Path of the Lilies

Chapter 76

On the Ship

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At this time, Ye Jiao was adjusting to the condition of the ship. It was not moving at earth breaking speed, but rather slow and steady. The speed of the ship made her wonder if they wanted to reach the island quicker or not.

She glanced at the nearby guard. \"Uncle, how long will it take to reach the island?\"

\"A few days,\" the man replied.

From the man's tone, Ye Jiao could guess that he didn't like her to bother him. She tactfully moved to the room and headed downstairs. There were a lot of rooms, which was given to them.

They could pick whatever room they want as the key was left outside. However, they could only pick one or the guards would come to beat them up.

Ye Jiao leisure walked down the stairs before entering the corridor. She picked the middle one and got into the room. The room's size was around two meters' cubic equipped with a bed, table, cupboard, and a chair. It was a standard size of a simple room, which was pretty good for her.

She glanced around before sitting down on the chair and started to circulate the Eon Energy. Every people have their limit on how many times they could circulate their Eon Energy, which also applicable for her too. After a few days of continuous circulation, she found out that she could only do it for a limited amount each day.

Which mean, there were hours that she could use to train other things.

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\"It's slow,\" Ye Jiao commented as she opened her eyes. The rate at which her core grew over the span of the past few days was extremely slow. It only increased by a bit, which was actually common since the main practice she had to do was scattering her Eon Energy to every part of her body.

Her core's growth was placed at the back.

Ye Jiao stood up and stretched. \"Maybe, I'm the one who's too greedy.\"

She wanted to grow stronger faster and faster to catch up with those people. The urgency she felt made her wanted to be able to grow even faster albeit it was already extremely fast for her to grow this way.

Her feet started to move from her position. She walked out of the room and locked it back before putting the key on her pocket. For the next few days, she would use this room to rest.


Her ears caught the faint sound of people fighting. Out of curiosity, her feet dragged her body along to the direction of the sound. As she got closer, she could hear the children talked to one another as the fight continued.

\"They hog every room,\" one of the children said helplessly.

\"Ugh, I really wish to beat them up.\"

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Ye Jiao entered the room and found a lot of children inside. It seemed that the port where she boarded was not the only one because there were at least 20 children in this place. Her eyes scanned the surroundings as she saw that there was several training equipment such as weight, pillar, and even books.

However, it was clear that a group of children limited the use of the equipment. The rest of the children were looking at one another in dismay because they hadn't got the chance to use it.

\"Is there any rule for using the equipment?\" Ye Jiao asked in her sonorous voice.

One of the children turned around. He was surprised to see a small kid like Ye Jiao there, but he replied politely. \"There's none. It's just, this group wants to use them all for their use and didn't allow the others to use.\"


Ye Jiao stepped forward to the equipment. There were two pillars with several branches that made it looked like a human that were left unused. The number of children in the group didn't cover for all of them.

\"Hey! You're not allowed to use it!\" one of the children in the group yelled.

\"Is it yours?\"

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\"No! But…\"

\"Then you shouldn't decide how to use it,\" Ye Jiao replied unhurriedly. Her calm demeanor caused the kid to stop in his track. The way Ye Jiao said it made him flinched. It was as if he was facing against a powerful person rather than a kid his age.

Not wanting to waste her time anymore, Ye Jiao walked to the nearby pillar. Her hand stretched to touch the wood as she wanted to know how hard it was.

\"You dare!\"

The kid lunged forward with his punch directed to Ye Jiao. She twisted her body to the side, luring her body away from the pillar. With a swift movement, she raised her legs and kicked the kid on his stomach.


The kid crouched on the floor as he coughed. The kick just now hurt his stomach much more than he imagined. He didn't understand how come a small kid like this could have that much power.

The children's mouth was opened wide in surprise. They didn't expect to see that a small kid would just step forward directly to use the equipment. Their eyes wandered to a young boy, who was looking at Ye Jiao in rage.

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'She's in trouble.'

'Good luck, girl.'

One of the boys in the group, who clearly looked a bit younger than the other looked at Ye Jiao with menacing expression.

\"Who are you?\"

Ye Jiao crossed her arm. \"Just a kid like you.\"

\"Like me?\" the boy sneered. \"I'm different than the others, I'm a disciple of a faction leader. If you don't bow down to me and follow my rules, I will not let you off.\"

Seeing the boys were ready to move under this one boy order, Ye Jiao's brow creased. She had been living her life under the pressure of people far stronger than her. These boys were around the same as her in terms of power since they had just formed their core.

Should she step forward or back down?

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