Path to Heaven

Chapter 1090: 1090

Boom! The nine thousand Zhang ice peaks around the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family really emit a dark light. They rise from the ice field and turn into nine huge ice swords, covering the sky above the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family.

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The nine huge ice swords interweave powerful principles in the air, just as the accumulated cold of ten thousand years broke out in this instant, completely frozen, and even frozen the Weisuo and the area hundreds of miles away from the sky first.

It was a shocking sight. Within a few hundred miles, a huge piece of ice appeared, as if connected to the sky. Then, nine huge ice swords combined into a crystal light, like a comet, sweeping towards Weisuo.


At the same time, Weisuo evolved the immortal Kingdom and the thousand sword killing evil sword array, which broke the ice. At this time, a crystal light formed by the combination of nine huge ice swords swept to the sky and collided with each other.


At the same time, countless friars of Yuhua aristocratic family yelled in horror at the same time. The crystal light broke through Wei Suo's immortal Kingdom and thousand sword killing evil sword array. However, the huge power hit Wei Suo's body, but it did not cause any damage to Weisuo at all, or even could not stop Wei Suo's progress.

Wei Suo's body was surrounded by the dazzling silver divine light and the towering red divine haze, and rushed directly out of the shocking collision area. Behind him, countless ice and snow and broken Xiaguang were flying and sprinkling, just as the nine ice peaks were all smashed by him.


Among the gates of the Yuhua family, the four pyramidal sacrificial platforms in the southeast and northwest corners were all extinguished. Then, the altar on the east side first cried and sent out a thrilling breath. A green ancient stone axe was abandoned and gave off a strange light, which was almost terrifying.

This is obviously an ancient soldier of ancient times, rippling with the breath of God and mystery.

The rules of vitality interweave around it, and countless textures are produced in the stone axe. The blue light spreads in the void like lightning, and first blasts to Weisuo.

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At the same time, the other three pyramidal sacrificial platforms were all split apart. A white bone spear burning white flame, an arrow made of Red God iron, and a black jade Ruyi rose from the cracked altar with an aura of terror linking ancient and modern times.

"Kill! Kill! Kill this son

Around the four sacrificial platforms, there were many Yuhua aristocratic family members sitting down, blood red eyes, crazy general shouting.

"I can't see the coffin without tears!"

Weisuo didn't use any skills, but hit the green stone axe with one hand.

The breath of the blue ancient stone axe is enough to make ordinary friars believe that the power is at least equivalent to the Dharma domain power of the four major powers of Shenxuan. However, Weisuo's body is more powerful than that of the holy King's patriarch. This kind of power can't cause any substantial damage to him. Therefore, he deliberately does not cast any magic, just like slapping a fly Like, and this green stone axe hard to shake, to completely defeat the confidence of the Yuhua aristocratic family.


As two mountains collided, Weisuo's body was just a slight shock, but the blue ancient stone axe was first broken into two pieces, and then destroyed into countless pieces by the power of the Dharma, which was like a meteor, shooting in all directions.

"Ah! The Xuanwu green axe, one of the four magic weapons guarded by our Yuhua aristocratic family, was smashed by him just with his flesh

"Is this still the body of a monk? I'm afraid the body of the nine level ancient beast is not so powerful."

"My God, it's really the death of heaven. Why should we be the first to stand up and lead to such a killing star?"

Many people in the Yuhua aristocratic family were shaking like wind, their faces were like ashes, they lost the courage to start, and many prohibitions were not even issued.

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The second arrow made of Red God iron, which hit Weisuo in front of him, was also broken by Weisuo, sending out a huge cry of sorrow, flying upside down like rotten iron.


Then, the white bone spear, which was burning with white flame, was also broken by Weisuo, and turned into countless white bone phosphorous fire, which flew in the sky.

"Let me say for the last time that all those who do not want to be enemies with me should leave the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family immediately, otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing them!"

Among the two law-abiding devices of the Yuhua aristocratic family, especially the power of the white bone spear, was also very terrifying. Weisuo's body was also damaged, which made him feel that he could not take the next black Ruyi by his physical body. However, he did not show any voice. He uttered Mahayana Dharma sound and suppressed the black Ruyi, which counteracted most of the black Ruyi Power Neng, then, reaches out again and beats the black Ruyi completely again.

"Ah! The four magic soldiers of our Yuhua aristocratic family were smashed by people just like grass roots! What else can be against this man

Weisuo's trick was a trick in the dark, but in this case, almost all the people of Yuhua family could not distinguish the differences carefully. They just saw that Wei Suo was too strong to describe, and there was nothing to stop him.Wei Suo felt to all the members of the Yuhua aristocratic family that nothing was useful. No matter what he started, it was impossible to hurt him a hair. By himself, he had been able to level down the whole Yuhua family.

