Path to Heaven

Chapter 1026: 1026

The evolution of this road map is too clear. With Wei Suo's immortal root and cultivation at the moment, he can be sure that it is easier to control the Dharma Realm of Dengxian patriarch than the divine pattern handed down to him by Linglong heaven at that time.

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"He should have understood all sorts of mysteries!"

In this hall, all the people such as Yuanyin Laozu, Jiyin Shenjun, Yuhuang Zhenren and Jiya all jump their eyebrows, which can be seen from the change of Wei Suo's face.

And this is actually just a dozen short breaths.

Zhenyuan's cultivation is to accumulate continuously, but this kind of perception often takes only a moment. Therefore, there is a saying of "Epiphany" in the realm of cultivation.


Weisuo is still motionless, but an invisible thing is just like the essence. It suddenly emanates from Weisuo's body and spreads to the world.

"It seems that he has a very smooth understanding and has begun to capture the rules of the origin of the Dharma domain of this road." Yuanyin Laozu nodded to everyone and said. Yuanyin Laozu had not only mastered one Dharma domain, but also was the forerunner before Weisuo, so he had a very clear perception of Weisuo's state.

Weisuo is like being in a mysterious place where all kinds of strings and filaments are dancing.

After understanding the Tao chart, his perception of the many rules of vitality between heaven and earth around him suddenly became clear, one by one. Soon, he found out all the fixed tracks that the road map initially evolved.

He did not care about the rest of the vitality of heaven and earth. Those remaining strings and filaments suddenly disappeared in his perception. Around him, there were only dozens of flowing tracks of Daotu at the beginning.

There is nothing else between heaven and earth. He just "looks" at these dozens of tracks. This feeling is extremely clear, and he is even moved beyond words. Because this is the first time he has really come into contact with the so-called Tao, the most fundamental source.

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At this time, a sharp alarm bell suddenly sounded again in the dengxianzong, and then the alarm bell rang again and again, a sound echoed in the dengxianzong.

"There's another supernatural power coming!"

"It's a great supernatural power again!"

The surrounding area of Dengxian city is boiling again. A figure is walking between the heaven and the earth, and is forced towards Dengxian city.

The world in which he lived was transformed into black and white, just like a pair of ink and water landscape paintings.

An astonishing and huge breath of supernatural mystery condensed into a sharp killing intention, which directly stabbed the position of dengxianzong.

"Yuhua should be heaven!"

As soon as the police bell rang, weissou's closed eyes were already open. News from outside came in immediately, so that they could know who was coming directly. With the sound of "boom", there was no waste of time. Wei Suo temporarily stopped his perception of the Dharma Realm, but he drove the vitality of the water spirit and washed out the immortal fetuses. Countless crystal awns were washed out of his body to refine the spirit elements of the immortal fetuses.

"Weisuo, I'll come and kill you together when the fire king comes by himself." The voice of Yuhua Yingtian resounded through heaven and earth, and all the monks around Dengxian city could hear it clearly.

"My God! Another Shenxuan power! This name is like the God Xuanda Neng who comes from the heaven and the earth. It is not on the side of Weisuo, it is to kill Weisuo together

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"So many great powers come to Yunling land at the same time and kill Weisuo. Is Weisuo still alive?"

All the monks around Dengxian city were speechless. For a time, everyone felt that Weisuo's fall had become a foregone conclusion.

In the gate of dengxianzong, Wei Suo's eyes flashed violently. He suddenly closed up the immortal fetus of dengxianzong and began to take the empty steps of the cave. One step later, he reached the void above the gate of dengxianzong.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!"

The two blue swords, which were made from Wei Suo's body, directly hit hundreds of Li, and accurately cut to the sky.

"More people will come to kill you. You are doomed to fall!"

Yuhua Yingtian is just like a figure in the ink painting. His face has no change. The black and white light flashes. There is an insurmountable gap in front of him. Weisuo's two selfless swords are directly broken. He just said such a plain sentence, like a trial, and then turned away, disappeared in the sight of all people.

"Will more people come?" Many people around Dengxian city are going crazy. Yuhua Yingtian is the favorite son of heaven in the cold land. Some people have recognized the identity of Yuhua Yingtian. There are so many gods and xuanneng who have come to kill Wei Suo. However, Yuhua Yingtian even said that more people would come. To listen to the meaning of Yuhua Yingtian, these more people, of course, are not ordinary monks. They must also be shenxuanneng.

"How long have I been aware of the Dharma Realm of the great way in the immortal fetus?" In the Mountain Gate of dengxianzong, Wei Suo looks at the direction of Yuhua Yingtian's departure, and transmits the voice to all the people who follow him.

"Just a moment." Jiya and others quickly answer, but also eager to ask, "how do you feel?""Only for short clips?" Weisuo's eyes flashed violently again. He seemed to have made up his mind. "I have realized clearly the beginning of the Dharma domain of this road Since Yuhua Yingtian is coming, let's kill Yuhua Yingtian first! A bi Shenjun and Zhantai Linglan are together. The witch maids are the four reconstitutions of Shenxuan. They are all more difficult to kill than Yuhua Yingtian. It doesn't take me long for me to transform this dharma domain. As soon as I master this dharma domain, we will go out of the mountain gate and kill Yuhua Yingtian first! "

"It turns out that you just fought with him to leave the breath of fighting between him and you, so that you can trace the whereabouts of this man with the LAN mirror of the God of heaven and sea." Yinlihua and Jiya and others all took a deep breath and all reacted.

