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"GRRR!" The Blue Demon roared as an icy mist radiated from it. The surroundings of the mountain started to die from the freezing mist.

The Beast opened its mouth and shout out a piercing icy beam at Ye Yuyan. Ye Yuyan seeing the beam coming closer rapidly raised his dagger and sliced vertically. The icy beam seemed to be sliced from afar as it went past Ye Yuyan in two different directions.

On Ye Yuyan's dagger was a little bit of frost but only on the tip. Ye Yuyan furrowed his brows as he noticed the frost.

'Illathar, Evil Form: Abyssal Minotaur, Slaughter Qi: Frost, Origin Force: Mid Ranked Fiend.' Ye Yuyan analyzed from the frost on his dagger. The dagger runes started to shine and the frost dissolved entirely.

In this world, there exist myriad paths of cultivation. One such path with the fiendish path it like many other paths is a triple fold path. One cultivates the body through their innate evil form, they cultivate their magic through their slaughter qi, and they cultivate their origin force through authority.

Each path has different requirements and ultimately grants different powers. Humans have access to some of these paths and a few of their own. But the mixing of various paths is quite dangerous unless one is a special existence.

"Damn exorcist! Where is my offering?" Illathar growled as his blue fur seemed to stand up.

"Do you mean this?" Ye Yuyan said as he removed a scroll on it was an old tree stump.

With the sight of the scroll, Illathar's body shook with rage. It knew exactly what Ye Yuyan had done to Li Nan.

"Kill my hell warriors!" Illathar commanded instantly the hundred shadow warriors cloaked in black flames turned their attention towards Ye Yuyan. They rushed out of the village at high speeds and in moments they approached the cave Ye Yuyan was waiting at.

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Ye Yuyan's eyes narrowed into intense blood red slits as the Hell warriors approached. He jumped forward with his dagger as a warrior approached. It reached out with its claws inundated with black flames.

Ye Yuyan's dagger shined with white light and runes and he slashed down on the claw. The black flames extinguished as he cut off the claw. Then with one swift motion, he decapitated the hell warrior.

He moved to the next one, this one held a blade made from the black flames. The hell warrior sliced down at Ye Yuyan's incoming dagger.

Ye Yuyan sliced the flame blade then turned and kicked the warrior. Then proceeding to stab it in the throat. With increasing speed, he cut down more hell warriors while also descending the mountain.

As he neared the bottom of the mountain, he was cornered by a squadron of 12 hell warriors. They screeched as they each formed various weapons from the black flames.

A giant ax-wielding hell warrior slashed down on Ye Yuyan as he approached the village. Ye Yuyan was quick to dodge as the ground exploded into black embers. Then as he dodged back he noticed 6 incoming arrows. He spun his dagger in a swift motion cutting all the arrows while retreating.

'A squadron of hell warriors.' Ye Yuyan thought as he looked around trying to determine the formation.

'6 arrows, they have 6 longbow users.' Ye Yuyan introspective as he looked around and noticed the 6 longbow users hidden in the trees. He looked in front of him and saw 4 long swords users hiding behind the 2 ax-wielding warriors.

"I don't have the time for this…. I need to end this quick." Ye Yuyan said as he gritted his teeth. He took his dagger and stabbed it into his shoulder until it was fully inside his shoulder. His blood dripped out onto the grass like morning dew.

His already bloody eyes seemed to become demonic and a powerful bloodlust came from his body. It completely eclipsed the bloodlust of the hell warriors. Ye Yuyan ripped out the dagger and it started to elongate.

The dagger became a very long dual edged katana. He raised it and pointed it towards the squadron. The moonlight shimmered off the blade like a holy light. The sword seemed to howl with a murderous lust.

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"By my blood, Ye of the bloodline; Lotus Form: Blooming!" Ye Yuyan chanted as he swung his sword in a crescent cut.

Along the path of his sword was a red line which started to expand. It seemed like a whole new world was cut open, it was a blood red world of slaughter. Everything around him started to collapse and every shadow warrior disintegrated.

Everything within 30 meters of Ye Yuyan was annihilated. Illathar's gaze turned onto the red singularity and then he saw Ye Yuyan.

