Path to Heaven

Chapter 433: 433

"Boom After the silver arrow light shot into the channel, it immediately sent out an earth shaking explosion sound, and a mass of air waves also rushed out of the channel.

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More than ten disciples of Dongyao Resort and juxingzong, who were closest to this passage, were all shocked and prepared to stimulate magic weapons and magic methods in front of this passage.

But in this passage, it is empty, no one has a shadow.

Seeing this situation, let alone these frightened friars, even Han Wuya, who has just inspired the falling star arrow, is in a daze.

"Is there any other teleportation magic weapon in this man?"

"Click Just when these friars stayed for a while and the idea came to mind, there was a slight cracking sound coming out of the stone under their feet.

Most of the monks were subconscious, and immediately looked down at the ground in a panic.

But at this time, with a loud "hum", Weisuo's door like flying sword, which was shining with golden and yellow colors, suddenly emerged in the seemingly empty passage. At the same time, an archaic fierce fire like Ganoderma lucidum also gushed out.


Most of the friars had no time to use their attacking magic weapons to intercept them. The door plate-shaped flying sword and Ganoderma lucidum shaped black Archaean fierce fire had already impacted on their defense lines composed of various light masks and defense weapons.


Under Weisuo's attack, a big hole with five or six layers of color was opened. The two friars turned into flying ash as soon as they were burned by the ancient fierce fire. However, the three friars who were facing Weisuo's flying sword were shot upside down by the flying sword, and there was no instant in the air.

The previous three, plus the present five, Weisuo killed eight!

"Invisible robe!"

A white monk exclaimed in horror. The monk with long hair at the back of his head was Bai Xuanji, the real elder of Dongyao resort.

Just after Wei Suo's attack, Song Yang, the great elder of juxingzong, who had been lucky enough, was also killed by Taigu fierce fire, but Bai Xuanji still survived.

With the door flying sword and Archean fierce fire, Wei Suo's body was surrounded by purple, and his figure also appeared.

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It turns out that when so many friars are eyeing this passage, he is still in this passage.

Although he has been able to evade so many divine senses searching, there must be hidden breath in addition to this invisible robe. However, his practice can be regarded as extremely courageous. Because if so many friars launch a strike with all their strength, he will surely suffer a great loss.

In the exclamation of Bai Xuanji, Wei Suo did not stop at all. As he shot from the back of his body, he stretched out his hand and put away the invisible robe. At the same time, he stretched out his hand expressionless and threw out a bloody blue robe.

"Shark fisherman!"

At the sight of this robe, Changfeng immortal and Han Wuya's faces suddenly lost the slightest blood color.

At this time, Weisuo threw out the vestment, which was the one on the shark fisherman.

At the moment, Weisuo is here, and he has the magic clothes of a shark fisherman. You can imagine how the real shark fisherman is now!

Since Huang Yazi, Chang Feng Zhenren and others entered the mountain body of xiaoyeshan, it is only a short short film time. Huang Yazi and Han Weiwei fight each other, that is to say, a couple of them have met each other. However, in such a short time, a great monk with double accomplishments of golden elixir has been killed by him!

What's more, some of his magic weapons, including the skeleton magic weapon, are not around at all!


A scream suddenly came from the side of the corridor.

A Ju Xing Zong friar who arrived here just appeared. Before he could see what was going on in front of him, he was suddenly wrapped up in the mucus from a giant butterfly with extremely gorgeous colors. Then, the blood light flashed on the soles of the feet of the Ju Xing Zong friar, and he fell back stiffly.

Seeing such a scene, a monk in Dongyao resort suddenly turned to another channel and ran away.

As soon as the friar fled, the rest of the monks were like waking up in a dream, scrambling to escape for their lives.

"Flee, kill!" A silver arrow light, a runaway Ju Xingzong friar was beaten to pieces.

But at this time, the monks were completely frightened and ran faster.

Han Wuya, who sent out the arrow light, shook his body. For a moment, except for the people on Wei Suo's side, there were only three people left in the cave, including Chang Feng Zhenren and Huang Yazi.

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"I'll fight with you!"

Changfeng real man's face was miserable. With a sharp drink, the blue golden elixir rose, and many fine lines of light suddenly appeared on it. He did this, it is obvious that he has already known that this is a complete defeat, and he wants to blow up the golden elixir.If a golden elixir explodes in the middle of the mountain, the small night mountain will collapse more than half.

"Kaya, you help me to hold the other two people. Don't let them escape."

But at this time, the look on Weisuo's face did not change at all. At the same time, there were thousands of purple rays in the center of his eyebrows, which suppressed the golden elixir of Changfeng immortal one by one.

For a while, the fine light patterns on the immortal Changfeng's golden elixir were suppressed by the dead town and could not be expanded.

At the same time, Weisuo's flying sword is also facing the Changfeng immortal.

"Blow it up! Ah ~ ~! "

Changfeng immortal's face is full of crazy look. With his aura surging violently, a blue wind column forced against Wei Suo's door and flying sword. The light patterns on the gold elixir were also brilliant. At that time, he had to break through Wei suojin's Danxia light suppression situation, but at this time, his foot plate suddenly flashed with blood.

