Path to Heaven

Chapter 331: 331

Inside the black arch, however, is a cemetery six or seven miles around. There are broken black stone tablets and broken stones everywhere.

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Many broken steles have deep gullies and holes as if they were clawed out by sharp claws. However, there is a large milky white aura in the center of the cemetery.

This aura is at least 200 Zhang high, covering a radius of 500-600 Zhang.

In the white aura mask, there is a hexagonal platform. The whole platform seems to be carved from a piece of yellow spar. It seems that there are many stripes on it. However, it is still hard to see clearly in the white aura.

Above the platform stands a black crystal column and a white crystal tablet.

The black crystal column is slightly higher, about the height of three weissors, which is as thick as an adult's waist, while the white crystal stele is about two and a half people's height.

On the black crystal column, there is a circle of water like black luster, while on the white crystal tablet, it is just emitting a light white light.

On the platform, in front of the black crystal column and white crystal tablet, a silver corpse was lying.

The silver corpse looked like a monk from afar, but on closer inspection, it was a monstrous monster with silver scales all over!

the body as like as two peas, with a silver scale and long silvery hair, and a long narrow mouth, showing two sharp fangs, the rest looks just like the human.

However, what shocked Weisuo and others most was not the black crystal column and white crystal tablet on the platform and the strange silver corpse, but two crescent shaped cracks suspended in the white mask about 150 Zhang above the platform.

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The two cracks are more than ten Zhang long in length and about five Zhang in width, flashing a kind of crystal like luster.

From a distance, it looks like a pair of huge, cold, and emotionless eyes.

As soon as Weisuo and others entered the cemetery, their pupils shrank in an instant. A black light, like a completely uncontrolled brick, was suddenly thrown out of one of the cracks, and then immediately inhaled into another, and then disappeared as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

That group of black light, is a three-level high-level monster black wind owl!

"It's a space gap!" After taking a deep breath, she said this sentence to Weisuo with a chill.

Weisuo also took a deep breath and nodded.

When the black wind owl was thrown out of one of the cracks, it was obvious that it brought out an amazing vitality and power. It seemed that the king of God had a fierce breath out of the sky and burst out of the crack. It was very similar to the feeling that the space was torn when Weisuo and Jiya were transmitting in the array.

The general space gap is caused by the violent fluctuation of the vitality of heaven and earth. It is likely that it will disappear once it appears. For example, these two space fissures are stably suspended in the aura. They are obviously formed by some amazing array and prohibition.

Yang Zhi bird is full of human nature. It points at the white aura with its wings and shakes its head in panic. Just looking at its appearance, you can see that it is reminding Weisuo that the white aura is very dangerous.

"You follow me."

But what made Yang Zhi bird dry and stare was that Weisuo was not moved by its appearance at all. After saying this to it, he and Jiya and yinlihua slowly swept towards the white mask.

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To his surprise, the spirit bird almost choked on his own saliva. After Weisuo stopped not far from the white aura, Weisuo seemed to take out the corpse of a monster from the sea hunting meeting and throw it on the white aura mask.

When I collided with the white aura, I saw the white light surging out of the collision place, and the corpse of the monster was immediately split by the white light from the white light mask.

"Is he trying to kill himself?"

"Doesn't he want this hand?"

What makes this spirit bird more incredible is that he reaches out his hand to the white aura as he ponders.

In the eyes of this Yang fat bird, Weisuo's head must have been flooded at the moment. It was obvious that the smell on the white aura made it feel extremely dangerous. He had already reminded him that he would try again. Make it better. This hand is gone. If it's not done well, maybe Weisuo will be gone.

In order to avoid affecting the passers-by, the spirit bird immediately responded and withdrew several feet.

But to make the bird a little silly, Weisuo's hand reached up, but did not trigger any reaction, as if it was just through a water curtain, easily through the white curtain of light.

"It seems that the yunjiezong really understood a little of the mystery of the sky." In the stupidity, this head spirit bird sees Wei Suo to nearby Ji Ya and Yin Li Hua said this sentence.Yinlihua nodded and reached out her hand to caress the white light, which flowed between her jade fingers like water.

It turns out that the three people have already felt that the smell of the white aura is extremely similar to the sky.