He was wielding a blood red katana, his eyes were filled with intense malice, and blooming behind him was a blood red lotus. The lotus was partially opened and coiled around the stamen of the lotus was a black viper inundated with black flames.

"You…. what are you?" Illathar asked in complete and utter terror. He had recognized that lotus.

Ye Yuyan gripped his sword harder as he got into a fighting stance. He raised his blade as the lotus behind him released a massive amount of red fog.

"Die!" Ye Yuyan roared as he slashed down, the red fog followed his blade as it became a wind blade as big as Illathar. The massive red sword slash cut apart the mountain as it moved closer towards Illathar.

Illathar's hands became filled with frost qi and he reached out to rip apart the sword slash. His frost arms slammed against the sword slash making his massive body shake and move back.

His feet cut apart huge swaths of trees and dirt as the sword beam lost force. Illathar barely blocked the sword beam but the frost on his hand was shattered.

Illathar looked at his palms and saw his blue blood dripping. Then he noticed a strange redness to his cuts.

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"What?" He couldn't help but blurt out as he noticed red mist was seeping into his palms.

"You damned thing, I'll kill you!" Illathar roared as the blue mist around him formed into a massive barrage of icicles. He blasted hundreds of icicles at Ye Yuyan.

Ye Yuyan coldly looked on as the icicles closed in on him.

"Lotus form: Wilting!" The red lotus behind Ye Yuyan fused into his body and expanded to protect him. Then it sealed itself and produced a red mist. The incoming icicles hit into the lotus unable to puncture it.

The red mist then dispersed the frost qi increasing its own strength. As soon as the icicles faded, the lotus opened up.

"Your frost qi is quite powerful…. Your evil form is also quite strong. You are indeed the perfect choice…." Ye Yuyan said with a supercilious smile as he stared at Illathar.

"What did you just say?" Illathar said in a loud bellow not masking his fury.

"I said you are quite delicious!" Ye Yuyan laughed as he swung his sword. The open red mist seemed to become agitated and rapidly expanded. The mist completely sealed the area around Illathar in a thick red wall of fog.

"This is…. slaughter qi! What the hell are you?!?" Illathar roared out as his vision became filled with red mist. The mist started to warp and Illathar saw screeching faces and devil eyes around him.

"You are no exorcist! What the hell kind of thing are you?" Illathar questioned as he released his blue mist to protect him.

Illathar noticed a strange phenomenon the red mist was forming leaf after leaf all around him. He could notice the pattern from this height, the mist had formed a 9 leaved red lotus!

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At that moment a serpent appeared in front of him. On top of the serpent made of black flames was Ye Yuyan gripping his sword.

Illathar's body started to tremble with a primordial fear, he knew the three paths for humanity and this didn't conform to any of the systems.

"This...can not be possible" Illathar stuttered out as he took a step back from Ye Yuyan.

"How could you have the law of kings?!?" Illathar stuttered out, this was the legendary law of kings held by the bearers!

"You talk too much." Ye Yuyan coldly intoned as the red mist pushed down on Illathar's gigantic form.

The serpent beneath Ye Yuyan was even bigger than Illathar, it was around 200 meters long. He was literally and metaphorically looking down on Illathar.

"Lotus Form: Cherry Blossoms!" Ye Yuyan said as the mist congealed into thousands of cherry blossoms. The blossoms were like tiny blades made of baleful energy. They sliced at Illathar, who tried to raise his hands in guard.

Illathar's body was sliced up thousands of time and slowly the wounds accumulated. His body was slowly being obliterated by the cherry blossoms. Ye Yuyan sent out with each slash of his sword, a hundred cherry blossoms as one.

"Arghh! Your Highness, please forgive me!" Illathar begged he knew that soon he would die.

"You die today...Blooming Moon!" Ye Yuyan yelled as he sent a final massive slash of Cherry Blossoms.

Ye Yuyan made a crescent cut with his sword that stirred the cherry blossoms. The blossoms cut a crescent moon across Illathar's body sending pieces of the mountain and village to the air.

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