Path of the Lilies

Chapter 309: 309

Ye Jiao opened her eyes slowly when she realized that she had arrived in an unknown building. There were the runes engraving on the ground below her, telling her that she has just successfully transported from that city.

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"Where are we?" Lu Wan felt dizzy from the teleportation. It felt as if part of his body was taken away from him with a course of energy enveloped his body.

"This should be Intersection City," Qi Huan walked towards the window. He could see the bustling street from that position. Reading the nearby plate, he recognized it as 'Intersection City's Square.'

"That name is weird," Lu Wan murmured.

"They use this name because this city didn't belong to either one of the four kingdoms, but it's placed at the border of the four kingdoms," Ye Jiao walked to Qi Huan and smiled upon seeing the plate. "There are a lot of things that exist in this place because it's the combination of the culture from the four of them."

"This also include the Barbarian Kingdom?" Lu Wan was confused. From what he knew, Barbarian Kingdom was located in the south, meaning that it shouldn't be connected directly to the north.

"There's a route between Chen Kingdom and Cao Kingdom that's known as Barbarian's Route. It's usually termed as their territory even though it's just a line that's dividing the two kingdom's territory," Qi Huan explained. He turned to Lu Wan with amusement. "It seems like someone needs to review his geographic lesson."

"Shut up!"

"Let's walk around the city," Ye Jiao suggested. She wanted to know how a city that was the combination of the culture from four completely different places would look like.

"Let's go."

The three of them walked out of the building. They didn't catch any of the attention of these people. Apparently, there were already too many people who walked out of this building over the past few weeks. The temptation of the academy had attracted numerous people to come to this place.

People were filling the entire street to the point that it was hard to find any location without them around. Every single place has numerous people. Even if they wanted to, it would be hard to find any that was empty. Thankfully, this city was large enough to fit a huge number of people.

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"How much time is left until we can go to the examination location?" Lu Wan asked curiously.

Ye Jiao looked at her senior with a confused expression. "Senior Brother, did you study about them before?"

"Eh, what?"

Hearing that, Lu Wan turned his head to the north. He couldn't see anything like a barrier from what he could see so far. All he could see was only a rocky wall and nothing else. Aside from the fact that the area seemed lively, it didn't show any kind of barrier.

"I can't see anything."

"It's invisible, but it's known that there's a barrier over there. If you go to the north gate, you will be able to see the seal," Ye Jiao explained. She learned about this from the books in Bao Fu Organization back then. After all, that organization held numerous types of books in their library.

Lu Wan turned his head to Ye Jiao. "How do you know so much?"

"I didn't only study one thing like you."

"I'm not only studying one thing!"

"Then tell me what you learn aside from poison," Ye Jiao challenged. Knowing her senior brother, he wouldn't learn anything other than poison and the method to create new one.

Lu Wan's face contorted. "Uhm, herbs?"

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"That's included in poison," Qi Huan interjected. "Don't try to say anything that's related to poison."

After thinking for a while, Lu Wan found himself unable to think of anything else. He did learn about how to use his weapon, but it was mostly from the martial book that their master gave to them. Aside from that, he didn't try to learn personally because most of the techniques required him to be at rank 3.

Since he had just advanced, he hadn't had the time to see them at all.

"You can't answer, right?" Ye Jiao grinned. "Don't try to dodge it, Senior Brother. I know that you're not going to find any."

"How about etiquette…?"

"You learn them back before you meet with us, so that's not counted," Qi Huan was the one to reply. At this time, they have arrived at the market. There were a lot of people who were trying to search for a good weapon in the stalls. After all, they have to do whatever possible to raise their chance to enter the academy.

This chance only occurred once a year and the examination each time would be different. They have to be prepared for anything.

"Do you want to look for a weapon too, Jiao'er?" Lu Wan asked.

Ye Jiao shook her head. She already had the curved dagger inside her storage bracelet and it was already more than enough. It was not like she needed any other kind of weapon because she had gotten used to using this one.

"Hmm, I thought you're the one who will search for herbs."

"I do think of that," Lu Wan said honestly. His eyes turned to the location of the stalls on the side. "But after thinking for a bit, I think I shouldn't try to attract any attention in this city."

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The only one who would buy herbs in this city would be those who have deep knowledge in medicine or poison. If he did buy some of them, he would surely attract the attention of people who wanted him for his knowledge. He might be slow at times, but he understood his position in this city rather well.

"I see that you still have some brain."

"… Do you take me to be an idiot?"

"Of course."

"[email protected]#$%^\u0026*!"

Ye Jiao ignored the angry Lu Wan as she looked around the area. There were numerous items that were presented in the stalls here and there. However, only a few of them attracted the attention of the youngsters who came here.

Suddenly, she heard a sudden yell.


The sudden yell caused a lot of people to look in one direction. They could see a young man yelling at another man. There was a peculiar stone in the man's hand, which the first man claimed to be his.

"I took it first."

"I see it first!"

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Ye Jiao looked as the onlookers didn't seem to have any interest in the quarrel. She turned her head to Qi Huan. "Why did they treat it as something common?"

"That's because it's indeed common," Qi Huan replied. "The second man is from the Barbarian Kingdom, which is the kingdom that's hated by the others very much. It's not weird to see someone try to take things from them."

Now that Qi Huan mentioned it, Ye Jiao had just noticed that the second man's attire showed that he came from the Barbarian Kingdom. They usually wore light robes because of the condition in the desert.

Lu Wan yawned. "It's their fault for trying to take other kingdoms by force in the past. Even now, not a single one of us has a good impression of the Barbarian Kingdom."

"They did that?" Ye Jiao was surprised. She only learnt history part by part and not really completely. It was all because she never received proper education for that and could only rely on her own capabilities.

"Yes, a long time ago."

"Did they still try to…?"

"No, it's no longer possible. The reason why they're called Barbarian is precisely because they're no longer able to produce talented children anymore. It's hard to find any children with B talent in that kingdom, much less A."

While in the other three kingdoms, they would have a few youngsters born with A talent every few years. It was not that rare. Even though it was not that common, there were still some of them occasionally.

"I see."

The three of them decided to not get involved in the quarrel between the two youngsters. They knew that it wouldn't do them any good to be associated with the Barbarian Kingdom. After all, everyone knew how ambitious they were.

Ye Jiao's mind recalled the Blood Berserk Enhancement technique that she saw in Wei Cheng. If the Barbarian Kingdom was truly the common enemy of the three kingdoms, why would that man learn something from the Barbarian Kingdom? Unless…

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