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Now, after a try, it turns out that the efficacy of this white aura mask is very similar to that of the sky. It should not hinder or hurt friars, but can block the entry of demons. And different from the sky is that this aura mask seems to be more violent for the monster's regurgitation. Because the sky that envelops all continents is how much force the demon beast strikes, how much force it will counterattack. It is equivalent to that it does not take the initiative to hurt the monster, but only rebounds and forbids the demon beast to enter. However, the power of this aura mask will actively bombard the monster. Once the monster touches the aura, it will be bombarded by the aura mask power. It's no wonder that Yangzhi bird can feel the danger of this white aura. For it, it will be destroyed once it contacts it.

However, it is obvious that this aura mask only understands some principles of the sky, and imitates part of the effectiveness of the sky by using a certain array and prohibition. The power contained in it must not be compared with the real sky which finally destroyed the giant of yunjiezong.

"Daoxuan hall! Is this related to daoxuan hall, or is this the entrance of daoxuan hall? "

At this time, yinlihua suddenly sent out a cry of surprise.

"Daoxuan hall? What do you mean? " Wei Suo, whose eyes are still on the body of the strange silver monster, turns his head and looks at Yin Li Hua and asks.

"Look at the white crystal tablet." Yinlihua held out her finger and pointed to the white crystal tablet on the hexagon platform.

Wei Suo and Ji Ya followed the Yin Li Hua's fingers to see that on one side of the white crystal stele, there were three large characters carved in ancient style, "daoxuan hall".

"Our Yin corpse sect happened to find this small heaven, and we also collected a lot of records about it. According to some classical records, the original Yunjie sect set up a place to store Taoist and xuanjie magic weapons in order to stimulate the disciples! That place is daoxuan hall! " Yin Li flower tone some hasty said.

"Magic weapon of Daojie and xuanjie?" Weisuo and Jiya looked at each other and were shocked.

Not to mention the land of Yunling, where the magic weapons are relatively scarce, the Tianxuan land where Weisuo and Jiya were originally located was usually the great friars of the golden elixir period, who could have one or two magic weapons of Taoist rank.

For example, Wei Suowei's door plate flying sword, which can reach the middle level magic weapon, has been able to form a threat to the golden elixir.

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Dan is a magic weapon for a monk. For example, Yin Lihua, a monk of the golden elixir period, who has already been regarded as a top-notch sect, has two magic weapons, which are just inferior powers.

There are more than ten magic weapons in the south of Tianxuan continent, let alone xuanjie.

Several xuanjie magic weapons that can be named on the Tianxuan mainland are the treasures of several major sects. They can only be used when they encounter the life and death war between the monks in the golden elixir period.

"Little villain, what do you say now? Now this place is probably related to daoxuan hall. I want to see it clearly. " Originally, yinlihua saw the two terrible space cracks in the white light shield, but she was still hesitant to enter this one. It seemed that there was no magic weapon in it, and there was a very strange silver corpse in the white mask. After all, the forbidden power was not understood by a monk like her, but now she saw that piece The white stele on the hall of her heart is white. If you can get a magic weapon of xuanjie level, it is also equivalent to greatly enhance a layer of strength.

"Go in and have a look."

Weisuo let go of all divine consciousness, after scanning, said this sentence quietly.

Next, he took the heart eater into the slave's bag, passed through the white aura, and then released the heart eater. Then, he walked out of the white aura again, and said to the Yang Zhi bird, who was still afraid of it, "you can see that there is no obstacle to pass through the white aura mask after receiving the slave bag."

Hearing Weisuo say this, yangzhiniao is also a kind of "you don't say, I understand" attitude, and then very cooperative let Weisuo into the slave animal bag.

Now Weisuo has only one slave bag on his body, so he can only adopt this relay method, and put the heart eating insect and Yang fat bird into the aura. After the previous transmission array on the ice field, Weisuo now dare not let the spirit bird, which is related to Han Weiwei's life and death, stay outside alone.


Just after the Yang fat bird was released, the air in the white aura seemed to be a violent shock and rose to the outside. In the two spaces above the head, which are like the eyes of terror, another two-level low-level corruption eating carving appeared, and then it was thrown into another space gap and disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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