Path to Heaven

Chapter 353: 353


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At the moment when the golden armor God, formed by rolling yellow gas, stepped out of the valley full of sword Qi, a mouthful of blood gushed from the mouth of Xuanyuan ancestor.

The blood was black and smelly. It was sprayed on the ground, and the rocks were melted and gave off black smoke.

As soon as the blood gushed out, the black air that enveloped Xuanyuan's face all disappeared. However, the look of Xuanyuan's ancestor was as old as ten years, and his whole body exuded an old and decadent breath.

"Ancestor Xuanyuan!"

But just then, a thunder like shrill came from the distance. The person who made the sound seemed to be looking for him, but now there was no sound in Xuanyuan's ancestral place. It was difficult for the other party to judge his position for a moment, so he made such a sound.


Xuanyuan Laozu was stunned for a moment, then he put his hands on it, and a yellow gas gushed out from around him, forming a huge column that could only be held by tens of people, and blew a blow at the void above.


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As if the sky had been pierced, the sound of a huge sonic boom spread out like a tide.

After half the incense, with the white light flashing, Wei Suo and others appeared on a hill opposite Xuanyuan's ancestor.

"You are "Yinlihua?"

Once I felt the breath of Yin Li flower beside Wei Suo, Xuanyuan's father was like he was about to start his work as soon as his face changed.

"Lao Zu, in the little heaven, she is my ally."

At the sight of Xuanyuan's appearance, Weisuo immediately stopped, and then felt the old and decadent breath on Xuanyuan's father. Wei Suo's face also changed dramatically, and he said, "what's the matter, Xuanyuan ancestor?"

"Ally?" Xuanyuan ancestor's face was overcast and changed several times. He didn't answer. He looked at Weisuo with a gloomy look. "You'd better tell me what happened between you and ye zero first."

"Ye zero?" White light flickered several times, Weisuo and others to Xuanyuan ancestor not far away, "you are injured in the hands of Ye zero?" He asked, with a flash of his eyes.

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"Yinlihua, you Yin corpse sect's ten wild ghost arrows, how powerful Xuanyuan Laozu still did not answer Wei Suo's words, but looked at Yin Li Hua, heavily cold hum a, body kill intention to show.

"Ten wild hell arrows? Xuanyuan ancestor, what do you say? Ye Ling, he even refined into ten wild ghost arrows, and still used them on you? " Yinlihua's face suddenly turned white.

"If it wasn't for this powerful magic weapon, even if I fell this time, he would never have left alive." Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Only when the double friars of the golden elixir lose the power of the golden elixir, plus the complete essence of a golden elixir, can it be refined." Yinlihua looked at Weisuo with a pale face, "it must be the spirit of the demon umbrella that escaped and fell into his hand. Fortunately, he didn't kill us with the ten magic arrows, otherwise we would die. "

"Even the demon umbrella died in your hands? You are so capable! You didn't kill you with the ten wild hell arrows. How come your life is your life, and the life of others is not your life? " Xuanyuan old ancestor Sen ran sneer way.

"Grandfather, she didn't mean that." Weisuo's brow jumped, "what happened, say it clearly."

"It's not your great ability. If you study for four times, you will fight Ye Ling and make him feel that you are a great threat. If you think I'm your backer, you have to get rid of me first Originally, Xuanyuan was one of the most powerful heroes in the coastal cities of Yunling mainland. He was calm and resourceful at ordinary times. But now the haixianzong seems to be destroying his generation, but it makes him angry and lose his sense of propriety.

Wei Suo's eyes flashed with cold light, but he was not angry. He said calmly, "I had a fight with Ye zero just because he deceived people too much and wanted to leave Jiya to test the array. Moreover, he triggered the array of Dharma, which made us in a dangerous situation. He also escaped with his own treasure and cut us off. There must be no way to resolve the feud between him and me. Did you fall into his trap? If there is any cure, I will try my best to help. "

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"Ye zero is indeed a good schemer, worthy of being the third figure of Yin corpse sect." Xuanyuan Laozu took a deep breath and seemed to calm down. However, his intention of killing was stronger. "The fire in the ten wild hell arrows has been forced out by me. But he did a good job. I lost a lot of gold elixir, and only had one year's life left. A year later, as long as I die, he can kill Shanghai Xianzong by any excuse, because at that time, haixianzong did not even have a Jindan monk who played a deterrent role. "

