Path to Heaven

Chapter 1274: 1274

Wei Suo's eyes twinkled, and he flicked a group of washed out vitality to the front of the wild clan's powerful noumenon.

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"Shi Jialan, you can take care of me. I don't want any accident when I rush through the customs." At the same time, Weisuo said this to Shi Jialan.

Shi Jialan snorted coldly, and did not speak, but he also understood Wei Suo's meaning.

"This son is young. I didn't expect that he would be so careful and cunning in his work." When the barbarians heard the words, they were very angry.

Weisuo did this to prevent him from seizing the body of the 32 armed barbarian power when Wei Suo rushed through the pass.

What's more, Wei Suo's vitality rolled up in front of him was not too much each time. It was very hard to deal with this one horned demon, and it was difficult to accumulate much vitality secretly.

"To the true fairy triple breakthrough to the true fairy four, I'm afraid it will lead to another disaster, no matter what, first break through to the true fairy triple peak again!"

Weisuo's mind kept calculating, and it was between these two breaths that the breath on his body had reached the potential of a thorough breakthrough. Two huge breath broke through his body at the same time, and a stream of vitality gushed out of his orifice.

"The true fairy triple, this is the true fairy triple realm!"

As soon as the vitality gushed out, Weisuo immediately felt that the real yuan and Qi and blood in his body seemed to be transformed into a series of magic symbols. Not only every orifices, but also every trace of real yuan and Qi and blood seemed to automatically absorb the vitality between heaven and earth.


At this moment, Weisuo's divine consciousness also had a sudden extension to infinity.

At this moment, the vitality of his body suddenly contracted again, and his body became a huge bottomless hole with amazing curling force. A stream of star energy suddenly formed a huge whirlpool.

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"Ah! What is that?"

At this time, Han Weiwei suddenly exclaimed. I saw a huge shadow in the distance, like a huge monster, rolling all the way, all the meteorites along the way were instantly swallowed up.

"It's the void storm of the space gap!"

And at the same time, Han Weiwei has already reacted.

It was Wei Suo's breakthrough in cultivation that led to the void storm of the huge space gap again.

However, compared with previous times, the scale of the void storm caused by Weisuo is much more amazing. The void storm composed of various mottled stars and strange light arcs is completely filled with the direction, giving a feeling that the whole void is completely collapsing from there.

"Not good!"

At this time, the great energy body of the Huang nationality gave out a cry of fright.

Originally, the one horned demon that seemed to have been frightened and angry and roared again and again, but it was a little quiet. His face was covered with unexpected surprise. All of a sudden, blue scaly lights flashed on his body, just like a bone scraping knife, constantly impacting on the indigo blue and black gold chain like lights around his body.

On the chain like light, which seemed to be extremely stable, there was a trace of light, trembling, and there was a situation that was about to crack in the void.


Seeing this scene, Shi Jialan bit his teeth fiercely, and a black spear appeared in his hands, which instantly impacted on the indigo aura outside the unicorn demon.


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However, Han Weiwei and many other foreign demons gave out a cry of surprise. Among the thousands of chain like lights, dozens of them have broken apart in the void and turned into bright streamers.

"Poof!" The face of the wild people's great energy turned white and opened his mouth, but there was no sound. Instead, a mouthful of indigo blue blood and blood rushed out of the mouth.

"Hey, hey

In all people's minds, it seems to think of the proud cold laughter of this Unicorn demon.

The void storm caused by Weisuo's breakthrough to the triple of the true and the immortal seems to have benefited this one horned demon, absorbing some unique star energy, and evolving the rules of vitality that can't be evolved at ordinary times.

The body of this one horned demon with a cold smile on his face suddenly moved, and all the other chain like lights would be completely broken off. Suddenly, the brain of this one horned demon suddenly brightened, and the indigo blue forehead seemed to be plated with a layer of red gold.


This one horned demon made an unprecedented sound of pain. The blue scale like light on his body suddenly collapsed, and his face showed a look of extreme pain.


Witch goddess and Han Weiwei and other people's eyes suddenly surprised extremely gathered to Weisuo's body. They are very clear that at this time, it must be Wei Suo's strike with the Buddha's awn, which caused some damage to the one horned demon.

At this time, Wei Suo, who had already rolled up a group of vitality to the powerful body of the barbarian clan, was also surprised and did not stop at all. It was the Tathagata God mang who attacked the one horned demon.At the moment, the changes in his body were unexpected.

