Path to Heaven

Chapter 372: 372

"What the hell is going on here?"

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"Jiedan! We haixianzong has a Dan

"How is it possible that some of us in haixianzong will suddenly get Dan?"

All the friars in Haixian City, the most shocking, of course, are the friars in the Narcissus sect.

Before, all the friars of Haixian sect had no psychological preparation before. They didn't expect that there were friars in the sect of haixianzong.

"What elder Wei said about closed door practice is actually attacking the golden elixir?"

"At his age, is jiedan successful? No wonder the old ancestor wanted to treat him differently and let him be the master of punishment directly! "

Zhang Hanlin and Lin Xiuxian, a group of haixianzong disciples guarding outside the forbidden area, were shocked to see the statue of sea fairy standing on the mountain top. At the moment, the statue of the sea fairy, which is very smart, has been reflected by the intense purple glow.

The elder, the elder, the elder guard Many elders of haixianzong, who usually don't go out easily, all look terrified and appear outside the forbidden area.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

In the sky above the sea fairies, the clouds of various colors, like crazy and violent, converged into a huge funnel, and made a loud sound, which seemed to be announcing to the whole world that a golden elixir was born in Haixian city.

"Jindan! Golden elixir

At this time, among the sea fairy statues, Weisuo still closed his eyes. The purple aura rolling on his body had turned into the shape of purple petals.

At this time, Weisuo's heart, is also the same incomparable shock.

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The purple gold elixir in his eyebrow was like opening countless huge mouths and sucking the spirit with great thirst. However, under the crazy sucking and swallowing of the golden elixir, the original 15 God seas in his body were also reduced to 15 purple light spots, which was the same as the more than 10000 orifices in his body after the success of the condensation of the golden elixir.

"It turns out that when we get to the golden elixir, the original 15 sacred seas are equivalent to a golden elixir. The golden elixir is like the condensation of the original 15 sacred seas. The size of the original God sea determines the size of the golden elixir. "

"At the same time, the golden elixir has opened more than 10000 channels to connect heaven and earth with the golden elixir. At that time, the power of heaven and earth will be more extensive and larger. It's no wonder that the golden elixir is a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. There is a big difference between the general fennianjing monk and the Jindan monk! "

Weisuo felt that his golden elixir, from inside to outside, was full of countless mysterious light symbols. Now it was the size of a big duck egg, much bigger than the golden elixir of demon umbrella umbrella.

"Kagaka, Kaka!"

After the crazy% sucks the aura from the spirit stone around him, his golden elixir seems to expand and grow bigger.

In this moment, at least one third of the aura was extracted from the spirit stones around Weisuo. At this moment, the spirit was drawn, and the total amount was also very terrible. I don't know how many days' hard work can be worth.

However, Weisuo still felt that his golden elixir was not enough to eat. This little aura could not satisfy the current golden elixir absorption!

The golden elixir wants to be bigger, but it doesn't have enough to eat.


This kind of feeling, let Wei Suo's spirit seem to be unable to help but cry.

"No! Hiss! Hiss

Weisuo's body suddenly opened 72 orifices.

These 72 orifices are the 72 Diyuan orifices created by sea fairies to communicate with earth Qi.

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As soon as the 72 orifices were opened, there were 72 more channels in Weisuo's body, in addition to the more than 10000 purple light spots.

At the same time, Weisuo's body was suspended, his feet stretched back, his hands clawed forward, forming a dragon.

As soon as the dragon shape was put out, with a bang, a strong breath of terror and ancient wilderness gushed out of his body. On his body, a light spot emerged, opening up more than 10000 orifices again!

These more than 10000 orifices are the orifices created by the star quenching technique of Tianlong Group, imitating the ancient Tianlong.

… ...

"golden elixir has been formed! The monk of haixianzong has become a golden elixir

In the air outside the city of Narcissus, the real man with silver hook looks at the strange appearance that covers the whole city. He could see that the towering purple light column was the golden elixir glow naturally blooming when the golden elixir was condensed. The golden elixir glow is so amazing that it seems to be at least a high-level skill at the prefecture level, or even a skill at the heaven level!

"What is that?"

All of a sudden, his face turned white, and his eyes flashed with unbelievable light. On the statue of sea fairy at the top of Haixian City, the whole body emitted dazzling purple light, as if it had become a huge purple torch. And the sky above the chaos of the clouds, there is actually a purple sky dragon virtual shadow."Ah! How can there be an empty shadow of an ancient dragon! "

"This is not a strange phase formed by the golden haze light. What's going on here?"