After a pause, Xuanyuan Laozu looked directly at Weisuo, and then said, "last time you asked me why you didn't find some miraculous medicine to improve your longevity. I didn't tell you the reason. Now I tell you, because the nourishing effect of Jindan aura on the body of monks with more than double cultivation of golden elixir has already exceeded most of the miraculous medicines in the world. When the golden elixir is more than two times, it is equivalent to the whole body. It is soaked in the miraculous medicine all day long. Therefore, in addition to the heaven level elixir which can surpass the golden elixir, it must also be a pill that can enhance the longevity of a monk like me. Such pills, no matter how many spirit stone can not buy. Now if you really want to help me, you can help me to capture the yinlihua. ""Get me?" Yin Li flower frowned, "Xuanyuan ancestor, do you want to take me as a chip? It's no use. In the past one or two hundred years, the Yin corpse sect's fortune has been flourishing. Among my next generation of disciples, there are three who are very hopeful to form a golden elixir in more than ten years. What's more, if you catch me, it's just an excuse for ye zero to start a war. I don't agree with him much. Weisuo knows very well. He will never give up because I am in haixianzong. He will be more happy

"You think I'm stupid, too." Xuanyuan Laozu sneered and said: "I just think about my old bone. If I blow myself up in the Yin corpse sect, I should be able to make the Yin corpse clan suffer some damage. If one golden elixir were to suppress it, the success rate of my self exploding gold elixir would increase greatly. "

"You want to go to the Yin corpse sect and blow up the golden elixir?" Xuanyuan Laozu said that, Yin lihuadun scared almost directly jump up.

"Now that I have said my plan, it is impossible to let her go." Xuanyuan old zusen took a cold look at Weisuo, "well, Weisuo, if you have some friendship with her, you should help me capture her now, so she won't be hurt when I go to the Yin corpse sect."

Weisuo did not answer, but his eyes flashed, as if weighing the pros and cons.

"Why, won't you help me? My ancestor Xuanyuan is very kind to you. This disaster that may cut off the inheritance of haixianzong is also caused by you. " Xuanyuan's old ancestor sank his face. "Originally, I wanted to do my best to help you break through the golden elixir cultivation as soon as possible. Look at this layer. If you don't want to start, when I start, don't stop me. You can do it?"

"Let's see if it's of any use to you." Wei Suo seems to have finally considered the general, did not answer Xuanyuan ancestor's words, but stretched out his hand to take out a thing from the nabao bag and handed it to Xuanyuan Laozu.

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"This is Is this the holy fruit of the past? " Xuanyuan's face changed at first. Then, a layer of indescribable light appeared in his eyes. He was a little forgetful. He held out his hand and photographed what Weisuo had handed over to him.

What Weisuo took out at the moment was the orange bead, the holy fruit of the ancient times.

If it is a normal monk, I am afraid it is impossible to take this thing out to Xuanyuan ancestor. Because this ancient holy fruit is no less than the heaven level elixir, and more difficult than purple fox flower. Not to mention that it can improve the success rate of pill forming and other effects, it can greatly improve the longevity yuan. No matter what level of monks, they will certainly not think that they have more longevity yuan.

This is the same truth as a low-level monk of Shenhai realm, who has enough spiritual stones to break through the heaven's realm, and will never give a pill that can make him rise to the heaven's realm quickly.

But in this moment, Wei Suo thought very clearly. If Xuanyuan ancestor burned all the jade and stone in the Yin corpse sect, he might not be able to escape the next pursuit of the Yin corpse sect. Moreover, Xuanyuan Laozu was really good to himself, and if he chose to leave, he would never say it. In addition, the body quenching method of Tianlong qungxing, which I got before, should have the effect of promoting longevity yuan by cultivating and refining the flesh body. It just takes some time to practice. In Weisuo's opinion, if this ancient fruit can help Xuanyuan ancestor, the price is worth it.

"Weisuo, there is a holy fruit in your hand With a sweep of divine consciousness, he felt that this was the real Xuanyuan ancestor of the holy fruit of the ancient times, and his voice trembled slightly.

"I only know that this ancient holy fruit is not inferior to Tianjie pills." Weisuo took a look at the Xuanyuan ancestor who was obviously excited. His mood was extremely relaxed. He couldn't help laughing and said, "look at your appearance, this thing should be useful to you?"

"It's good. I didn't expect that you still have something like this at the bottom of the box. The next leaf will be a miscalculation." Xuanyuan Laozu took a deep breath, and his face also showed a smile. "800 years ago, there was a famous monk in the south of Yunling mainland. By chance, he swallowed an ancient holy fruit. The monk's qualification was very poor, and he had not broken through the whole world in his whole life. However, he lived for 78 or 80 years longer than the monks in the ordinary state of mind. Even the Tiandi Zengshou pill, a medium-grade product of heaven and earth, had no such effect. You say this kind of thing, how can it be useless. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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