There is a hole in the bottom of the foot that he was once stabbed by a heart eater!

It turns out that the door plank flying sword is pressed down from the top. Although Changfeng immortal tries his best to resist the flying sword, he is unconsciously pressed to the position close to the ground.

Once again, a hole appeared on the sole board, and the body of the immortal Changfeng suddenly became stiff.

Weisuo reached for a wave, and a few thin blue lights shot out of his hands and stabbed into the body of Changfeng immortal.

Changfeng immortal's scream suddenly stopped and fell from the air. But Wei Suo is expressionless to reach for a grasp, take his brilliant elixir into his hands, and then directly into the nabao bag.

"Weisuo, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

At this time, Han Wuya suddenly issued an extremely ferocious cry, facing the attack of Ji ya, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun. He actually stopped the stimulation of the two magic weapons in his hands. He stretched out his hand and coagulated out a group of blazing silver starlight, which severely bombarded the two magic weapons in his hands.

"Ha The falling star bow was directly cut into two pieces from the middle, and the white porcelain eclosion mirror was also directly broken into several pieces.

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Then, his body also turned into fly ash in a few flashes of light!

Weisuo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ah! These two things are also the magic weapons of the top grade At the same time, the old man's heartache was ringing in his ears.

Han Wuya, the leader of juxingzong, actually burned both jade and stone when he could not escape. He would rather die than let Wei Suo and others get these two powerful% magic weapons.

"This guy is tough!"

After muttering, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun shake their heads and turn to look at Huang Yazi.

Huang Yazi's face is still gray.

"No one will interfere. Let me deal with him alone." Seeing Zhen Chongming and other people's eyes focused on Huang Yazi, Han Weiwei, who was in a fierce battle with Huang Yazi, yelled Jiao didi immediately.

"Er!" Hearing Han Weiwei call, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun immediately turn their heads and look at Wei Suo and Ji ya.

Weisuo nodded quietly, but under the flash of yellow light, the heart eating insect that had just pierced the sole of Changfeng immortal's feet came out, and the king of France's colorful butterfly also flew over and forced it towards Huang Yazi.

Seeing Wei Suo nodding, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun immediately became spectators.

"Look at my magic weapon!"

"Ice fish is a real secret!"

A voice of Jiao Di Di Di's cry kept ringing in the cave. Han Weiwei was more excited and Huang Yazi's face was more and more white.

Now Huang Yazi is full of the thought of running away, but he can't run at all.

The escape speed of the white and tender little girl like demon beast was not under him at all. He moved several times, and the exit was blocked by this strange monster. A silver light column came in front of him.

Moreover, he had to resist the attack of the two golden magic weapons of the black Ming Gu Jun and Han Weiwei, as well as the ice technique which was not very powerful because of Han Weiwei's cultivation.

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It was even if it had been like this, but now suddenly there is a butterfly which is obviously a fairy bug and a heart eating insect whose grade is too high to be frightening and weird to death.

These two monsters do not move now, but they are firmly following the little girl like monster. The little girl like monster moves to the left, and the two monster beasts move to the left. The little girl like monster moves to the right, and the two monsters also move to the right, as if two Dharma protectors are just like. With such a posture, it is obvious that Huang Yazi, no matter how hard he tries, is impossible to kill this little girl like monster and can run out.

If any friars come in at the moment and see Huang Yazi and Han Weiwei fighting, they will be surprised and speechless.

A friar with the same golden elixir was beaten by a monk who had read a lot of money and had no strength to fight back.

What's more, the status of the monk is very important. There are a lot of strange things about him. It's a wonder forever."I am a monk of golden elixir. I have such a magic weapon as Changhe tianjuan. I'm a nun who has been taught a lot. I can't even escape."

A speechless generation of anger, filled with Huang Yazi's heart.

But at this time, Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun, the two onlookers, were still very inhumane, commenting, "is this guy really a Jindan monk? I don't think so. If I go up, it seems that I can beat it. "

"That's right. If you don't have this magic weapon, I'm afraid Han Weiwei will kill you directly."

"However, no matter how useless, you can still make the flower fertilizer of miexianteng."

"It's boring. It's so boring. I can't even make any sense of it. I'll fall asleep if I look like this."

“… .。”

"Shut up!" Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun are chirping with vigour. Huang Yazi, whose face has turned to pig liver color, sends out a roar.

“?” Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun are stunned. They don't know why Huang Yazi suddenly shouts so loudly.

"I didn't expect that the golden elixir of my forty-five year-old brother condensed the golden elixir and got such a treasure as the long river torrential scroll. How could a few people be reduced to such a level. It's a monkey! What's more, I'm still despised by these two stupid idiots. I'm playing with them as monkeys! How angry I'm angry, too Seeing Zhen Chongming and Zhu Xiaochun's expression, and then seeing Han Weiwei's Jiao Di Di's shouting, Huang Yazi's face suddenly turns into sauce purple, and a mouthful of blood essence spurts out, and the whole person looks up and falls!

Huang Yazi, the great monk of golden elixir, was really angry to death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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