All the friars around Haixian city and in haixianzong were shocked to see such a sight.

… In the statues of sea fairies, more than 10000 orifices created by imitating the ancient dragon were opened at once, and it seemed that there were more than 10000 channels in Weisuo's body.

In addition to the infinite suction of the golden elixir, Weisuo only felt that the rolling stars in the sky were constantly falling down, rolling into his body and into the golden elixir.

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The funnel-shaped cloud above the sea fairy seems to have doubled suddenly, like a huge mountain hanging upside down, pressing on the top of Haixian City, which is bigger than Haixian city.

It can be said that Wei Suo's "Di Bian Zhen Jue" and "Tianlong Qun Xing Jue" are subconscious actions at this time. When the golden elixir is condensed, it suddenly produces an epiphany.

"Kagaka, Kaka!"

As soon as these orifices were opened, Weisuo's whole body seemed to be a combination of an ancient dragon, a monk of golden elixir and an ancient beast under the earth. With the rolling earth atmosphere and stars pouring in, his golden elixir, which was already like a duck's egg, finally expanded!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah In Wei Suo's heart incessantly roars, the golden elixir condenses to form an instant, naturally absorbs the aura, and suddenly stops. But just this moment's absorption, Wei Suo's big duck egg's golden elixir, actually becomes bigger than goose egg two circles not only.

Moreover, all the runes flowing on his purple gold elixir are all shining with silver starlight. In the starlight, there is a faint yellow gas, which looks more thick and magical than ordinary golden elixir patterns!


Jindan in Weisuo's orifices, suddenly quiet down, like a mountain, suddenly sit solid.

At the same time, Weisuo only felt that the golden elixir sent out a strong aura, and instantly rushed to every corner of his body. His whole body seemed to be immersed in the elixir all at once.

"This is the moistening of Dan Qi after the golden elixir is condensed."

Wei Suo understood in an instant why Xuanyuan Laozu said that the general miraculous medicine was useless for the golden elixir friars. Because at this moment, he felt that the golden elixir could moisten the body by many times as much as the ordinary elixir.

Under the constant moistening of golden elixir Qi, Wei Suo, who had been in great deficit, felt that his strength and Qi and blood were constantly growing.

Without the slightest pause, Weisuo reached out and swallowed the pill that Chen laoguai got.

"Poof" a light sound, this pill, almost instantly by Weisuo refining.

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After forming the golden elixir, Weisuo's speed of refining this kind of elixir is faster than that before.

Just for a moment, Weisuo's Qi and blood were almost replenished. The whole body was more vigorous than before.


Wei Suo opened his eyes, and the purple cloud flashed in his eyebrows. Although offering the golden elixir would cost a lot of power, Zhenyuan, which was equivalent to many days of practice, he could not help but offer his own golden elixir at the moment. In his heart, there is a kind of unreal feeling at this time. It's not easy to form a golden elixir. At any rate, you should have a careful look at what your gold elixir looks like.

Weisuo only wanted to see what his golden elixir looked like, but outside, all the people, including the silver hook immortal who was frozen in the air outside the city of Haixian, saw that the huge funnel-shaped cloud above the city had dissipated, while the purple column of sunlight rising from the sky had become more thick. From a distance, at least there was water It's as thick as a barrel.

"Ah! How can it be? Is this person at least a middle level skill? The golden elixir is so big

"What kind of power is the golden elixir formed by this kind of skill? I can't resist the attack of the golden elixir alone."

When the silver light flashed, the silver hook turned around and ran.

A great monk of golden elixir period was frightened by the golden Danxia light of Wei SODAN!

As soon as the golden elixir came out, Weisuo only felt his body heaved violently.

The original display of the golden elixir, also like the display of a class amazing magic weapon, very hard.

"Ha ha ha ha! How big! I like it

But at a glance to see his golden elixir, Weisuo immediately smile.

His golden elixir is really proportional to the goose egg, which is even bigger than two circles. Compared with the gold elixir of the size of pigeon eggs, his golden elixir, just from this size, looks obviously more powerful. I don't know how many times.

At this time, the dazzling glow on the golden elixir also began to converge, and it became less fierce. It only had a huge momentum, which kept , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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