Path to Heaven

Chapter 1084: 1084

The real Mountain Gate of Yuhua aristocratic family is located in nine icebergs, which are thousands of feet high. On the ice field, there are temples stretching for hundreds of miles.

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The nine ice peaks, crystal clear, are the real whole body dark ice, and there is a flicker of light inside. It seems that the whole nine huge ice caps are nine huge ice swords, which can be cut out at any time.

Most of the temples, which stretch for hundreds of miles, are made of ice and jade, which look beautiful and gorgeous.

In the four corners of the southeast and northwest, there are four pyramid shaped sacrificial platforms, which are covered with ice. However, above the altar, there is a purple light which is several people high. It is like four huge candle flames, shining on all sides. But at the same time, there is a faint connection of Qi, which seems to be a big array of its own.

This kind of monastic family, which has been inherited for thousands of years, is also a miraculous free practice. It gathers some Taoist lovers, relatives and friends, and develops from a sanxiu cave. The number of disciples is not as good as that of ordinary super sects, but the internal details and inheritance are even more amazing than most super sects.

In particular, this kind of cultivation family pays attention to blood lineage. It studies the constitution of a blood lineage very thoroughly, and often develops the best skills suitable for itself. Therefore, the cultivation and entry of young children in general are much faster than those of super clan disciples.

This is the reason for the frequent occurrence of great powers in the past thousands of years.

In this generation, even on the ancestral tombs, there were two amazing talents in a row. At a young age, Shenxuan's great power was able to break through Shenxuan successfully. Yuhua Yingtian, especially Yuhua Yingtian, was on the verge of becoming the first person in the cold land for decades.

We should know that no matter how amazing the family background is, or the orderly inheritance of super clan, when cultivating disciples, they will not use any details at the beginning. They will not focus on training until someone is particularly outstanding. Only when facing the crisis of Weisuo, can we use all the details, which is equivalent to thousands of ancestors The treasure house accumulated in 1998 is opened and spent at one time to enhance our strength. However, long before the crisis like Weisuo's, Yuhua Yingtian and Yuhua ruoxing were born in the sky. It was not easy to achieve two such amazing powers in a period by virtue of his own talent and fortune.

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However, no one in the Yuhua family thought that all of them would die in Wei Suo's hands.

How can we keep the Yuhua family from going crazy?

"Come out at last!" With a roar, just as the news of Wei Suo's killing Xiang Yuhua aristocratic family was introduced into the gate of the Yuhua aristocratic family, the owner of the Yuhua aristocratic family suddenly stood up from a cold jade chair in the skin of a fiery red monster. There was a thunderclap in the hall.

The owner of the Yuhua aristocratic family is wearing a red and purple robe. The two pure colors of red and purple are just separated from the middle line, and one color occupies one side, which makes the left and right sides of this glorious and simple Dharma suit as if two divine tides were pounding against each other.

His hair is also covered with a strange ancient wooden hairpin with broken mouth. The Chenxiang color of the ancient wooden hairpin gives off a mysterious and mysterious breath. Obviously, it is also a powerful magic weapon. On his hand, he also carries a seven color ring. The ring surface is an ancient ring with the style of Begonia flower, which also emits the ancient flavor of antiquity.

This kind of attire is clearly well prepared. Many powerful weapons, ancient treasures, which are not usually revealed, are piled on the body to prepare for the war.

In the next part of his poem, six old people in simple and unsophisticated robes stood up at the same time. Like the owner of Yuhua family, these six old antique figures are also the five peaks of the golden elixir.

With the strength and details of the Yuhua family, it should be easy to cultivate one or two Shenxuan talents with so many monks who are close to Shenxuan cultivation. However, none of them has broken through Shenxuan at the moment. It seems that the Yuhua family has its own control, which is equivalent to not opening all the treasures left by the ancestors.

In addition to the six old characters of the Yuhua family, there are two real supernatural powers in this hall.

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One of them is that where there is Wei Suo's opponent, he will stick in Zhantai Linglan. At the moment, Zhantai Linglan's cultivation is close to the later stage of Shenxuan. Relying on the empty golden gourd, Wei Suo can't do anything about him now. The other, however, was a young horse faced friar, wearing a fiery red robe, with a very strong breath of fire and evil spirits, and an extremely gloomy face.

This young horse faced monk also had the triple cultivation of Shenxuan, and had clearly understood at least one Dharma Realm. When he heard that Weisuo appeared, a fiery red divine pattern appeared on his head, forming a fire red gourd shape. This young horse faced friar, Wei Suo and others have never seen him, but he is the first disciple of the fire domain God King, the God of fire.

It can be said that the God King of the fire domain underestimated the enemy too much and died unjustly. One of his disciples even achieved such amazing accomplishments.

"Just in time! Just for Yuhua ruoxing and Yuhua Yingtian revenge! He used such means to deal with us, never thought that we would use the same means to deal with him! What's more, his magic weapon can't save him at all With a roar, the owner of Yuhua aristocratic family roared again as he stood up from the throne."It's the breath of real empty footwork, not its embodiment. It's time to kill this person!" At the same time, many temples also made such a sound.

