Path to Heaven

Chapter 1137: 1137

"Weisuo, kill me! You don't want to know anything from me and get any benefit! "

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Wei Suo Yi grabs Wang Wuyi and Su Shenxue into his hands. Wang Wuyi and Su Shenxue both try their best to make a fierce roar.

If they were fatally injured in peacetime, they would at least commit suicide. However, they were not only cut off by Weisuo, but also severely damaged by the divine awn of the Tathagata. Their divine senses were scattered and could not even control the real yuan. They were just fish on the board of Weisuo's knife.

Wei Suo didn't talk nonsense with them at all. He put out his hand a little and put several prohibitions on them, so that they couldn't make any sound at all. He took out the blood essence stone and dripped out two liquid medicine to ensure that the two men would not die.

He has the light of Pudu God of gongdezong. If you want to know something at that time, you are not afraid of Su Shenxue and Wang. As long as there is time, not only Su Shenxue and Wang Wuyi, the leader of the imperial seal clan, but also the prince wanhuang can recover, he will be ready to use the God of Purdue to make it luminescent.

After seizing Wang Wuyi and Su Shenxue, Weisuo stood still in the void and made a voice to the monks around Huangtian City, "all the ancestral Gates who have peace talks with me, come to see me here!"

Weisuo did not say the specific time limit at all, but all the monks who heard this voice were very clear that a new era had begun. According to the records of ancient books, since the disappearance of the East Tathagata, many great powers have been competing in the world of monasticism. There has never been any one person who can suppress all the other great powers, but now it has appeared again. How could all those who had peace talks with Weisuo dare to be slighted at all. Although Weisuo did not say the specific time, all the sects would surely come here as soon as possible. See Weisuo.

"He wants to stay at the gate of emperor Tiandao for a while."

"What is he going to do when he brings together all the people who have peace talks with him?"

For a while, there were people flying around the Imperial City, and countless flames of light rose from the sky. The news spread to all directions. The world was shocked by the vibration of Yunling continent, Tianxuan continent, cold land, Yuheng continent and Liuhuo continent.

But Weisuo didn't stop. After making such a sound, he immediately turned around and headed for the middle of emperor Tiandao Mountain Gate.

Along the way, he broke all the prohibitions in the gate of emperor Tiandao, opened all the warehouses, and collected all the things inside.

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"The Lord of the holy King clan asks to see Wei Shenjun!"

"The leader of the Danyuan clan wants to see Wei Shenjun!"

The two groups of huge mysterious atmosphere soon appeared. The leader of the holy King clan and the jade shoes God King obviously did not leave the cloud spirit land, and they were waiting for the result of the war not far from the huangtiandao Mountain Gate, so they were the first to arrive at this moment.

Although they came with Weisuo all the way, they were almost numb by Weisuo's magic power, but after the war, Weisuo was hardly damaged. Ten Shenxuan great powers were defeated. Their faces were still full of horror and unbelievable looks.

"You two help me to hold that position first. Although the Jinhu of Zhantai Linglan can let him escape into the void, he can't walk through the void. He is still there."

Wei Suo had already entered a place where the Scriptures were hidden in the emperor's way, but he did not show up. Instead, he sent out a sword of my own heart. He hit the place where the empty golden gourd disappeared in the Linglan of Zhantai, and designated the location for the Lord of the holy King clan and the jade shoes God King.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!... " Although Zhantai Linglan was hidden in the void, he knew the external affairs clearly by virtue of the unique power of the empty golden gourd. When he saw the leader of the holy King clan and the jade shoes God King holding their own position, he was immediately anxious and afraid and yelled repeatedly, but there was no way to do it.

"Guangfa Tiangong, please see Wei Shenjun!"

"Gongdezong wants to see Wei Shenjun!"

"Dengxianzong wants to see Wei Shenjun!"


Not long after the appearance of the Lord of the holy King clan and the jade shoes God King, one by one, they came to the temple with astonishing speed. In addition, almost all the ancestral gates that came here were the patriarch and the elder Taishang.

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"Jinshizong asked to see Wei Shenjun!"

"Liuli palace, please see Wei Shenjun!"

"Heaven wants to see Wei Shenjun!"


In less than half an hour, 50 or 60 sects gathered in front of the gate of emperor Tiandao. All of them were extremely respectful and waited outside the broken gate of emperor Tiandao. Many of these sects even had not been enemies with Weisuo before and did not express their intention to make peace with Weisuo.

At this time, Weisuo emerged from the gate of emperor Tiandao, stood in the void, and uttered a voice, "who has the means to deal with the golden gourd in the void? If you can't force Zhantai Linglan out of the void, or even if you can't, you can impose a ban here. As soon as he comes out, he will at least be able to inflict heavy damage on him, or I will certainly give him satisfaction The price. "

"Ah..." Zhantai Linglan is going crazy in the void. He and all the monks know what Weisuo means. Even if Weisuo can't kill him now, he will be trapped here alive."Help me to carefully explore the whereabouts of this demon. As soon as there is news, it will spread out. This is an extraterritorial demon, which can devour friars' golden elixir cultivation. It is a great harm to the whole cultivation world and is our common enemy. " Wei Suo then made a voice, and at the same time, Zhenyuan Congxing shaped the specific image of the four arm wild people's great power, and a big hat was put on the head of the four arm wild people's power.

