Path to Heaven

Chapter 1034: 1034

Weisuo raised his feet again and took a step forward. Although this step seemed stiff, it was a steady landing and a steady step.

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He couldn't help but take a deep breath and let out the breath like sound of a python.

"Fengwucang, I'm afraid I need you to help me practice." Then, he turned his head stiffly and looked at the wind and said.

"With your practice?" The wind Wu Cang slightly one Zheng, Wei Suo's expression is very strange, the eyes are all shining, he also does not know what Wei Suo said so means.

"I have a technique that can use the star energy to refine the body." Weisuo looked at the wind and the sky, and said with flashing eyes, "I want you to help me to use the northern hell fighting method, burn yuan Tian FA, draw down the star energy, and refine the body. We should also have a lot of pills to replenish Shouyuan, which can let you perform this technique many times. As long as my body is more powerful, I'm afraid I can completely resist the impact and shock of the Immortal King's Scripture when it is carved into the divine pattern. "

"What!" As soon as Wei Suo's words were uttered, "hissing", even Yuanyin Laozu and others, all made a sound of backward pumping air.

Yuanyin Laozu and other people are not ordinary characters. Naturally, they immediately reflect what it means.

If the body can completely resist the impact and shock of carving into the divine pattern, then if you use the ancient holy King's Scripture and carve the divine pattern, you can have one after another. In these days, Wei Suo is likely to have more than one divine pattern!

And a divine line, can let the physical body's strong degree, rise to a level, at least equivalent to a layer of half immortal level of defense!

"The supreme method of refining the body with the star energy! You've got an afterthought In Weisuo, it was like a volcanic eruption, and even the Yuanyin ancestor was almost speechless.

This kind of feeling is like you are in a sea. Originally, there are only ten Zhang waves in the sea, but you see tens of Zhang waves, and then there are hundreds of Zhang waves, hundreds of Zhang waves and thousands of Zhang waves. After seeing the big waves of thousands of feet, you think that there is no higher wave, but you hit a higher one on the head, up to thousands of meters Big waves!

This feeling, not to mention the monks outside, even the one who stood with Weisuo, was suffering from an unimaginable impact, and could not bear it.

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"Master Yuanyin, the younger generation bravely wants to ask the elder for another one or two divine lines. The easier it is, the better it will be." Wei Suo himself also took a deep breath, looking at Yuanyin Laozu said.

At the moment, although many of his meridians are still completely paralyzed, out of control, and unable to continue casting, he is still walking around, which makes him sure that his physical distance can completely resist the impact and shock of entering the divine pattern, which is not far away.

This is really a backward move, a bigger wave!

And he did have a second move before, but it was not this, which he had never expected or thought of before.

There were two other moves he had considered before. One was his baby's heart eating insect, and the other was the emperor's heart crystal coffin he got with Zhenjie Xiandan in the natural stone tower of tianjianzong.

His heart eater has been sleeping for a long time, and he has not woken up for several times even though he has crossed the cold land to the Tianxuan land and the Yunling land. However, Wei Suo, who has a unique telepathy with the heart eater, has faintly sensed that the heart eater is about to wake up.

Before this deep sleep, his heart eating insect could almost kill all the golden elixir monks. If he wakes up, although he may not be able to threaten the four fold and five fold great monks of Shenxuan, he may also have a fatal threat to the general shenxuanneng, which is equivalent to another Shenxuan level helper on his side. If you use it at some critical time, it may work wonders.

The imperial heart crystal coffin is an auxiliary magic weapon that can stimulate the power of immortal soldiers.

Just imagine that if Feng wucang, or even Han Weiwei, is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the friars at the level of a nose God King and fire domain God King, suddenly with this treasure, he can stimulate the powerful power of the immortal tear jar, which is likely to change the situation in an instant.

The emperor's heart crystal coffin is the Yin man's later move which is not revealed in Weisuo's plan.

However, it is uncertain how much power is left in the crystal coffin of the emperor's heart, and how many polar divine powers can be inspired from the small jar of immortal tears.

But whether the ability of heart biting insects can cause a fatal threat to Shenxuan's great ability is only his conjecture. Whether these two back moves can work or not is unknown.

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But now, his body, this is really the real after move, bigger waves!

