Path to Heaven

Chapter 359: 359


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In the quiet and silent room, the old man in green suddenly called out.

At the moment, Wei Suo's quiet room is full of all kinds of ancient books, ancient scrolls, jade books and jade symbols recording things.

Hearing this cry from the old man in green robe, Wei Suo, who was sitting on the table as if he was learning something, stopped at once, reached out and photographed a yellow leather scroll in front of the old man in green robe.

In more than three days, you can prepare to tie Dan. The vibration of Hunyuan yinwa crystal pith to Weisuo is so great that he can't believe it.

One is equivalent to 30000 high-quality spirit stones, and it can be refined in about three hours. Isn't it easy for the zongmen who got Hunyuan yinwa to become the great monks in the golden elixir realm?

However, Wei Suo was very sure that it was very difficult to achieve the golden elixir even in the ancient monastic world, where the monks in the Shenxuan realm were endless.

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Because he couldn't figure out why, he ordered the disciples of haixianzong who were waiting outside to move all the classical and ancient books that might have been recorded in such monsters as Hunyuan yinwa.

The fact that he can prepare to attack the golden elixir state in three days has already shaken his mind. If this doubt can not be clarified, he will not be able to calm down at all. It is very likely that there will be big problems in the following cultivation and impact on the golden elixir state.

"Hunyuan silver wa crystal marrow, a thousand years of metaplasia, a crystal marrow, price and so on a road flow lead Dan ..。”

Weisuo took the yellow leather scroll in his hand and read it in a low voice.

"One in a thousand years? Is the road leading to Dan Immediately, Weisuo's brow immediately slightly wrinkled up, could not help looking at the old man in green robe and asked, "what is the Da Dao Liu Yin Dan?"

"Daoliuyindan is a heaven level pill that can greatly improve the cultivation of our times." Looking at Weisuo, the old man in green robe explained: "if you calculate according to the current spirit stone, it is estimated that the value of one is more than 100000 spirit stones."

"One is equivalent to the heaven level pill. It is worth more than 100000 high-quality spirit stones. According to this record, this crystal pith really contains the aura of 30000 top-grade spirit stones. This is indeed the crystal pith formed in the body of Hunyuan yinwa. There is no mistake." Weisuo took a deep breath and said in some disbelief, "but a thousand years later, the yunjiezong has been destroyed for thousands of years, and the Hunyuan yinwa's body has been dead for at least thousands of years. The arrangement of the altar should be able to automatically extract the crystal marrow from the Hunyuan yinwa body, but according to such a time calculation, no more is possible So many pith have been formed

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The old man in green robe nodded, "there are only two possibilities. One possibility is that the Hunyuan silver Wa is not an ordinary adult Hunyuan silver WA, but an advanced elder level Hunyuan silver wa. Its grade may be more than eight levels. Otherwise, after the rout of the body, how can it send out so many slivers of silver, like taking away the house and reborn. This level of Hunyuan silver WA, should be equivalent to the shenxuanjing friars, the speed of its metaplasia crystal pith, may not take a thousand years. Another possibility is that yunjiezong spent so much energy to seal the monster there, which naturally is to make the monster produce crystal pith continuously for them to use. Maybe they have other means to make this monster give birth to crystal marrow. Look at the purple and black ancient Rune you got before, it should be the pass talisman for friars of yunjiezong to enter Fengmo mountain

"Very likely." Weisseau nodded.

"Seal a monster equivalent to the strength of shenxuanjing. I don't know what price yunjiezong spent in those years. But if yunjiezong doesn't die, the Hunyuan yinwa will certainly not die. They will certainly raise this Hunyuan yinwa like a hen who can lay golden elixir. This crystal pith has such effect. Even if it is produced in six or seven hundred years, it will certainly be worth the price. I don't know how many monks with amazing accomplishments can be brought up by this crystal pith for the cloud world sect. " The old man in green robe was more and more excited. Later, he called out incoherently: "Weisuo, the matter of crystal marrow is completely clarified. It seems that there is no problem. The crystal marrow should have such amazing effect! Three days! In only three days, you can reach the level of impact jiedan. At your age, if you succeed in getting a pill, you are likely to be the first person in thousands of years! "

The reason why the old man in green robe is so excited is that he needs the cultivation of golden elixir period to help him coagulate his form. As long as Weisuo succeeds in forming the pill, he can be prepared for it. This speed, if it goes well, will help him form before he runs out of life.

