Path to Heaven

Chapter 370: 370

"In xiahongyuanzong, he was a sanxiu in Yuanyin city. He had some friendship with Yingou Sanren. When he saw this haixianzong disciple sneaking into nangongdi, he rescued him." The short fat friar, who was full of red light and wore bright yellow robes, said without expression.

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Hearing this, the friar of haixianzong, named Yunbin, bit his teeth and made no noise, but his face turned whiter.

"I'm Liu Qufeng, a disciple of the Yin corpse sect. I happened to see him. I was invited to ask for justice." Said the gloomy friar in emerald green.

"The disciple of Yin corpse sect is really a disciple of Yin corpse sect, Wei Suo. This is the cultivation of Hongyuan sect in the middle of the five fold period. In general, when confronted with such disputes, he must have killed this disciple of haixianzong quietly. How could he make any attempt to seek justice in the sect. It must have been Ye Ling's deliberate arrangement to keep asking for trouble! " The voice of the old man in the green robe rang in Weisuo's ears.

"Ye zero really won't give me too much time."

There was no need for the old man in the green robe to say that when he saw the monk with strong Yin Qi at the first sight, Weisuo had already guessed about it.

"Yunbin, what do you say? In front of me, you don't have to worry about anything, just tell me the truth. " However, on Weisuo's face, it is not a bit silent.

"Elder Wei, the disciple can guarantee his life. Every word he said is true. It is clearly that he insulted my haixianzong with words, and then suddenly attacked me." Yunbin bit his teeth and his eyes gushed with anger.

"Why, you mean we're blind and wrong? Or do we mean to slander you? " Hearing Yunbin say so, Hong Yuanzong, who is short and fat, squinted and said with a sneer: "guarantee with your life? If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. What kind of guarantee do you have? "

"Well, since there are two Taoist friends testifying, it's useless for you to say that again. You have been convicted of the crime of sneaking attack on nangongdie. " Weisuo nodded and said without hesitation.


Among the nine sea immortals, four or five elders all changed their faces and their eyes flashed with anger.

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Yunbin, who had a glimmer of hope in his eyes, was pale and trembled with humiliation. At this time, the haixianzong disciple even regretted that he had joined the haixianzong.

"Now that the matter is clear, the three can leave haixianzong." The eyes of nangongdiei and others were filled with complacency, but at this time, they were all stunned. Weisuo suddenly made a gesture of invitation and said such a word.

"Leave haixianzong?" Stunned for a moment, Hong Yuanzong came back to his senses and looked at Wei Suo, "elder Wei, what do you mean? What do you mean by that? How do you calculate that he injured nangongdie?"

"Naturally, there will be punishment in our door, so you don't have to worry about it." Weisuo said without expression.

"So you want to protect this man?" Hong Yuanzong's eyes suddenly narrowed again, shooting out a cold light.

"I have said that there will be punishment. Why, do I need to report to you when I work in haixianzong? " Wei Suo's cold eyes, also did not polite stare back.

"You Under the pressure of Wei Suo's power, Hong Yuanzong was suddenly cold and stagnant. He could not speak for a moment.

"Good! In this way, the disciples of haixianzong attacked other friars at will. And when it comes to light, it's so outrageous. " Nangongdi suddenly jumped up from his position and said, "go, master Hong, there's nothing to say. I can only wait for my master to come and see the powerful elder Wei in person."

"Three Taoist friends, stay here, elder Wei. It's too inappropriate for you to deal with it like this!" At this time, among the nine elders of the sea immortals, a thin elder in black robes stood up with a sharp flash in his eyes.

"Not right?" When Wei Suo saw that there were gold amulets like mountains on the sleeve of the elder, he knew that he was the executive elder of haixianzong, who was responsible for the execution of some punishments. "What do you say to do with it?"

"Naturally, it is necessary to put to death in public as an example." The law enforcement elder said coldly.

"You are joking." Weisuo gave a sneer.

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"Why don't you do this? In case the sea immortal sect suffers from any big loss, can you afford it?" The law enforcement elder said in a stern voice, "don't forget that it's only a few days before you become the master of punishment."

"So what? If you want to be the master, you can wait until you become the master of punishment." Wei Suo looked at one of the law enforcement elders, then took a look at the Yin corpse sect disciple, and said with deep meaning, "but I think your behavior is very abnormal, and you should not have the opportunity to be the elder in charge of punishment."

"Yes, Weisuo, even if this guy is for the sake of Narcissus, he can't be punished so heavily at once, and he will be executed directly. This man is probably bought by the Yin corpse sect. " The voice of the old man in the green robe cried.

