Path to Heaven

Chapter 1010: 1010


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Zhantai Linglan simply sacrificed the empty golden gourd and disappeared in the void.

Now, no matter how incredible it is, individuals can see that they can't win.

There are more than a dozen golden elixir friars, and each of them has a magic weapon above xuanjie, a "rabbit brother" whose combat power is close to Shenxuan, and three powerful spirit beasts whose strength is above level 8 Is this still a temporary cave built in loose repair? This is the gate of a super family?!

All the monks of dengxianzong fled in a fright. The heads of more than ten monks who had just been banned on the sea could not turn around They put a ban on the periphery of the nameless desert island to prevent Jiya and others from escaping. How could it be their turn to escape.

Most of the more than ten monks who survived in miexianteng and Jindan were forced to stop.

It's not that something has changed. It's just that Jiya and almost all of them have more than one level higher than their own. They can't run away.

Han Weiwei alone intercepted a gold elixir who covered her face with red light.

The golden elixir, who was full of red light, had at least three mid-term accomplishments of Jindan, which was far higher than Han Weiwei.

But just in a flash, the Jindan friar, whose cultivation was far higher than Han Weiwei, began to cry.

Han Weiwei's magic weapon level is too high, compared with many super large door designated patriarchal heirs are amazing.

A light yellow cloud brocade robe on her body sent out pieces of pale yellow clouds, and the clouds flowed naturally, forming a handle like a wish. Just because of the light yellow cloud brocade robe's defense brilliance, the three great friars of the golden elixir, who was full of red light, could not fight in at all.

A white porcelain bowl on her hand was at least half immortal level. He had to fight hard to resist the white light inspired by her cultivation.

What's more, Han Weiwei also gives out an extremely cold crystal light from time to time, which makes his forehead seem numb.

It can't be the rival of this delicate girl. The golden elixir clenched his teeth and was obviously ready to use some means of pressing the bottom of the box. But suddenly, he felt that he had attracted all his senses. Han Weiwei, who was fighting with himself, looked a little strange. He could not help but look back.

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At a glance, the golden elixir's hair almost stood up.

More than a dozen of white ice and snow newts did not know when they had already circled behind him and were staring at him with gnashing teeth.


Before waiting for the golden elixir to make any action, the white light emitted by more than a dozen ice and snow God newts had frozen his whole body into ice sculptures. Then, with a click, the golden elixir's body broke into countless pieces of broken ice and fell down.


At the moment when the golden elixir was killed by Han Weiwei, there was another earth shaking explosion in front of the leader of Dengxian sect.

In the broken sunlight, a Guanghan Moon Palace wrapped with a layer of crystal light vibrates slightly in the void. Li Shuyi and three spirit beasts are in the air beside the guanghanyue palace, while the body of the dengxianzong patriarch flies upside down in the air, and coughs up two mouthfuls of blood.


The hair of the leader of dengxianzong was scattered. How could he have never thought that this little nameless desert island had such amazing strength. Two Shenxuan Daneng, with most of the top figures of dengxianzong and many golden elixir monks of other sects, were not only defeated, but also completely defeated!

The other party did not even fall, but his side, but died seven or eight.

"Lord, go! If you leave the green hills there, you will not be afraid of burning firewood! "

In the distance, the shouts of an old man of dengxianzong, who was forbidden, came into the ears of the Lord of dengxianzong.

"Poof!" With a sound, the master of Dengxian sect spewed out a mouthful of blood.

This mouth of blood is not affected by the injury, but by a hard attack of gas and fire.


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However, after spraying out the blood, the leader of the Dengxian sect had no way to return to the sky. He tried his best to launch the lotus goldfish to escape.

Just when the leader of Dengxian sect was so angry that he could not escape, in the other side of the sky, an old man in grey robe, whose face was gloomy to the extreme, quickly approached Nangong Yuqing.

This old man in grey robe is one of the elders of Dengxian sect. His early cultivation of Jindan Wuzhong is the highest among the other Dengxian sect monks except the leader of Dengxian sect and elder Li Taishang who inspired the huge golden thunder mallet before.