Seeing the old man in green robe so excited, Wei Suo, who was shocked by the effect of crystal marrow, was completely calmed down.

Because he is very clear, although refining crystal marrow, said as long as three days, should be able to impact the golden elixir, but really prepared, time is certainly more than three days.

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After all, the old man in green robe had never been with the friars of the golden elixir period, and had little understanding of the matter of forming Dan.Weisuo also needs to know more about how much attention should be paid to and what kind of preparation should be made when the pill is really completed.

What's more, Wei Suo did not dare to rush into the golden elixir in the case of different sizes of Shenhai. He must first refine some tonic pills and make the newly built Shenhai as big as the other 14. It takes a certain time to refine the tonic pill and the purple fox flower. Moreover, Wei Suo must wait for Jiya to refine the Jiuyang pill and cure Han Weiwei without any problems before he attacks the golden elixir. Otherwise, if there are still some things in his heart, it is likely to affect his impact on the golden elixir.

After being excited for a moment, the old man in green robe also began to calm down, and began to give continuous suggestions, "Weisuo, this haixianzong is not a small sect, and there have been a lot of Jindan monks, and there should be a lot of records about the pill. Ask them to bring all the ancient books about jiedan. Get ready for jiedan. If you want to deal with people like Ye Ling, they must also avoid long dreams. They certainly won't give you too much time. Maybe they will be too fast for us to imagine. "

"As long as you succeed in getting the elixir, you can suppress the demon umbrella umbrella umbrella and huoyun immortal's gold elixir, and refine these two elixirs into" extinction gold elixir ". Even with the power of Yin corpse sect, you will be afraid of you. It will only let you fight fairly. Even if you kill Ye zero and have such two "elixir" in hand, they will also * you. "

"Elixir?" Hearing the old man in green robe saying this, Wei Soton's eyes flashed. He thought of Dong Qingyi's "fake pill" when he was dealing with himself. "Old man, this golden elixir of the golden elixir period can be used to refine magic weapons

"Not bad!" On the face of the old man in green robe, there was a grim look. At the moment, Weisuo's impact on the golden elixir is imminent, and ye zero can be said to be the biggest obstacle and the biggest uncertain factor. And Weisuo's success in forming pills is also the key to his formation. In his eyes, ye zero naturally became the biggest enemy. Naturally, he hated Ye zero.

nodded fiercely, and the gilded old man's eyes flashed and explained: "the Golden Buddha of the friar is the essence of the life of the golden Dan monks. It has condensed countless vital qi and true yuan, just like a small planet, and because of the method that the friar has repaired, there are so many symbols that natural law cannot be broken. Therefore, although the true yuan and Yuan Qi in the golden elixir are extremely pure and condensed, they must be far above this crystal pith, but only in ancient times there were two skills that could turn part of the power and vitality of the golden elixir into their own use. And these two skills have long been lost. In our time, there was only the method of refining the elixir into a magic weapon to "exterminate the golden elixir."

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"Exterminating the golden elixir and arousing it is equivalent to the self explosion of the golden elixir by the friars in the golden elixir period. If one is inspired, even the double or triple friars of the golden elixir period may not be able to resist it. If you have two in hand, the double and triple monks of the golden elixir are sure to be killed directly. Even the blood spirit ancestor of the golden elixir should be considered. Only when refining the elixir of extinction, the Danxia on the elixir could be suppressed only by the monks in the golden elixir period. Otherwise, when refining, the two golden elixirs will explode. "

"How long will it take to refine this elixir?" Wei Suo took a deep breath, and slowly vomited out, "immortal huoyun must hate Ye zero to death. If he knew, I would refine his elixir into extinction elixir to deal with Ye zero, he would be very happy."

"You are too much of a woman!" The old man in the green robe snorted, "what else do you want to do with all kinds of things. This kind of "elixir" does not take much time to refine. It only costs a lot of real yuan and blood essence. As long as you are ready, you can refine it after a while. At that time, after refining these two things, we will try to refine some powerful magic weapons from those Hunyuan silver wa. At that time, you can go directly to the Yin corpse sect to challenge Ye zero

Weisuo knew that although the old man in green robe kept shouting at him, saying that the friars wanted to disown him, be selfish and take care of himself, in fact, the old man in green robe might not be able to do it himself. So when he heard the old man say so, he did not quarrel with the old man. After nodding his head, he moved directly and swept out of the house.


"What, the classics about jiedan?" Outside the residence, a square faced haixianzong silver shirt disciple was shocked when he heard Wei Suo's orders. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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