"Ah! Ah! I will not kill you, I will not be a man

Among the empty golden gourd, the owner of Yuhua aristocratic family yelled madly. There is nothing to stop the death of Yuhua aristocratic family.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"

Weisuo didn't stop at all. Shuangshenxuan kept beating out the incomplete moon. Suddenly, there was a dark void in front of him. In the two rounds of incomplete moon, he suddenly brought out countless gray divine patterns, "when!" As if the God clock was broken, it was wrapped in a crystal light mask of the Yuhua family, which was smashed by Weisuo.

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Two strong powers continue to pour down, two pieces of Ice Palace within a radius of hundreds of Zhang, unexpectedly all were shattered!

Weisuo's attack has already inspired the double powerful power of the natural evolution of the incomplete moon. The power is just like the towering strike of the five great powers of two gods and metaphysics. However, with the power of one person, it broke the mountain protection ban of Yuhua aristocratic family.


For the people of the Yuhua family, it's like the sky has fallen, and the last line of defense in most people's hearts has been completely broken.

"Against me, that's what you'll end up with!"

Wei Suo had to rely on this time to frighten others and reverse the unfavorable situation, so there was no hand left at all. The power of Mahayana's Dharma sound was suppressed in a forbidden hall, which was smashed to pieces. Almost at the same time, thousands of flying swords formed a torrent, like a magic dragon, rushing into the gate of the Yuhua aristocratic family.

At the moment, the Yuhua aristocratic family was hard to find out even the friars of the golden elixir, and no one could stop Wei Suo's powerful power. The magnificent temples and courtyards between them collapsed completely. A famous monk of the Yuhua family who was still shouting wildly and tried to resist was directly turned into blood mist in the terrible sword flow, and then was washed into complete fly ash by the huge power of the rear sword flow and disappeared.

This has become a complete massacre. It is not an order of magnitude at all. It is just a few breathing times. The Yuanyin ancestors and others in the rear have not really entered the Mountain Gate area of the Yuhua family. Most of the people of the Yuhua family have fled for their lives outside the gate of the Yuhua family.

"You stay first! You can't leave until I'm gone. "

At this time, Weisuo launched the cave empty footwork and crossed the void in the Mountain Gate of the Yuhua aristocratic family. The huge divine power directly broke up the temples and turned them into ruins. At the same time, it was several ups and downs. He had already suppressed and captured four monks alive.

All of these four monks are the golden elixir in the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family. They should be the high-ranking ones in the Yuhua aristocratic family.

"Tell me where your important storehouses and scriptures are."

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After capturing the four men alive, Weisuo didn't waste any time asking them.

It is very likely that the big powers of the four armed barbarians and other great forces will be killed at any time. Therefore, it is impossible to clean up thoroughly just like after the attack of Tianjian sect. Only in a short period of time can they collect some important things from the Yuhua aristocratic family and then leave immediately.

"That's the magic storehouse of our Yuhua family..."

The four golden elites of the Yuhua aristocratic family were completely frightened by Weisuo. They only knew how to run for their lives. At the moment, they were oppressed by one or two of Weisuo's faces. They could not move at all. They could be killed by an idea. Under the pressure of Weisuo's divine sense, how could they dare to hide anything? They were afraid that they would be told first and the other would not be happy The intention to kill himself is to fight with each other to say, all the important places of the Yuhua aristocratic family.

"Gangya sister, Yuhuang immortal, fengwucang, you and I go into these temples to get treasure. Anyway, we will leave after a cup of tea!"

"Master Yuanyin, please sit outside!"

"Jiya, you all do it. Don't be polite. All the places that can be knocked down will be destroyed."

Without the slightest pause, Weisuo repeatedly made a voice to Yuanyin Laozu and others. This time, he wants to build up his prestige and thoroughly level the mountain gate. What he can't take away will be smashed into ruins and nothing will be left behind.

"Brother rabbit, look for something good by yourself. If there is anything good, you should take it first. Remember that if there is no accident, you must return to master yunyin within a cup of tea. If there is any accident, please follow my orders!"

At the same time, Wei Suo also specially said this sentence to Li freehand brushwork when he made such a sound to Yuanyin Laozu and others, and flew away with linglongtian, Yuhuang Zhenren and fengwucang. Li's present state is very unique. It seems that Li Shuyi is about to evolve into a Dharma domain with incomplete and incomplete moon. Whether he can break through the Divine mystery or can really evolve the Dharma domain of Tao with incomplete and incomplete moon, it is of great significance to Wei Suo.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"

Hearing Weisuo's voice, Jiya and others did not hesitate to offer the most powerful magic weapon in their hands, and at the same time, they constantly stimulated the incomplete moon.In a flash of time, countless terrible flames and dense gray crescent moon, like a rainstorm, poured down towards the gate of Yuhua aristocratic family and turned into fly ash everywhere. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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