"It's almost done. It's up to you to make it or not!" Wei Suo and others have done their best on the mountain of avoiding immortals. However, after entering the cold land, they can not help being noticed. It's just how fast the four armed barbarian can escape. All of us don't know for a moment that the man who was found to perform the empty footwork is not Wei Suo, but the great power of the barren clan who was attracted by them. What's more favorable is that both the Yuhua family and the nearest city are tens of thousands of miles away, so there are not a large number of monks along the way. When it is nearly 40000 li away from the gate of the Yuhua family, everyone on Weisuo's side has a look of fanaticism on their faces.

Wei Suo no longer incarnated, but directly sent the Imperial Envoys to avoid the Immortal Jade Mountain, and completely cast off the big energy of the four armed barren people and moved forward towards the Yuhua aristocratic family.

When he was twenty thousand miles away from the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family, Weisuo stepped out of Dengxian jade mountain with empty footwork. Like the rising sun, he soared in the void and crossed the void. At the same time, he uttered a strong voice: "people of Yuhua aristocratic family, you dare to talk wild, but you will not come out to die!"

At the moment, although Weisuo's location is still 20000 li away from the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family, he has already entered the forbidden zone designated by the Yuhua family. In these areas, there have been magic tools and friars. Wei Suo's voice is like thunder, rolling in the sky. All of a sudden, the whole Yuhua family vibrates and Wei Suo really comes! And even so strong!

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"I choose bingzhuchuan as your burial place. Those who don't want to be enemies with me should not enter into the range of thousands of miles! Those who are within the scope of ten thousand miles are responsible for life and death! "

Without a moment's pause, Weisuo made a sound like thunder again, and directly hit two big tissumi, two huge white sacred mountains, gliding in the void.

This is a complete declaration of war, and with this huge power to tell all the people of the Yuhua aristocratic family that he has come to war in real life!

"Bingzhuchuan? Well, let's go out and kill him, and fight for a victory

The owner of the Yuhua family and six old antiques, as well as Zhantai Linglan and Tianhuo Shenjun, were all plundered out of the gate of the Yuhua family.

Bingzhuchuan is a big river more than 20000 li away from the Yuhua family. The river is surging, and the climate is cold. All the leaping water drops are frozen into ice beads and flying in the air. It is unlikely that there will be any severe restrictions in that place. Moreover, the look of the owners of the Yuhua aristocratic family and others is totally fearless. Even if Wei Suo lays out any ambush there, he is not afraid at all.


When Wei Suo made a strong voice and called for the people of the Yuhua family to come out for a decisive battle, Yuanyin Laozu and all other people, however, quietly escorted to avoid the Immortal Jade Mountain and landed on the river side where the ice water and ice beads were running. At the same time, they constantly stimulated a series of magic weapons, a stream of thick fog, miasma and Xiaguang, rising rapidly and spreading constantly.


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Weisuo once again burst out the double Shenxuan breath. The endless Shenxuan breath and huge Qi and blood shook the heaven and earth. The huge wave of vitality vibrated in the void like a tsunami. At the same time, Weisuo also played two rounds of incomplete moon, and then flew towards the ice bead river.

At the moment, although the four armed famine clan has been completely abandoned by them, at least 20 thousand li away from them, he is so full of magic bombardment and burst out the spirit of mystery. With the perception of the four armed famine clan, he will definitely feel the change in this place, and will definitely come to check it. At that time, the dense fog here was in full swing, and it was just the people of the Yuhua aristocratic family to fight.

The only thing to do now is to choose a place to dig a very deep hole as soon as possible and hide it. In this way, the mountain will not be damaged by powerful power when both sides start to work. I'm afraid the depth to be dug should be at least more than a thousand feet, and the deeper it is, the safer it will be.

From the beginning of meeting the old man in green robe, this hole, large and small, is the blessed land of Weisuo. It depends on whether this calculation can reach the perfect level as planned.

The magic talismans and magic weapons of barrier eyes are the most commonly used items of friars. With the accumulation of Wei Suo and others, there are countless high-level magic weapons and high-level talismans on their bodies. All of them are on the mountain of avoiding immortals. All of them excite this kind of magic weapons quickly. After more than ten breathing time, there are bursts of fog, smoke, sunlight and miasma, It directly diffused thousands of miles and covered the sky.

Weisuo's figure directly through the thick fog, flying back to avoid fairy jade mountain.

Moreover, Wei Suo and others did not stop at all. When Wei Suo sensed the earth vein with the earth mother's Scripture, he chose an area with the most solid ground vein and several rock and gold veins below. At the same time, Jiya and others continued to cast these kinds of magic tools, making all kinds of spiritual fog more widespread, and even those old men who studied the prohibition of array, He also quickly laid down a number of flags and array plates that had been prepared on the way to the road. All of a sudden, a steady stream of thick smoke and fog came out, spreading at a more amazing speed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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