Path to Heaven

Chapter 1213: 1213

All the people found that Nangong Yuqing was full of faint yellow light under the fluctuation of vitality at the moment, which was very similar to the breath of the decadent ancient god of war.

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"Yes, he is also a great master! Don't be bullied by him. Otherwise, except for Wei Suo and me who can resist for a while, everyone will be white headed in an instant, and Shouyuan will disappear in a flash of sand. " The very low voice of Linglong sky rings in everyone's ears.


The spear of the decadent ancient god of war couldn't hold Weisuo out of the realm of incomplete moon. It was blown out and turned into a light spot in an instant. Dozens of pieces of armour were scattered on his body. But to everyone's horror, it seemed that the ancient god of war itself had not been greatly damaged.

The pieces of armor flying out of his body also disappeared directly, without even a trace of broken vitality left.

"What the hell is going on here?" Wei Suo smashed the decadent ancient god of war, but he didn't pursue him immediately. He turned his head and looked at Linglong heaven, "is this your spiritual family? Can you stop it? "

"You can deal with it directly with a heavy hand..." The corners of Linglong's mouth trembled, and she was about to cry I'm afraid his father has fallen down in that year, but his consciousness still needs to fight and fight... "

"Is this a pure killing thought?"

Wei Suo and witch goddess, Yuan Yin ancestor and others were all gasping with fright in their eyes.

They finally realized what the rotten God of war was.

This is not a powerful ancient corpse, nor is it a Dharma body. It is not even the incarnation of gods.

This is completely because some monks' will and ideas are too strong. Although they fall, they still have to fight subconsciously. As a result, they gather a stream of vitality and form such things!

This kind of thing just wants to fight, just to kill the opponent.

Even if there is no living creature in the butcher, the fallen "Dayangtian" is still in the battlefield when it falls, and it will fight forever until the power is finally completely dissipated.

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What shocked Wei Suo and others was that the name "Dayangtian" must have fallen here in the world war six or seven thousand years ago. After that, his subconscious energy to fight down was still a real immortal with double weight compared with the real one. What kind of magic power was Dayangtian at that time All the characters left such obsession. What was the degree of tragedy in the first World War at that time?


The decadent ancient god of war, transformed by Da Yang Tian's subconscious killing thought, stopped in the distant void again. His body glowed yellow and crossed the void and forced him to come towards Wei Suo.

"You are on your way, your war is over If there is still a wild race that has not been destroyed, we can help you get rid of it. "

Weisuo to the forced "Dayangtian", eyes with respect to say such a sentence, at the same time launched his changed Dongtian Shenhuo.


Weisuo's voice was uttered, and the power of Mahayana's Dharma voice condensed the void in front of him into substance, and faster than his voice, a flash of fiery red and golden light directly penetrated from the whole body of "Dayangtian", as if there was a small world pregnant with endless thunder and fire in the body of "Dayangtian".


The tianlinggai of "Dayangtian" was blown away directly. A stream of terrible sun fire and thunder fire gathered together with strange vitality law, just like a magic sword. Each tiny thunder fire sword rippled with strange power that could crush the spirits, which made all the people present feel thrilled.

"My husband, how could you have such a change in the magic fire of Dongtian? How could it evolve into such an amazing Lei Gang?" The witch girl exclaimed, Weisuo's fire power in this cave is so amazing that it will defeat "Dayangtian" with one blow. At the moment, the body of "Dayangtian" also gave out the light of thunder and fire, and began to crack one by one.

"My descendants Keep killing for me... "

But at this time, without waiting for Weisuo to answer, the body of the collapsed "Dayangtian" suddenly issued a strong will, and all of us heard such a voice in their minds.


At the same time, "Dayangtian" completely lost its shape, collapsed and turned into a faint yellow torrent, rushing towards Nangong Yuqing.

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"This is the pure vitality of Da Huang's asking Scripture!"

"No will! Rain fine, he is finally sensing the same breath of you, think you are his descendant. You must absorb all this energy

Wei suoxian was startled. The breath on his body was shaking wildly. He wanted to stop the Yellow flood. But then, he had an excited look on his face. He yelled again and again, and the whole person flashed to one side.

"Shua!" Nangong Yuqing's body was directly fixed in place by the power of this faint yellow torrent. However, as soon as the faint yellow torrent rushed to her body, it was as if she had exhausted her last strength and disintegrated."This is directly equivalent to the transmission of skills by real immortals."

Weisuo's reaction was extremely fast. With a wave of his hand, a stream of water spirit immediately formed a light shield, which wrapped the Yellow torrent and Nangong Yuqing.

At this time, Nangong Yuqing also recovered from the shock at the beginning. Knowing that it was not trivial, he immediately sat down on the site and asked according to the great famine. After practicing the Dharma, he absorbed the pure and grand vitality of his body.


Outside Nangong Yuqing's body, Wei Suo's round water cover shakes violently like a vast ocean, and a violent vibration of vitality comes from Nangong Yuqing's body.

