalantly. She remembered when she saw Qi Huan got out of the secret realm on that island. At that time, Qi Huan was not only early rank 3, but he had stabilized his rank, clearly he must be at middle rank 3 at the very least.

"Don't point your finger at other people. It's impolite," Qi Huan pushed Lu Wan's finger away as he stood up. He looked at Lu Wan with a smirk. "And yes, I'm already at the late stage of rank 3."

Lu Wan: "…" damn you!

The three of them heard the commotion from outside. They instantly knew that it must be the start of the second part of the competition.

"Let's get out. We're going to be late."

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The three of them got out of the room and ran to the arena. There were already a lot of people crowding the place, wanting to take a look at the competition. Even though they were assassins, many of them were curious as to how the competition would be.

"Yeah! I arrived first!" Lu Wan laughed out loudly as he stepped into the arena.

Ye Jiao shook her head as she stepped inside. In that moment, she felt sudden danger coming at her.


Her dagger was summoned out as she used it to block the attack. Her eyes flashed with a glint. Beside her, a young man was looking at her with astonishment. His sword was locked to her dagger when Ye Jiao blocked it not long ago.


"May I ask you why you attack our junior sister?" Qi Huan moved swiftly as he placed his sword on the man's neck.

The man could feel a chill coming down his spine as he sensed the murderous intent coming from Qi Huan. He knew. If he didn't provide a satisfying reason, this young man would not hesitate to kill him.

"I'm just testing her a bit…"

"Who do you think you are?" Lu Wan snapped. He walked closer to the man with his hand ready. "Do you think you have the qualification to test our junior sister?"

The man was stunned. He opened his mouth, trying to think for some words to refute, but he couldn't think of anything. His mouth gaped just like that of fish.


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