Now, except for him and Linglong Tian, I'm afraid no one knows the difference between the barbarian and the extraterritorial demons. It is said that they are extraterritorial demons. On the contrary, it can cause panic among many clans, so that all the sects will fear the disaster of extinction and trace the whereabouts of the great power of the four armed barbarians.

"What, extraterritorial demons?"

"How could it be that an extraterritorial demon has come?"

"My God, every time an alien demon comes, it doesn't always set off a bloodbath."

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Sure enough, Weisuo said this sentence, all the friars were in an uproar, causing panic.

"If anyone has a way to break the bottle of nature, I will give him the price of satisfaction." At the moment, there is still a Zong door to see Weisuo, and Weisuo has no stop and makes a sound again.

"Who can give Zhengyang Xiancao and other medicines like Zhengyang Xiancao, which can make the immortal body return to Yang..."

Wei Suo didn't stop. Next, he put forward the things to cure yinlihua and help the old man with green robe to coagulate, and asked them to come to see their own sect to help purchase the water demon pill.

The power of emperor Tiandao was even stronger than that of Huatian religion. Wei Suo got many spirit stones from the storehouse, which was used to purchase water demon pills and water miraculous medicines, which could not be spent for a while.

Wei Suo, who was born as a small profiteer in Lingyue City, had long understood that he did not want to take advantage of those clansmen who had peace talks with him. Instead, he wanted to give benefits.

"Wei Daoyou, I'm coming! If it wasn't for your fight, we didn't know when to hide. "

A huge and mysterious atmosphere suddenly came, but the extremely Yin God King and a group of people from the small polar world arrived at the gate of emperor Tiandao.

"Jiyang friend, you have been ruined by xiaojijie Mountain Gate!" Weisuo went forward in person. If he had not had the support of Yuanyin ancestor, Jiyin Shenjun and xiaojijie, he would not have been able to hold on to this time.

"Ming tuzong asked to see Wei Shenjun!"

"Wanhuanggong asks to see Wei Shenjun!"

"Bixizong wants to see Wei Shenjun!"

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With the appearance of many ancestral clans who came from afar, the people of Ming tuzong and other sects also reappeared. Many of them were old antiques that had escaped in the war. Now they reappeared. They were all worshipped and begged Wei Suo to let them go.

"I have given you a chance to spare your life for the sake of being forced by the Lord, but death is inevitable, and living sin is hard to escape." Wei Suo was not polite to these sects. He immediately asked Jiyin Shenjun to send disciples of xiaojijie to follow the people of these sects to the mountain gates of these sects, and counted out all the things and made a list for him to choose.

"If each sect has a magic weapon to resist the natural calamity, they can also trade with me. I will certainly give you satisfactory conditions." Next, Weisuo said this again.

At present, Weisuo's search for magic weapons to resist the natural calamity did not cause any accident to anyone. After all, most of the shenxuandaneng would start to prepare the magic weapons and magic weapons to resist the natural calamity when they felt that they had the hope of breaking through the real immortal. People like Weisuo, who were far more than the same generation of shenxuanneng, were not prepared to resist the natural calamity It's not normal. No one even thought that Wei Suo might have a natural calamity when he broke through the four levels of Shenxuan to the five levels of Shenxuan, not until he had broken through the real immortal.

Now Weisuo, it can be said, is completely facing all the sects and forces of several continents.

"The longevity of the sky will be exhausted, not only the sky of Tianxuan continent, but also the sky of all continents will collapse." After saying all his needs, Weisuo hesitated for a moment, and then opened his mouth again. But this time, he let the whole emperor's city send out a huge voice of air-conditioning. Everyone was shocked, and even completely exceeded the first World War of Weisuo.

"What, all the sky is about to collapse?" All people are numb in the heart, thoroughly shocked, know what the meaning of this sentence represents.

"Wei Shenjun, is this news true?" Even some people forget that it is against the dignity of weissel to ask this question, and they can't help but speak out.

"This is the exact record I have seen, and it is true. All clansmen can be prepared, but all transactions must be conducted on an equal footing. If there is bullying and forced trading, it will be my enemy! " Weisuo's voice was once again loud, which made everyone's mind tremble. Just now he hesitated to say the news, but after hesitating for a while, he decided to say it. Because if you are prepared, you can at least save the lives of many monks. Now, he also has the strength to delimit the order of the monastic world. He is not afraid of the large number of sects in this situation, but he is even more aggressive in plundering the lower level monks."This is to demarcate the order of the monastic world, deter all the major doors, and let everyone follow the rules!" Many people in the thorough shock at the same time, also understand Weisuo's intention. Almost all the low-level friars who knew that they were grateful to Weisuo. Knowing that Weisuo did this, they were saving their lives. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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