Path to Heaven

Chapter 1061: 1061

"Are there Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi among those who attack haixianzong?"

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Many people can't help but take a breath.

"Did Wei Suo use the means to deal with the leader of Dengxian sect at that time, and his real body did not go to Tianxuan land?"

Many people have already reflected on why Weisuo is here now. At the same time, everyone knows that Weisuo will not talk nonsense. At the moment, there must be su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi among the several strong men hiding in the clouds.


No one answered Weisuo, but there was a vibration in the void, and a wave of vitality connecting other spaces vibrated in the clouds. It was obvious that someone directly launched some magic weapon that crossed the void, and did not fight with Weisuo in the face and fled.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!"

Two more blue lights came out of Weisuo's hands, and then a monk screamed in the distance and fell from the clouds.

He was a golden elixir in a bronze robe. When Weisuo played his first sword, he had already started to escape. At the moment, it was at least 800 li away from Weisuo, but he still did not escape from Weisuo's perception. He was killed by Weisuo at such a distance.

"From today on, five hundred miles around the gate of Haixian city and yinshizong mountain will be divided into forbidden areas. If they fall down in them, the consequences will be borne by themselves."

Weisuo collected all the friars he had killed, and at the same time made such a sound.

Haixianzong returned to peace. It seemed that he had only heard a few words with him, and the figure of Xuanyuan ancestor disappeared in the gate of haixianzong.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"

Weisuo didn't stop at all. He started the cave empty footwork and left Haixian city.

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"Weisuo did not leave Yunling land at all, but some of his companions rushed to Tianxuan land."

"He is heading for the gate of emperor Tiandao! Is he trying to attack the emperor's way mountain gate? "

Weisuo suddenly appeared in Haixian city and killed a group of friars who wanted to take the opportunity to deal with haixianzong, which shocked the whole monastic world again. This news reminds many people that Weisuo has that strange ancient talisman in his hand. Unless he does it himself, it is difficult to determine where his real body is. Moreover, his cave empty footwork is fast and has many hidden means. After one shot, it is difficult to judge his real body.

What's more shocking is that after Wei Suo left Haixian City, he continued to cross the void with his cave empty footwork, which was seen by some friars from time to time. Judging from the residual vitality of the places he passed along, it was his real body that started the cave empty footwork, and the direction he went in seemed to be the direction of the Mountain Gate of emperor Tiandao!


What no one knows is that, in a cloud, Wei Suo's body was shining with a flash of light and a "clang" sound. It seemed that a piece of iron like hair was broken from the back of his head with a strange wave of vitality.

then, as like as two peas, the huge breath of his body quickly disappeared, and the hair falling behind him turned into an incarnate body with the same breath and he continued to rush forward and continue to move towards the mountain path of Huangtian road.

In a mountain named Tianya mountain, which is sixty or seventy thousand miles away from the emperor's way, a glimmering light suddenly falls from the void and falls into one of the valleys.

The monk in this splendor is tall, over 40 years old, with purple hair. Although he doesn't have any aura on his body, he is also a great monk with golden elixir.

In the valley, there are two very gloomy old men. One of them has lost all his hair and is wearing a red robe. The other one is full of white hair, but there are two substantive lights from his eyes.

After seeing the purple haired monk fall, the old man in red robe immediately took out a pale gold gourd, while another old man immediately took out an ancient talisman with the same light gold color.


Both of them worked out a formula for each of them. They kept playing the brilliance of red and white, and inspired the light gold ancient Fu.

However, after the light gold ancient Rune was inspired, it formed a peculiar light character, and printed on the light gold gourd.

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An indescribable breath of air was immediately emitted from the pale gold gourd. Then, the pale gold gourd immediately turned into a pale gold lake with a radius of more than 20 Zhang. It was suspended in the void with more than one person. There were at least ten kinds of divine patterns flowing in it. Although it was only more than 20 Zhang long, it gave people the feeling that it was a sea of God.

Once the pale gold gourd was thoroughly inspired, the two old people seemed to be 20 or 30 years old, even their backs were completely bent down, and the sweat dripped from their hair, and the breath on their bodies was extremely shocked. However, the two old people still did not stop, holding a formula in their old hands, and injecting the light of red and white into this piece of light gold In the small lake of color.

"Whew!"Without stopping, the monk with purple hair and big body presented a transparent toad shaped artifact.


As soon as the transparent toad shaped magic instrument was sacrificed, a transparent light curtain was formed in front of the three people. In the light curtain, Weisuo was continuing to move forward madly.


