Path to Heaven

Chapter 417: 417

"The big gate is the big gate, so many powerful monks!"

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"If this guy doesn't have other powerful escape magic weapons, he must be caught up with."

"Look! The people of juxingzong also went out to help Dongyao resort kill this man. "

"Of course, if you don't care if you are killed in the city, the city will be meaningless. It means that the gate has no ability to ensure the safety of the monks in the city. It is impossible for the juxingzong not to deal with this guy."

Such large gates as Dongyao Resort and juxingzong seem to be very common at ordinary times, and there seems to be no big difference between them. However, as soon as something happens, this kind of gate immediately shows its incomparable strength.

In a flash, hundreds of monks from Dongyao resort flew out of the Seven Star City, and then another 40 or 50 monks of juxingzong followed.

Among the hundreds of monks in Dongyao resort, at least 30 are from fennianjing, and the other 60 or 70 are all monks above zhoutianjing.

At least half of the 40-50 Ju Xing Zong monks are monks above Fen Nian state.

The two sects add up to at least 50 Buddhist nuns.

In the general city of friars, the friars in zhoutianjing are often seen. However, there are few powerful monks in fennianjing. Any big shop should be respectful and treat them with great care. In the city, when Zhenyue Pavilion is busy, there are only two shops in Zhenyue Pavilion, which are the most monopolized in Zhenyue Pavilion. There are two kinds of shops in Chongyue Pavilion, such as zhenlingbao and zhenlingbao.

Now, in the eyes of almost all the monks in the Seven Star City, I'm afraid that one mouthful of water is enough to drown Weisuo.

Now it seems that the escape speed of the lotus shaped flying magic weapon under Weisuo's feet seems to be slower than that of the immortal Changfeng. It seems that he is getting closer and closer.

"What is this guy going to do?"

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At this time, the whole seven star city has been completely shocked. Not to mention the ordinary monks, even all the shops and businesses have stopped doing business. It is not thousands of monks who are watching, but the monks of the whole city are watching. But at this time, let almost all friars again unbelievable stare big eyes is, has been flying out of the Seven Star City dozens of miles, but instead circled around the Seven Star City.

At the same time, Wei Suo, who was dressed up in the eyes of the Seven Star City friars, also made a voice: "this is the personal enmity between me and Dongyao resort. The rest of the clan had better not interfere, otherwise, when the magic arts and magic weapons are blind, I can't blame."

"It's true that there are personal grudges and intentional revenge."

Among the 40 or 50 Ju Xing Zong friars who robbed the Seven Star City, the former Ju Xing Zong disciple wearing ancient bronze robe was also among them. At the moment, hearing Wei Suo's words, the disciple of juxingzong, who was wearing bronze robes, felt a sense of sadness again.

"Look, this man is just a monk who divides the mind state. At most, he has some powerful magic weapons on hand. He dares to be so presumptuous!" But among the friars of the Ju Xing sect, a middle-aged monk with a dark face and a dark dove's face, sneered scornfully at once.

"It's you

At this time, seeing the magic weapon of Dong Qingyi at Wei Suo's feet, and hearing Wei Suo's words again, the immortal Changfeng in the dark cloud suddenly reacts.

At the moment, behind the immortal Changfeng, there is a friar in his thirties with long braided hair and a friar in black. These two monks, who had just plotted with Dong Miaozhen, the patriarch of Dongyao resort a few days ago, are obviously one of the highest status and cultivation figures in Dongyao resort.

The two monks met outside the Seven Star City when Wei Suo hijacked Dong Qingyi.

"How about immortal Changfeng, Dong Miaozhen and his son Dong Qingyi, who is not a good tool?" After a look at the friar of juxingzong who was still trying to deal with himself, Weisuo was not at all alarmed. He looked at the immortal Changfeng from a distance and said, "if you are a plenipotentiary, you can kowtow to me three times at this moment, and then tell everyone that you are scheming for treasure Pavilion, and Jiya has never married into your Dongyao resort, I can also consider giving you a free ride in Dongyao

"What? How could he ask the immortal Changfeng to kowtow to him three times? "

"What did he say that Jiya never married into Dongyao resort?"

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"What the hell is going on here?"

At this time, almost all the monks in the Seven Star City also came out of the city one after another, and got closer to watch the excitement. But Wei Suo's words came vaguely, and suddenly there was an uproar outside the Seven Star City. Most of the monks did not understand what was going on.