With the cooperation of fengwucang, it should not take much time to upgrade his body to a level that can completely resist the concussion and impact when the divine pattern is engraved.

The only thing to see is how many divine patterns he can carve into Dacheng in the last few days. Compared with the three divine patterns of witch goddess and huangdaojun, Yuanyin Laozu personally instructed him. Naturally, it would be faster for him to comprehend and refine the divine patterns of Yuanyin."Well, I'll tell you a magic pattern of" the net of heaven and earth. " Yuanyin's ancestor came back to his mind and nodded immediately. "The realm of this Taoist method is like a huge net, which can entangle and block the power of any other's magic methods and magic weapons. Among the three kinds of Dharma domains I understand, the rules of vitality are relatively simple."

"Thank you very much

Weisuo is still paralyzed in most of his meridians, so he doesn't want to do anything else. He concentrates his mind and looks at the evolution of divine patterns in Yuanyin.


Within a radius of hundreds of miles, countless invisible vitality was immediately aroused, forming a gray and white light stripe in front of Yuanyin's ancestor.

A piece of jade Rune flew out of Yuanyin's hand. Yuanyin Laozu sealed the gray white light pattern into the jade talisman, and at the same time took out another piece of jade rune, constantly entering his own explanation and understanding of the divine pattern.

When Wei Suo began to feel the divine pattern thoroughly, the ancestor of Yuanyin did not stop, continuously, and repeatedly turned out the divine pattern in front of Wei Suo's body.

This greatly improved the speed of Weisuo's perception of this divine pattern, as if it opened a shortcut for him.

At the beginning of his understanding, he only had to keep on perceiving the vitality and rules around him, which were affected by the evolution of divine patterns by Yuanyin ancestors.

Just half a day, Weisuo's eyes, on the blooming out of a strange brilliance.

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A trace of gray and white divine light bloomed in front of him. He had already realized the vitality and rules of this divine pattern, and began to refine it by himself.

According to the rhythm of Weisuo's evolution, Weisuo began to condense a divine pattern at the same time, as if taking him forward.

It only took less than half a day, before Weisuo's body, a complete gray white divine lines turned out again and again!

"Next, you need help, Cangfeng." After a hundred times of continuous gray and white lines without any problems, Weisuo's eyes beat for a while, turning his head to look at fengwucang, he said.


Fengwucang also took a deep breath, without any stay. With a bang, a strong silver flame came out of his body, and a stream of starlight fell from the void.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!" "Hiss!" "Hiss!"

Fengwucang is now a Shenxuan cultivation, and it is also powerful and shocking to the sky. All kinds of star energy condense into essence, just like countless meteors falling down, making a violent sound of breaking the sky.


Under his imperial envoy, a dazzling silver daozun was just born in the air, and then all of them collapsed and turned into a group of amazing stars.

"Gulu Gulu..."

These stars are so thick that they are like boiling magma solution.

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"I don't know if I can bear this amazing and strong star energy."

When Weisuo saw such a scene, he couldn't help biting his teeth, but he didn't have too much hesitation. After biting his teeth, he immediately flew up, put out a dragon shape, and jumped directly into the big group of stars as thick as boiling magma.


As soon as Weisuo performed the skill of quenching the body with stars, he felt that his head was pounding as soon as countless stars penetrated into his body. At this moment, he had a feeling that his whole body seemed to be cooked all at once.

"How are you, Weisuo?"

All the people also saw the extremely painful look on Weisuo's face. Weisuo's body was red, and it seemed that oil was coming out from inside.

"Good! Good! The star energy inspired by Shenxuan cultivation is really strong enough. Only in this way can I really refine my body! "

At the moment, Weisuo has a feeling that his skin has been opened layer by layer and melted off layer by layer, but in his heart, there is a roar of joy.

He used his own strength and the pleasure of cultivation to suppress this endless pain!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

In a few breaths, the star energy of fengwucang is inhaled into the body by Weisuo volume. After passing through the body, all the useless star energy is ejected.

"Come again!" Weisuo's roar went up. This is not only for his body, for his mind, but also a rare refinement. And now it's also a big enemy. In peacetime, I'm afraid he would have hesitated in the face of this unbearable pain. But now, with the eruption of his own volcano, his momentum has reached the peak, which is indescribable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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