Path to Heaven

Chapter 412: 412

In the morning, Wei Suo, Ji ya, Han Weiwei, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun appeared from the teleportation array in Lingyue city.

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Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun were both dressed in their original costumes, while Han Weiwei was wearing the silver robe refined before Weisuo, and Jiya was dressed in a simple and elegant Purple Palace dress. Both of them covered their faces with a veil that could prevent the exploration of divine sense.

Wei Suo, on the other hand, wore an ordinary blue cloth robe on the outside of Qingming's Dharma suit. He made up a middle-aged man with Yi Rong Dan. He looked ugly and looked like a poor man in loose repair.

After walking out of the array, Wei Suo was still uneasy and told Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun a few words. Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun are patting their chests to ensure that there is no problem.

After that, Weisuo went to another teleportation array. After paying a certain amount of spirit stone fee, Weisuo disappeared in the teleportation array as the aura of the teleportation array flashed.

Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun, as well as Ji Ya and Han Weiwei, are scattered and separated. They open a distance before and after, and walk towards the treasure Pavilion.

At this time, most of the monks were ready to go out of the city to earn spirit stones. Before leaving the city, ordinary monks would prepare some pills or magic tools. Therefore, this was the best time for the treasure Pavilion and other shops in Lingyue city.

In the rest of the time when the business was light, there were only 56 disciples in charge of the reception in the top-ranking shops like Zhenbao Pavilion in Lingyue city. At this time, there were ten disciples in the hall of treasure Pavilion, but they were still a little busy. There were about 156 monks who wanted to buy things in the hall.

Zhen Chongming was the first to walk into the hall of treasure Pavilion. He almost just crossed the threshold of treasure Pavilion. Zhen Chongming called out with great arrogance, "where is your shopkeeper?"

"Who? As soon as I came in, I was so arrogant. "

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All the clerks and friars in the treasure house turned their heads in unison.

But at this time Zhen Chongming called out more impatiently, "what are you doing in a daze? What are these small businesses to do? Call out your shopkeeper quickly."

As soon as the shop assistants of treasure Pavilion saw Zhen Chongming's appearance, none of them dared to show any displeasure. One of the shop assistants immediately welcomed Zhen Chongming, saluted him and said, "what is this senior man going to buy? We can also make decisions on general things, so we don't need to bother the shopkeeper. " After all, Zhen Chongming is a friar of fennianjing at the moment, and his black robe is of the middle level of the spirit level. It seems that Zhen Chongming is very dignified and promising.

However, there are two monks in this shop, but they are also important monks of fennianjing. In the city of Lingyue, the friars of fennianjing are basically characters who can walk horizontally. For example, when Wei Suo was wandering in Lingyue City, he saw a friar of fennianjing, but he had to look up to him. At the moment, the two monks raised their eyebrows and snorted, "why, small business is not business anymore, this Taoist friend, everything should be done first and then."

"What bullshit answers come first, and whoever has a big fist is the one who comes first." Zhen Chongming picked out two thick eyebrows, and directly took out a top-grade defense magic weapon and a top-grade attack magic weapon given by Wei Suo. He looked fierce: "if you think your fist is bigger than me and your magic weapon is better than me, you can beat me. I'll let you come first. If you think you can't do me, don't talk nonsense. You can see us outside when you can It's not convenient to arrive. "

"The best magic weapon of Lingjie?"

Naturally, most of the monks in this shop are discerning. At the moment, some people unconsciously exclaimed in a low voice. The faces of the two monks, who had a heavy sense of fame, changed slightly and did not dare to say anything more. After all, it's good to have a magic weapon of spirit level on the ordinary friars of Fen Nian state. For example, Zhen Chongming, a top-grade defense magic weapon and a top-grade attack magic weapon, under normal circumstances, there will be no problem in dealing with two friars with the same spiritual level.

"I'm not buying anything, I'm selling something." Seeing that the rest of the people did not speak, Zhen Chongming snorted, "you have so much nonsense. Do you have to see what I have before you go in and call your shopkeeper? In that case, I'll show you. " With that, he patted on his nabao bag and released the body of a demon beast more than five Zhang long.

This monster has a unicorn like head, a pair of round short feet on its head, and four claws on its body, which is thicker than a bucket. All the scales on the first six level monster are crystal clear blue and white. It looks like it is carved from jade. Even the two huge eyeballs look like jade. If this monster does not move, it will give people the feeling that it is a jade dragon carved from jade.

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A high-level monster unique momentum, in this giant monster body rippling.