In this war, dengxianzong has been defeated completely, but if you can capture a Taoist couple of Weisuo, you can at least earn back some capital.The Taishang elder of dengxianzong, whose face was gloomy to the extreme, found that Nangong Yuqing, the nearest to him, was left alone.

In his opinion, there should be no problem in capturing such a golden elixir and a heavy monk with his accomplishments.


A huge divine sense of authority immediately pressed on Nangong Yuqing, which obviously made Nangong Yuqing stagnant all over, and there was a slight pause in casting.

A black light immediately came out of the hands of the supreme elder of dengxianzong. Like a long rope, it was rolled up on Nangong Yuqing's body and was violently pulled.

But what made the elder of dengxianzong look unbelievable all of a sudden. The black light he played did not break the aura of Nangong Yuqing's shining feather coat.

Nangong Yuqing is wearing a gorgeous feather coat, which looks like it is made of dozens of feathers. It has at least half immortal level defense power!

The pupil of the elder of dengxianzong shrinks in an instant.

After being oppressed by his divine sense, Nangong Yuqing has already responded. Suddenly, he has a short staff inlaid with two beads of red and white.


A vast expanse of power is very similar to the power played by the ice and snow God newt, but the power does not know how many times the icy cold white light suddenly burst out from Nangong Yuqing's body, and even the next black light column he played was instantly annihilated.

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"This is the staff made by qingsuo silver This is the magic bead of Shenxuan level monster. Otherwise, it would not have such great power! "

The elder of dengxianzong completely lost his desire to capture Nangong Yuqing alive and fell back in the air.

But just after the cold white light, which was almost comparable to the Shenxuan strike, was hit from the green rope silver staff in Nangong Yuqing's hand, and a burst of sound was heard. An extremely hot red demon light instantly came to the elder of Dengxian sect.


The supreme elder of dengxianzong was so shocked that all the golden elixirs were sacrificed. In the black golden elixir, a black Ruyi emerges, and thousands of black auspicious colors are sprinkled out, which can block this amazing and extremely demonic light.

"Shua!" "Boom

A vast expanse of cold white light and an extremely hot red demon light alternately played out.


Under the attack of extreme cold and heat, the black Ruyi offered by the elder of dengxianzong could not be resisted and cracked directly.

His accomplishments were of no use at this time. Nangong Yuqing didn't care about anything else at all. He didn't consider the power of the green rope silver staff.

There is a huge difference between the magic wand and the magic weapon of the elder.


It was just a cry of despair, "Shua!" The Dengxian patriarch was directly frozen into powder by a piece of cold white light, leaving only a black golden elixir falling from the air.


On the other hand, a senior figure of dengxianzong also gave out a fierce roar like vomiting blood.

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It's the Dragon Jupiter that intercepted him.

The Dragon Jupiter was just scared out of his wits and his teeth were fighting. All the people who attacked the island just now saw it. But now, the Dragon wood star, which is offering a green and long Xiao, makes him feel as if he is always in the dark wind of the nine days.

All of a sudden, the senior figure of dengxianzong found that all the noise around the nameless desert island was quiet.

He looked around, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Within the range of hundreds of miles, except for him, there are no other monks of Dengxian sect.

Guanghan Moon Palace, Li freehand and those monsters . they're all closing in on him.


A bright light flew out of the Moon Palace, but it was the stubborn old man Liu.

"Dragon Jupiter, let me do it! I have not killed the great friars who are more than three times of Jindan! " After Liu Laoyi flew out, he immediately yelled at the Dragon Jupiter.

"No, old Liu. You can't beat him alone." But the old man, who was eager to fly out, was immediately pulled by qilongshan and other people who were swept out later.


Seeing this scene, the old Dong level figure of dengxianzong, who also had the golden elixir's reconstruction, could no longer bear it.

"You have such strength Why do you pretend to be afraid of such strength How shameless you are

After a roar at the dragon and Jupiter, the old Dong level figure of dengxianzong directly exploded the gold elixir, which was smashed to pieces.

"I didn't pretend to..." Longmuxing was terrified and tried to step back to prevent being affected by the power of self exploding golden elixir. At the same time, some people wanted to cry without , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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