Path to Heaven

Chapter 361: 361

A flash of tragic white light, ye zero in the white bone Hall of a hall in the figure.

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There is also a huge white bone throne in this hall. The size of the throne is similar to that of ancestor Xueling. It is just that the throne of ancestor Xueling is oppressive. It must be a powerful magic weapon. However, the white bone throne has no spiritual pressure. It is just a general seat with amazing appearance.

Obviously, this white bone hall is Ye Ling's residence in the Yin corpse sect.

For example, the residences of the important figures in the gate, such as haixianzong and mingyuanzong, which already had the seat of the monks in the golden elixir period, were other courtyards, while those of the Yin corpse sect were like the palaces of princes. Just by this point, we can know that the power of the Yin corpse sect is many times greater than that of the general clan.

After entering the hall, ye zero did not sit down on the white bone throne, but stretched out his hand on his treasure bag.

There was a bronze skeleton standing in front of him.

This skeleton is human in shape. The skeleton is thick and bulky. It is half a head higher than ye zero. Although it is already a skeleton frame, it still exudes a powerful momentum. No matter who sees this skeleton, you can be sure that the cultivation in front of this person must be very amazing. Moreover, judging from the appearance that this skeleton is even more tough than the bones of many powerful monsters, this monk must have practiced some skill of refining muscles and bones before his body, so as to make his bones look like magic weapons.

"Yinlihua, you can't imagine that I also got the skeleton of the golden elixir four times who practiced the method of bone quenching and secret cultivation in the small heaven?"

"This skeleton can be used to refine the" black hell bone king ". When it comes to refining, it will be at least as powerful as a monk with golden elixir! This matter, I did not let the blood spirit ancestor know, then this "black Ming bone king" refining out, my strength, in the Yin corpse sect will soon rank second. At that time, I didn't need to break through to the triple cultivation of the golden elixir period. Ancestor Xueling would definitely reward me. Moreover, as long as the blood spirit ancestor could not break through the cultivation of Shenxuan period, I would definitely become the next patriarch of Yin corpse sect! "

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Looking at this huge skeleton with empty eyes, ye zero's face immediately appeared a trace of a more proud smile.



At this time, Weisuo was holding a piece of green jade talisman and hesitated to sit in the quiet room, surrounded by many volumes of haixianzong classics. Suddenly, a small white jade bell shaped magic instrument on the left side of the table in front of him was slightly trembling and emitting white light.

Weisuo immediately reached out a little bit, a real Yuan Dynasty White Jade bell into the. At the same time, he said in a voice, "what's up?"

"Elder Wei, Li Yizhan, elder Li asks to see you." The voice of a haixianzong disciple came in.

"Li Yi exhibition? He's out of the world? This is just the right time Weisuo's face immediately showed a surprise look.

"You can bring elder Li to this place directly." After finishing this sentence, Weisuo's figure moved, and immediately went out of the quiet room and swept out towards the outside of the residence.

Although Li Yizhan has the name of the elder Keqing of haixianzong, just like Wei Suo before him, he is only a virtual official. Wei Suo's master of punishment can enter almost all the residences of haixianzong, but others can't enter his residence. After bringing Li Yizhan here, he can still get into his residence.

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Not long after, I saw the figure of the Fanglian haixianzong disciple named Zhang Hanlin and Li Yizhan exposed in the night.

"Elder Li", now in the haixianzong, Wei Suo's identity is still far above Li Yizhan, so he just called elder Li, not elder Li as before. But at a glance to see the look of Lee's wingspan, Weisuo was immediately surprised.

Li Yizhan's face was extremely pale. Even his aura was very flimsy and could not be condensed into shape. It was obvious that he had gone through a great war, and the loss of gold elixir was far above the beautiful flowers at that time.

"Elder Wei." Seeing Wei Suo coming forward, Li Yizhan arched his hand and said hello with a strong smile.

"Why don't you come and talk to me first?" Weisuo did not talk nonsense, said immediately.

Li Yizhan also wanted to talk with Weisuo. He nodded immediately and followed Weisuo into the residence covered with yellow light.

After sitting down in the hall of Weisuo's residence, Weisuo immediately couldn't help asking, "Mr. Li, how could you be so hurt? Was it in the little heaven that I met some fierce adversary? "

"It's really very dangerous in the small heaven. I didn't dare to probe out more. I didn't expect that you came out earlier than me." Li Yizhan wryly laughed, "but I was injured in the hands of huohuotoutuo after I left the small heaven."

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"Huotoutuo?" Wei Suo was stunned. "Is it a great monk who can hurt Master Li like this?"