The two old men were all drinking with a deep and extremely heavy voice. In the pale gold lake, five nine inch pale gold daozuns were suddenly flushed up. Then the five daozuns were combined in an instant. A terrible breath of true immortality and a huge and supreme vitality fluctuated, which instantly shook in the range of thousands of miles.


The whole heaven and earth is like being hit hard.

A pale golden sky and earth was suppressed from the void, and Weisuo's strong body in the air was instantly smashed into fly ash. Everything turned into nothingness in the countless intertwined rules of vitality. Even a mountain range hundreds of miles below had completely disappeared and turned into a huge depression.

This is completely equivalent to the power of the immortal, even surpassing the Yin and Yang tomb at that time when the body of the ancient emperor was in full swing.

"Hoo Call... "

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As soon as the blow was aroused, the two old people in Tianya mountain lost their strength completely. They both gasped and fell to the ground. The middle-aged friar with purple hair suddenly showed a look of ecstasy. Zhenyuan rolled up the two old men quickly, then soared into the air and flew towards the mountains where Weisuo was beaten to fly ash.

As the middle-aged monk rose into the air, a few other places in the distance flew out of the sky, plundering towards the place where the shocking strike fell.

"Wei Suo was killed by Emperor Tiandao three thousand miles away from Tianya mountain!"

"What, Weisuo was killed by Emperor Tiandao with a sacred relic?"

"It's the golden liquid of the ancient Yuzhen immortal! It's a magic weapon handed down by a real immortal tens of thousands of years ago! "

An earth shaking news soon spread in Yunling land. Wei Suo was killed by Emperor Tiandao with a sacred relic on his way to the Mountain Gate of emperor Tiandao.

"Is that how weissou fell?"

The whole Yunling land was in uproar. Although the ancient Yuzhen immortal is one of the few true immortals in the cloud spirit land for tens of thousands of years, there should be no problem with the powerful magic tools left over to kill a Shenxuan, but this is really too sudden for all monks.

"Too soon!"

Many people can't believe it, but it seems to be a true fact. Many of the monks of huatianjiao and huangtiandao have reappeared outside Haixian city. "Boom A group of blazing golden light penetrated through the void, and Wang Wuyi's divine light and Dharma body came down openly.


A golden light sword was cut from Wang Wuyi's divine light body, and it was slashed toward the gate of haixianzong.


At the moment, the outer aura mask of haixianzong was not repaired, but was chopped by Wang Wu one by one, and a aura mask inside was also suddenly broken.

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All of a sudden, a huge roar came out of the gate of haixianzong. A column of light, like a giant dragon, broke through the earth from the top of haixianzong and the place where the statue of haixianzi was located. Then, the whole haixianzong collapsed within 200 kilometers, and the upper part of the mountain where haixiancheng was located completely cracked.

The gate of haixianzong no longer exists.

Many of the huatianjiao and huangtiandao monks who had planned to plunder the gate of haixianzong stopped in the air.

No friars of haixianzong flew out. It was obvious that all the people of haixianzong had withdrawn and imposed a self destruction prohibition.

"If there is a monk who can provide the whereabouts of Xuanyuan Laozu and Weisuo, he will be rewarded with 30000 spirit stones." Wang Wuyi's divine light and Dharma body made such a sound. Although he could not get anything from the haixianzong, he killed Weisuo, and at the same time wiped out the haixianzong, but it could set up endless dignity for the emperor.

"What's going on? What's going on?" But at the same time, in the gate of huatianjiao, the whole huge mountain surrounded by white clouds also sent out a violent tremor!


Almost at the moment when most of the monks of Huatian religion stole out of all kinds of temples, in the middle of this huge mountain, an ancient temple made of green, blue and purple jade carvings was swept up in the air by a huge power, and then it broke into pieces completely and turned into countless meteors of blue, blue and purple.

Almost at the same time, a layer of looming white light that enveloped the whole mountain also instantly cracked and disappeared.

"Huatian ancient hall!"

"Someone sneaked into the mountain gate and destroyed Sanqing's ban on killing God!"

"Huatian mountain protection ban has also been destroyed!"

In an instant, countless monks of Huatian cult either growled or screamed in horror.

"I don't know how to crack the white fog. Since you like white fog, I can add more to it." At this time, a cold hum, which seemed to be a female voice, began to ring in some places and was introduced into many people's ears. Then, thick white fog rose. In many places of the mountain where huatianjiao Mountain Gate is located, the white fog was quickly thick and could not see five , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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