The immortal Changfeng gave out a thunderous roar, and the gusts of wind roared out of the dark clouds."Whether I am arrogant or not, you will know later." Wei Suo looked at the reclusive light of monk juxingzong, who was getting closer and closer, and said, "I'll say it for the last time. Today, I'm looking for Dongyao resort to solve some gratitude and resentment. If the other sect comes in, don't blame me for being rude."

"Kill!" A cold and arrogant voice, which seemed not to put Wei Suo in his eyes, came from the array of friars of Ju Xing Zong. This word, directly gave Weisuo the simplest answer.

"It's a pity that you are so stupid." Weisuo shook his head.

"Do you dare to fight against our Dongyao resort? I'll let you know what it's like to live or die! " An elder of Dongyao resort, who was wearing a blue robe, also sneered at him at this time. "It's ridiculous that people like you, like ants, can be crushed to death. It's ridiculous that they dare to ask us to settle any grudges with us. Ah ~ ~! "

But before he finished his arrogant words, the elder of Dongyao resort suddenly gave out a scream. He saw a black and blue crystal ghost claw, which suddenly caught on his body. Just as soon as he caught it, all his aura masks were broken, and his whole body was directly caught in pieces, and he was immediately killed.

"What a quick escape! The magic weapon of blink

Outside the Seven Star City, the sound of air-conditioning suddenly rang into a piece.

All the people only saw that, in this moment, Weisuo suddenly took away the lotus platform like magic weapon under his feet and offered a boat like flying escape magic weapon.

The flying magic weapon in the shape of a painted boat flashed with black and red fire was extremely fast. In an instant, it circled to the left side of a large group of friars in Dongyao resort. Just as the magic weapon in the hands of many monks in Dongyao resort was blasted away at this huge flying magic weapon, Weisuo collected the magic weapon in the shape of a painted boat, and then inspired a magic weapon In front of the elder of Dongyao resort, I will kill him.

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It's complicated to say, but in fact it's just a breath. The black red light flashes, and the white light flashes. Then this incredible elder of Dongyao resort is directly killed.

"Surround him!"

"Open the distance first, so as not to be hurt by accident!"

The hundreds of monks chased out of Dongyao resort are at least elite disciples. They are all extremely rich in fighting experience. Seeing this scene, their eyes are full of horror. At the same time, many monks do not rush to Wei Suo, but scatter around in a roundabout way. They are all in a group of three or four monks to support each other.

In their opinion, no matter how powerful Weisuo was, as long as he was completely surrounded, he would not escape. Moreover, in their opinion, even if Weisuo had a magic weapon of blinking, three or four monks could at least block his sudden attack.

Seeing such a scene, Weisuo's face did not change at all.

In a flash of white light, his figure suddenly disappeared from the original place and appeared 50 Zhang away from the left in front of him.

At the same time, the door board flying sword, which was more powerful than the first-class Taoist priest, had been sacrificed by him, and was severely chopped to the four monks in the East Yao resort in front of him.


"Ah The four monks in Dongyao resort didn't think of it at all. What made them scream with horror was that the two aura masks and the two FA shields inspired by the four monks in Dongyao resort were all chopped by the door plate flying sword in a piercing sound.

In the resort, all four of them were shot with blood.

Weisuo's figure, however, disappeared in the flickering white light, avoiding dozens of streamers.

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"What level of magic weapon is this" flying sword "of this guy? So many defenses are cut off at once? There is a face Dharma shield inside, which is obviously the Phoenix Tail Xuan turtle shield of the spirit level! "

"At least it's a middle class! It's very likely to be top grade! Otherwise, even if we can break through such multi-layer defense, it will not be so easy! "

Outside the Seven Star City, suddenly again sounded a burst of inverted air-conditioning sound.



It was just one or two breaths, two violent explosions, and five or six monks from Dongyao resort were hit and fell from the air.

Look at this scene, Wei Suo is surrounded by so many monks in Dongyao resort, it is like entering the general uninhabited.


A huge terrible blue tornado column fell from the air, but it was smashed into the air.

Changfeng immortal's face was livid.

In the current situation, as long as Weisuo stops and stays at a certain place, he will be suppressed by a large number of magic methods and magic weapons, and then there must be only one way to die. But now it is obvious that Weisuo is also very clear about this point, and he is absolutely constantly rushing in the array. And Weisuo had this kind of magic weapon of blink, which even he could not attack. Moreover, Weisuo's attack power was extremely strong. Three or four monks could not resist it."I said how arrogant, it is with these two magic weapons." At this time, the black robed middle-aged friar of juxingzong, who had arrived at the periphery of Dongyao resort, gave out a sneer. Then, the middle-aged monk in the black robe with the name of Yin dove reached out and took out a small silver tripod shaped magic weapon in his hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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