"I want to impeach you. As long as four or more Presbyterians impeach you together, you can remove the elder in charge." This law enforcement elder, roared, "elder, do you just watch him do this?""Mr. Wei, is this a long-term consideration?"

Under Wei Suo's tough way of dealing with affairs, there were two elders who did not agree to punish Yunbin. They felt that this matter was very strange. They also shook up in their hearts and advised them. In the present situation, according to the normal treatment, even if it is obvious that Yin Shizong and nangongdi are playing tricks on the matter, they will have to suffer some losses first and endure them. Because if there are some excuses, the loss of haixianzong will be more than just a disciple.

"It's up to me." Wei Suo looked at the law enforcement elder without expression and said, "if there is any trouble in the future because of this matter, I will go to sea directly to solve the problem, and there is no relationship between the sea immortal sect and Wei Suo."

When Wei Suo said this, all the elders of haixianzong were shocked by Qi Qi.

"Good, good!"

The disciple of the Yin corpse sect, who was wearing emerald green robes, nodded. Without saying anything, he turned and walked out.

Nangongdi and hongyuanzong immediately followed suit.

These three people's eyes are flashing with a look of pride that is hard to hide.

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"Mr. Wei! Once you say this, it is equivalent to directly giving the silver hook scattered person the opportunity to fight with you alone. If you take this matter so forcefully, even if he starts to attack you outside at that time, we haixianzong has no reason to retaliate back. " As soon as the three people went out, the big elder with a dull face suddenly showed an expression of Weisuo that you had made a disaster.

"No harm." Wei Suo quietly nodded, "Yunbin's conduct, I have asked when I came, and this is obviously the other party's intentional planning, I naturally choose to believe in Yunbin. If even one of my disciples can't be saved, then I, the elder in charge of punishment, is not necessary. "

"Thank you very much, elder Wei." The haixianzong disciple, who had thought that he would not die, was grateful to Wei Suo.

Most of the elders present also nodded to Weisuo, and they all admired and admired Weisuo's expression.

"Hum!" But the law enforcement elder, it is on the face is not happy cold hum a, ready to leave immediately.

"Law enforcement elder, when you go to the commandment Pavilion, you will tell us who you have contacted recently, where you have been and what you have on your body." But at this time, Weisuo said this directly and coldly.

"What do you mean?" The law enforcement elder a stiff, immediately roared.

"Isn't it obvious that I said that! I'm looking for you! If it is found out that you are in collusion with the Yin corpse sect, you will be abolished according to the rules of the gate. If it is found out that there is no collusion, I will resign from the position of elder executioner. " Weisuo laughed. Whether or not he succeeded in this process is just a matter of one or two days. As long as the golden elixir is produced, the name of the elder in charge of punishment is nothing at all.

"You As soon as I heard Wei Suo say so, the law enforcement elder's face was suddenly white, without a trace of blood.

"Elder, I want to practice a skill, and I will be closed for 36 hours. I'll leave this matter to the elder. " Weisuo looked at the law enforcement elder and said this sentence lightly.

"Good." At the sight of the law enforcement elder, his face turned pale. The elder saw that the law enforcement elder was a little greasy. He nodded and agreed.

"Elder Wei, there is a secret note. The friar who brought it said it was very urgent and must give it to you immediately. He also said that it was given to you by your sister. Say you hear this, and you will understand. "

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But Wei Suo just walked out of the hall where the Presbyterian meeting was held. A friar of haixianzong rushed to meet him and handed a piece of white bone talisman to Weisuo.


Weisuo's purple light flashed over the white bone talisman. Among the white bone talismans, there seemed to be a faint green light flashing for a moment, and Weisuo's eyes flashed at the same time.

Without a bit of stay, Wei Suofei quickly went back to his house, and soon, with Jiya and still sleeping, but the complexion obviously improved, Han Weiwei swept towards the sea Fairy Statue.

"Zhang Hanlin, you can help me to gather ten Fen minding disciples, guard outside the forbidden area, and help me send orders. Whoever comes in before I leave the forbidden area will be killed."

At the same time, such orders were immediately passed on.

"Jiya, what's the situation of Han Weiwei?"

"It should take about four or five days to wake up. Do you really decide to attack jiedan now

"The news came from Yinli flower that ye zero was refining some magic weapons. And maybe the silver hook scattered person arranged by him will come to my trouble soon .。”

Inside the statue of the sea fairy, there was a faint voice of Weisuo and giya talking.

The whole Haixian City, no one would have thought that at this moment, Weisuo is ready to be in the sea Fairy Statue inside, began to knot Dan! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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