"This is Jade Bone Demon dragon

"Level six high level monster!"

"The material of this kind of monster can at least refine the magic weapons of the spirit level, and even the magic weapons of the Taoist level!"As soon as the corpse of the monster was released, all the monks on the scene completely changed their faces. Several shop assistants and several low-level friars even stepped back in fear.

"Why, is it not enough to invite your shopkeeper out?" Zhen Chongming snorted again.

"Master, please wait a moment. I'll go and ask our shopkeeper to come out." Hearing Zhen Chongming's cold hum, one of the shop assistants immediately responded. After saying this, he quickly ran inside.

Zhen Chongming didn't put away the body of jade Bone Demon dragon, which occupied a small part of the hall. He stood beside the body of jade Bone Demon dragon and waited.

"What monster is this How terrible

"This kind of monster is in the shape of a dragon. After death, it still has such momentum. It is at least a high-level monster of level 6 or above!"

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The body of the jade Bone Demon dragon was so conspicuous that almost every monk who passed by the treasure Pavilion noticed it immediately. For a time, more and more monks gathered around the treasure Pavilion and came to see the excitement.

"Jade Bone Demon dragon! If it's an adult jade Bone Demon dragon

A moment later, a middle-aged white shirt friar quickly followed the previous shop assistant to come out. The middle-aged white monk's face was thin, his eyes were slightly sunken, and he looked very scheming. As soon as he saw the jade Bone Demon dragon's corpse in the hall, the middle-aged white shirt friar gave a fierce meal. Then, the middle-aged white monk immediately clasped his fist and said hello to Zhen Chongming, "I'm Yu Fengping, the shopkeeper here. How do you call this Taoist friend? Do you want to sell this jade Bone Demon dragon to our pavilion? "

"My surname is Zhen." Zhen Chongming glanced at the middle-aged monk in white and said in a loud voice, "isn't the shopkeeper of treasure Pavilion here Ji ya? I heard that the shopkeeper here is a famous beauty, so I came here to sell it to you. How did you become a man

At this time, there were at least hundreds of monks gathered around the treasure Pavilion, and more monks were asking about it. After all, this six level high-level monster was equivalent to a great monk in the golden elixir period, which was hard to see for most monks in their lifetime. At the moment, hearing Zhen Chongming say so, many friars on the scene burst out laughing, and many monks couldn't help saying: "brother, you're late. It's too late to get this monster. Jiya has already married."

"What? Kya's already married? They didn't wait for me. " Zhen Chongming, as if he were real, widened his eyes and called out.

"This Taoist friend, our big shopkeeper, married into Dongyao resort three years ago." The middle-aged monk with white shirt takes a look at Zhen Chongming. In his eyes, Zhen Chongming is a standard fool.

"Grandma's, kia can't be seen. What's the point?" Zhen Chongming looks extremely depressed. It seems that he doesn't want to do business any more. He wants to put away the jade Bone Demon dragon.

"If you want to see the manager of Jiya, I can arrange it." The middle-aged white monk's eyes flashed slightly, and he stepped forward two steps, "and this jade Bone Demon dragon, this pavilion should also be able to give a satisfactory price to Taoist friends."

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Zhen Chongming immediately got excited. "Is that true?"

"Of course, as long as Taoist friends stay in this pavilion for a few days, I can arrange for them." The middle-aged white shirt monk quietly nodded, but he was sneering in his heart. When the time came, he could send you to meet Jiya on the huangquan road.

"Good!" Zhen Chongming patted his thigh, "then you said that this jade Bone Demon dragon, how many spirit stones can you use to purchase?"

"Five hundred thousand inferior spirit stones, what do you think?" The middle-aged white monk quietly gave a high price. Under normal circumstances, jade Bone Demon dragon is probably not worth the price. But in the eyes of the middle-aged white shirt monk, Zhen Chongming is no different from a dead man. Any more spirit stone given to him is just a day or two on him, and he will still have to take it back.

"What a big pen! It seems that the treasure Pavilion is a must for this monster! "

"That's also true. If you can refine any magic weapon with this monster and hold an auction, I don't know how many high-level monks will be attracted .。”

As soon as the price was quoted, it naturally made the monks who were watching talk about it one after another.

"Half a million lower grade spirit stone, that can be a deal." Zhen Chongming looked very satisfied and nodded, "since shopkeeper Yu's price is so fair, I still have some things to sell."

"Oh? What else? " The eyes of the middle-aged monk with white clothes suddenly brightened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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