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"It's better to capture him alive and deal with him with the light of Purdue! In this way, we can have a more powerful helper here Han Weiwei immediately called out.

"It's impossible to capture a man like him alive."

Wei Suo shook his head and did not waste any time. He turned back to the hall where he had previously refined the immortal fetus. Yuhua Yingtian is also a powerful person who is far beyond the ordinary Shenxuan. Under the collision of the power of the Dharma domain, the enemy is basically turned into flying ash. It is impossible to capture the enemy alive.

"It's said that the Yuhua aristocratic family has a strong foundation. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with." Extremely Yin God gentleman looks at Wei Suo to say.

"I don't know where ah Bi Shen Jun came out. The witch goddess is from Donglai secret place. If you want to talk about the details, maybe it will surpass the Yuhua aristocratic family. If so many of us are afraid to deal with him, we don't have to wait here at all. We can just run away. " Yuanyin Laozu looked at the extremely Yin God King and said.

"I don't know if you have heard anything about the things at the bottom of the box in the legend of Yuhua aristocratic family?" Wei Suo looked at Yuanyin and asked. At the beginning, when the people of the changsun family and Yuhua Yingtian fought each other, he and Linglong Tian felt that there might be something frightening in the Yuhua aristocratic family, because at that time, the people of the Changshun aristocratic family occupied an absolute advantage, but they did not dare to kill Yuhua Yingtian.

"I don't know, but we have heard this rumor among several big forces in the cold land. It should not be groundless. It must be because there is something extremely powerful in the Yuhua family." Yuanyin Laozu pondered: "it should be some kind of magic weapon. It once showed divine power, but it can't be used many times, so it's so mysterious."

"It can't be a magic weapon, or it will be used for a long time." Extremely Yin God King also very affirmative said.

"Even if it's a magic weapon close to the true immortal's attack, with the cultivation of our predecessors and holding Jidao immortal soldiers, plus so many of us, I'm afraid it won't be defeated?" Weisuo unconsciously and Linglong day, like grinding teeth road.

"I hold a Jidao immortal soldier?" Yuan Yin old Zu Meng was surprised and looked at Wei Suo with disbelief, "do you want to lend me the immortal soldier in your hand to deal with this person?"

"The immortal fetus must be more important than an immortal soldier. The elder is not even interested in the immortal fetus. He has shown his sincerity. What can I worry about him? " Weisuo stretched out his hand a little, a glittering and translucent point to the Yuanyin ancestor's body, which made everyone's heart jump violently. The old man in green robe also yelled, "boy, are you crazy?"

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"I believe I can't mistake the elder. If this immortal soldier is put in the elder's hand, the elder will certainly not swallow it." Wei Suo's voice is very quiet, looking at Yuanyin Laozu said.

"You're really out of my expectation." Yuan Yin's ancestor was shocked. After seeing Wei Suo for a while, a wry smile appeared on his face. "I said, boy, you are too bold. Do you know that this is too much to control their own greed ah. Now you've only refined a little. I'm holding this thing, but I have a lot of opportunities to kill you. Then I'll have both the immortal soldier and the immortal fetus. "

"I've been a profiteer in Lingyue city for a long time, and I'm good at judging people." Weisuo laughed. "If you can be indifferent to immortal fetuses like you, you will not be moved by an immortal soldier."

"To tell you the truth, elder, your actions are far beyond my expectation." After smiling, Weisuo was serious. "Otherwise, if someone else was changed, they would kill me together with Yuhua Yingtian."

"You're wrong. I'm not indifferent. I'm dying. But since I met you, I always feel that making friends with you is always more valuable than a fairy embryo and a fairy soldier. As long as you can survive this time, you will be more useful than an immortal soldier in the future. " Yuanyin Laozu hehe smile, revealed three yellow teeth, "if you are a small profiteer, then I am an old profiteer, it seems that we still get along well. I'll help you with this one first

"Yuhua Yingtian has a unique technique, which can sense Qi. Even if I use some of my strong methods to hide breath, they will be found within 1500 Li." Wei Suo nodded. It seemed that he was about to close his eyes and understand and evolve the Dharma Realm. But he suddenly thought of this point and immediately said, "I don't know if there are any targeted magic methods or magic weapons."

"My" lawlessness "skill can bring all the energy fluctuation, even the aura brought by flying into the body. It should not be discovered so quickly by him. " Yuanyin Laozu looked at Wei Suo and said, "I will pass this skill to you because you are more suitable than Xiaoji."While speaking, Yuanyin Laozu directly popped up a piece of jade talisman and bounced it in front of Wei Suo.

"Uncle! You The extremely Yin God King was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. He had asked Yuanyin for a long time before this skill, but he didn't pass it on to him.

"What are you? You are my elder martial brother's disciple, not my own disciple. What's more, this skill is also learned from the ancient scriptures I got during my travels. It's not the secret of the little polar world. I'll pass it on to whoever I want. " Yuanyin Laozu said with a smile.

"This is the ancient emperor's art of seizing soldiers and the supreme power of emperor Tiandao. At that time, it may be more useful for us to use the cultivation of our predecessors as the imperial envoy against the enemy Wei Suo took over the jade talisman of Yuanyin. With a slight flash of his eyes, he also played a piece of jade talisman. Then, he immediately sat down and closed his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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