"This man is a monk in the south of Yunling continent and a monk of double cultivation of Jindan." Li Yizhan nodded, "he is quite famous in Yunling land. He often kills people and goods. This time, I don't know how to run to the sea of extinction, and I just want to kill people and steal goods. The magic power of this man is far above me, and it is not easy for me to get rid of this man's pursuit. ""So, Mr. Li wants to heal in haixianzong, and then come to us to deal with him?" Weisuo's eyes flashed, looking at Li Yizhan.

"I don't have the idea to deal with this person." Li Yizhan gave a bitter smile, looked at Wei Suo and said, "don't say that this man is a monk with double cultivation of the golden elixir, and his whereabouts are very mysterious. Even the ordinary monks who are engaged in the re cultivation of the golden elixir, most of them have powerful means. If they join hands to kill them and are escaped by them, it would be good if the disciples of the clan killed such monks in the golden elixir period and were escaped by them There may be serious consequences. I have some self-knowledge. I dare not ask for the request of killing this person for me. Now I just want to heal in haixianzong. To tell you the truth, I also got several pills of good grade in the small heaven world. I should be able to make up for the damage after several years of cultivation. "

After a pause, Li Yizhan added with a wry smile: "a monk like me, after being severely damaged, is more dangerous than ordinary monks, because killing us will certainly have great benefits. So we must find an absolutely safe place to practice. I have been to huoyun Taoist friend's cave once before, but he seems to have not come back. So I came to the haixianzong. When I came, I learned about the news that the Xuanyuan ancestor was in retreat and Wei Xiaoyou became the leader of haixianzong. Do you know if Wei Xiaoyou has any news about huoyun Daoyou? "

"Huoyun immortal has fallen into the small heaven." He sighed.

"What!" Li Yizhan's face suddenly changed. "How did huoyun Daoyou fall? I wonder if Wei Xiaoyou can tell us the details."

Wei Suo also did not hide, how to release Ye zero Hunyuan silver WA, to the end how huoyun immortal died under the demon umbrella umbrella, carefully said it again. Just because Li Yizhan does not understand deeply, so Weisuo will get crystal marrow and other important things, but omitted.

"I can't believe that the demon umbrella umbrella is so mean. But his elder brother Li ruoxuan is said to have a good relationship with him. Moreover, Li ruoxuan is a monk at the top of the golden elixir and is very famous." Li Yizhan took a deep breath and calmed the shaking mood. "This matter must not be spread out. Otherwise, with his cultivation and the strength of huohuang palace, haixianzong will also cause great trouble."

"Thank you very much for reminding me." Wei Suo nodded and said, "now all the people in haixianzong know that Master Li is the elder of guest Qing of haixianzong. Next, Master Li will cultivate in haixianzong peacefully. I will arrange it for elder Li later."

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Listening to Li Yizhan, Wei Suo's understanding of the great friar in the golden elixir period was a little more.

Ordinary friars of fenniangjing, once they succeed in making pills, become great monks of golden elixir. It's like a fish jumping over the dragon's gate, turning a fish into a real dragon. Any sect should be afraid of it, and some of them are really unruly. For example, the rules that ordinary friars must abide by in the city may not be applicable to the great monks in the golden elixir period.

It can be said that for a monk, the biggest watershed is to divide the mind state and reach the golden elixir realm.

There are many friars in fennianjing, and there are friars in fennianjing. If they are angry, they can kill them directly. However, if they want to kill, they must consider the consequences. Moreover, it is definitely impossible to send out fennianjing monks. In general, the golden elixir monks in the clan would avoid fighting with a great monk in the golden elixir period.

Jindan! Jindan!

At the thought of this, Weisuo could not help but take a deep breath. Because he was in the city of Lingyue until the space channel of the teleportation array collapsed and entered the cloud spirit land, he was always oppressed by big forces, all with a small heart, for fear of causing big forces and causing death. To put it simply, they are holding their tails in the middle of their lives. And as long as the golden elixir, he can not have so many scruples!

"In that case, thank you Wei Xiaoyou." At this time, Li Yizhan nodded and said, "if there is nothing else, I'm going to go to the seclusion first."

"There's something I really want to delay, Master Li." Wei Suo looked at Li Yizhan and said, "I don't quite understand some of the things about the impact on jiedan by Fen Nian Jing. Because my grandfather is still in the closed door, so I have to consult Mr. Li at present. "

"Jiedan?" As soon as Wei Suo said this, Li Yizhan suddenly took a cold breath. His eyes were full of unbelievable look and exclaimed, "Wei Xiaoyou, has your cultivation reached the point where the pill is about to end?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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