"The golden elixir is five fold!"

"It's such an amazing chance that you can't find for ever!"

Everyone was shocked. It was almost as if they found the ancient spirit garden full of ancient medicine at first. All of us can see that Nangong Yuqing's vitality is surging at this time, which is the breakthrough of golden elixir. Before, Nangong Yuqing just broke through to the first four levels of Jindan, and now it's just a few breaths. It's actually a direct breakthrough to Jindan Wuzhong!

This is indeed an unimaginable fate, because even if the true immortal wants to transmit his meritorious skills, he may not have the means to completely transform his original vitality into pure vitality that others can directly absorb. For example, even if Wei Suo wants to sacrifice his self-cultivation and infuse his own vitality into shuiling'er, shuiling'er may not be able to absorb it, and may even reject it, resulting in many unexpected consequences.


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It's just a dozen breaths, and Nangong Yuqing's vitality is shaking again. The power of absorbing the faint yellow vitality is obviously several times greater than before.

"It's time to go straight to Shenxuan!"

Everyone has a feeling of scalp numbness, which is probably the fastest speed they can see in their lifetime. Even if Wei Suo got the water emperor's decision to swallow the sun and the Dragon tomb in those years, he didn't have such an amazing speed of breakthrough when he changed the method to rebuild.

The void vibrates again.

It is almost the same speed as Jindan quadruple to Jindan wuchong. The clouds are shining in the sky. The vitality of the heaven and earth in the far distance is sucked in. A huge light man is formed in the void.

Weisuo didn't stop at all. He reached out a little and held out the piece of mixed gold, blocking the top of Nangong Yuqing.

"Flesh wood!" Han Weiwei suddenly exclaimed in a low voice. Nangong Yuqing's body also showed the smell of flesh wood.

But Wei Suo's look did not change at all. With a stroke of his hand, a stream of Qi and blood was rushed into Nangong Yuqing's body with Zhenyuan.

He had already felt that Dayangtian's vitality had completely dissipated into the original vitality, without any real immortal breath or emperor's breath. Nangong Yuqing had no preparation for the impact of Shenxuan. He was afraid that flesh wood was inevitable. However, he had tried to use his own Qi and blood to remove the body wood, so what he was worried about was the heart when he crossed the barrier The devil is coming.

Because the location of the butcher here is close to the wind layer of the nine sky gang. At the moment, there are a trace of the nine days Yin wind and Lei gang that can be seen by the naked eye. The vitality is very complex, and it is very likely to form a variety of ghosts in the spiritual consciousness of the friars.

However, after a stream of Qi and blood entered Nangong Yuqing's body, Wei Suo was relieved, because Nangong Yuqing's look was very calm and natural, and he kept his heart, and there would be no problem in attacking Shenxuan.

"Boom "Boom "Boom

Because of the breath that keeps rising at an amazing speed, all people even have the illusion that Nangong Yuqing's body is constantly becoming huge in their eyes.

It's just like seeing a mountain rise.

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At the time of Nangong Yuqing's impact on Shenxuan, Weisuo's looks are extremely calm, but after a while, Weisuo's eyes are also staring more and more big, there is no way to keep calm.

After the breakthrough of Shenxuan, Nangong Yuqing's breakthrough has not stopped, and the last heavy natural Qi entrainment has not stopped, it has reached the next round of breakthrough.

"Do you want to go straight to Zhenxian?"

After just blinking a few times, the faces of Weisuo, Jiya and others all changed.

At the moment, Nangong Yuqing has already rushed to the triple cultivation of Shenxuan, but there is still a lot of dim yellow energy in the transparent water spirit mask that Wei Suo turns out.

In this way, Dayangtian was finally hit by Wei Suo's changed Dongtian fire, and finally turned into such a torrent that he did not lose much vitality at all!

"I don't know if we can make Nangong Yuqing cross by these two things!"

With a bang, when Nangong Yuqing's body broke out again, Wei Suo had a little cold sweat on his forehead. He reached out a little, and quickly took out the true antidote and a purple ancient elixir from his body.

The impact on the real immortal is completely different from the impact on the Divine mystery. Even Wei Suo himself was almost confused and passed away. I don't know what mysterious and dangerous changes would occur in the body of ordinary friars when they attacked the real immortal. But to be sure, it must be more dangerous to strike Zhenxian than to shock Shenxuan.But it's no use calling Nangong Yuqing to stop now, because even if Wei Suo breaks up the remaining vitality, the natural entrainment of Nangong Yuqing at the moment of Shenxuan breakthrough may reach the critical point of breaking through the real immortal.

Now let's see if the wild purple Flos grass, which is specially used for breaking through the true immortals, can make the Nangong Yuqing without any preparation on the top of the true immortals according to the records in the scriptures of Zhenjie Xiandan and Huanggu materia medica.

If successful, it is a real step up to heaven, this kind of fortune, is almost equal to the sum of most of Weisuo's previous experiences! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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