The ancient dragon soul in his body, which was used to cultivate the skill of star quenching of Tianlong Group, has disappeared. It is actually the same as the root of Shenmu in the Yuan Dynasty, which was completely refined in his body.

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As soon as this ancient dragon spirit was refined in his body, his spirit consciousness was also increased again, in addition to some sudden changes in the Qi and blood in his body and the feeling that he was suddenly integrated into the blood of the dragon.

At the beginning of his first practice of Tianlong Group Star quenching technique, he had the feeling of seeing the heaven and earth through the eyes of the dragon. At the moment, the soul of the ancient dragon became one. In addition to his divine sense, his perception of the law of vitality was also suddenly increased. Many kinds of vitality that the monks could not perceive were even clearly appeared in him Know the sea.

At this moment, he just sensed that among the void storms he had brought out, there were many powerful real fires that could not have been sensed. It seemed that they had crossed from countless stars, but they were not extinguished. However, the same technique, different perception, and suddenly enhanced divine consciousness, let the Tathagata God awn, which had been improved by him, seemed to involve these true fires, and played far beyond his expected power.

You should know that this one horned demon is the embodiment of the ancestors of the barbarians. Even if the divine sense is not as good as that of the real emperor, it may be several times more than that of the ordinary emperor. I don't know how much stronger it is than Wei Suo.

This time, all people feel clearly, but Weisuo's invisible divine consciousness seems to bring out tangible lines in the void, and the unicorn demon is a painful grunt, and once again some reddish gold light comes out of his skull.


To everyone's dismay, just as the purple black light on the head of this one horned demon is slightly reduced, there are several more chain like lights that the wild race can evolve. One of them directly protrudes from the void at the back of the one horned demon, but it directly penetrates through the one horned demon and penetrates through his chest 。

These chain like divine lights of the evolution of the great power of the barbarians not only have the function of imprisoning the void, but also have the terrifying power of killing and cutting. They are completely the chains of divine principles and Dharma in the void!


Under the fierce roar of the unicorn demon, a layer of royal blue light suddenly appeared on his body, and the chain like light that had just penetrated his body was broken.

"Yes?" Weisuo's brow leaped violently. At the moment, he had launched the Tathagata divine awn to this one horned demon, but his divine consciousness seemed to be completely blocked by this layer of blue light, and could not cause any damage to the one horned demon.

"This is the treasure light in the wilderness, which blocks all divine will. Your divine knowledge killing method is evolved from the Buddha's awn, but it is of no use to this kind of precious light." The noumenon of the great power of the barbarian nationality breathed for breath at the moment and uttered a voice, "however, if we continue to use this method, he will not be able to use many other powerful methods. As long as we continue to consume them, we will surely consume them alive and dead!"

"Is it?" Weisuo's eyes flashed, but he was still washing the indigo blue huge body in front of him. Among the three crevasses on the body of this 32 armed barren clan, there is still vitality to be broken out. At the same time, he also immediately meditated and looked inside, feeling that he had broken through to the triple change of immortals.

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"Seven thousand miles?"

However, under the full sweep of divine consciousness, even if Weisuo had a mind to control, his face was irresistible, and there was a trace of astonishment on his face.

Before, his divine consciousness could cover 5000 Li, but at the moment, his divine consciousness could cover 7000 Li!

I'm afraid it's impossible for God's consciousness to be improved so much just by improving his own cultivation. It must be because of the spirit of the dragon that has been refined in his body.

I heard the old man in green robe say that he had some great powers in ancient times. He thought it was unimaginable to hit tens of thousands of Li and kill his opponents with one blow. But what he didn't expect was that his divine sense coverage had already moved towards thousands of miles!

"Hiss!" When he felt the change of his body, Weisuo couldn't help but take a cold breath.

His flesh and blood, bones, is actually all a very bright crystal, under the internal view, the whole body is like a star sky of countless stars.

"If the whole body is quenched into this crystal of incomparable brilliance, how strong will the flesh be

Wei Suo took a deep breath and calmed his mind. At the moment, he did not collide with the Daneng and shijialan, and he did not know whether his body could compete with them. However, under such circumstances, Weisuo would not waste any time, and he yelled at the great energy noumenon of the Huang nationality, "go on

After a little stagnation, the latter bit his teeth, and a silver star like light struck the indigo blue body in front of Weisuo.

All of a sudden, in Weisuo's full force, a new hole, is a large stream of vitality was washed out, rolling into Weisuo's body.

Wei Suo's vitality fluctuates and grows again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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