Path of the Lilies

Chapter 352: 352

Ye Jiao looked to the back with a hint of confusion in her clear eyes. They were still in the middle of a fight, but they issued a retreat. That felt weird in her eyes. After all, she was not familiar with the battlefield rules.

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"Hey, what are you doing standing up like an idiot? Come on, we need to go back and have some rest."

Ye Jiao looked at the soldier that pulled her away. She tilted her head. "Why did they stop the fight? It's not over yet, right?"

"No, it's not," the soldier sighed. "It's the rules that if the fight lasts until the night, it'll be stopped in the middle, right before the sun disappears.* We can rest for the night."

"Is… that so?"

"Yes. Why are you looking at me with that expression?"

To be honest, Ye Jiao never thought that the battlefield would have its own rules like that. She thought that they would have to fight non-stop until there was a clear winner, but if it was like that, everyone would die out of exhaustion if the fight lasted for a long time. It seemed like there were so many things that she needed to learn if she wished to survive in this world.

At the same time, she thought about the existence of Eon Energy Masters and looked at the people around her. They have traces of Eon Energy in their body, but it was very weak. Compared to her, who was already Eon Energy Master Rank 3, they could be said to be Eon Energy Master Rank 1.

If not for her wooden weapon, she was sure that no one would be able to stop her in that sea of soldiers.

'I should have made my analysis before I start participating in the battle.'

Ye Jiao sighed to herself. Even though she knew that it was inevitable for her to not be able to think of anything, she still wished that she had done this sooner. Following the others, she started to make a tent for the night and found out that she has become nothing more than ordinary soldiers.

Yeah, an ordinary soldier that couldn't influence the fight.

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"They're just going to send us to the frontline again," the soldier beside her sighed. "I bet that we're going to die if this continues."

"That… don't you know about the general's decision?"

"We won't know until the actual battle. It's pretty common that only the leader knows the way for the battle. Besides, the real battle is not done with us, but through the leaders," another soldier sighed.

Ye Jiao nodded her head. "Did it mean we can only fight?"


"Also, you might need to find a new weapon," a soldier pointed at the wooden dagger in Ye Jiao's hand.

Looking at the dagger, a wry smile appeared on Ye Jiao's lips. It was not like she liked this sword, but when she was about to take the fallen sword, she realized that she couldn't. It passed through her hand as if it was nothing but an illusion.

"Is there any dagger around?" Ye Jiao chose to ask. Probably, it was because the weapon was different that she was unable to touch it. If it was a dagger, there was a possibility that she might be able to use it.

"Yeah, just go to the carriage on the back and ask for weapon change."

"Got it."

Ye Jiao walked to the carriage. It was located in higher ground and guarded with a few soldiers. Apparently, it was used to store a lot of items, including a weapon that they used.

"Excuse me, I'm here to find a weapon to exchange," Ye Jiao raised her wooden dagger.

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The guard nodded and opened the door. "Don't take too long."

"I won't."

Ye Jiao walked inside and realized that there were a variety of weapons. She extended her hand and touched the dagger in front of her. Her eyes lit up when she sensed the cold metal. Putting the wooden dagger on her hips, she picked up one of the metal daggers.

With this, she would be able to fight freely tomorrow.

"I have finished. Thank you for letting me in."

"Huh-uh," the guard replied plainly.

Ye Jiao looked into the distance. She had just realized that she could see the plain where they fought clearly in this place. It was truly nothing but barren land. A lot of people were dragging their comrade's body, but not all of them because there was simply no time for them.

"If you're trying to earn a meritorious reward by changing your weapon, you're not going to get anything," one of the guards remarked.

"You have to target the leader instead," the guard yawned.

"The leader?"

"Yeah. In a battlefield, it's important to follow your leader. Without any leader, the fight is usually considered over."

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"I see. Thank you."

'She should just aim getting to the frontline, right?' Ye Jiao thought to herself as she returned back and laid down in her tent. She felt tired after fighting for the entire day.

The next morning, Ye Jiao was awakened by a loud sound of a large gong and other ruckuses.

"What in the world…?"

"Hey newbie, the fight is about to begin. Come up here," a soldier called for her.

"Ah, coming," Ye Jiao jogged to the location. She could see that the battle would begin soon. However, things were not going according to her wishes. They were all standing at the rear and not the frontline.

"We're at the back?"

"Yes. They're switching us with other platoons because many of us died yesterday," the soldier shrugged.

"So our task is?"

"Protecting the headquarter."

Ye Jiao felt like banging her head right now. If she was at the frontline, she would have the chance to fight against the leader. But now that she was standing in the rear, it would be a miracle if she could participate in the battle. Did it mean she had to waste another day standing here like a stupid person?

Even though she knew that the enemy might target their headquarters because it could change the tide of the battle, she doubted that any of them would be able to reach this far. It was too safe and protected on the back.

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She sighed. "Do you know if we're going to participate in the battle or not?"

"Probably not. It's not like they're going to need a lot of infantry when there's already so much of them upfront. Even if we join, we're not going to make much difference," the soldier instead felt glad that he didn't need to participate in the forefront. After all, yesterday's battle had killed a lot of his teammates.

Ye Jiao had to admit that this man was correct. This group didn't have many soldiers to begin with. There were only a few of them left after the harsh battle yesterday. She was also unable to help much as she had never fought in a large group before.

'I think I need to renew my strategy.'

There were so many things that she needed to adapt to in this place. It wouldn't be easy…

Suddenly, Ye Jiao could sense deep pressure coming at her like a tide. Her head was turned to the side as she saw a large man come with a glaive. It was swung to the group of infantry soldiers in front of him.



Sora's Corner:

*This is the law for battle in ancient times. I'm not sure every place where this law applicable to, but I know that it's applicable for Ancient China back during the time of Warring Era. In an open area, they would fight until the sun set, and the gong was sounded. Afterwards, they would rest and fight again in the morning when one general lead them. Of course, there were still sneak attack at night and some other types of attack that didn't follow these rules.

After all, all is fair in war. :)

For more information, please search on the internet.

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