Path to Heaven

Chapter 477: 477

"Where are we going now, vissault?"

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On Jinghua Feilian, from the initial surprise, tension and disbelief to now, standing beside Weisuo, looking at Nangong Yuqing in the dark night sky outside the sky, his face looks very calm.

"Let's go to miaodan mountain, where there is a cave built in ancient times. I have three friends there. I'll see if they are happy to stay in longevity city for a while. My current foothold happens to be in longevity city. "

"Your foothold now is just in longevity city."

"Yes, I didn't expect to encounter Li ruohai this time, and we also negotiated such a deal with him. However, in order to cause unnecessary trouble, I still can't let them know."

"Now Jiya is really your companion?" Nangong Yuqing stares at Weisuo, seems to be looking at the difference between Weisuo and before, suddenly asked such a sentence.

"You know all that?" This sentence startled Weisuo, for a moment he did not know how to interface.

"You are so famous now. I heard something about killing Li Shaohua, Huang Yazi and shark fisherman in Dongyao resort. I heard that you and Han Weiwei were together. I think the person named Wei Suo should be you, but some of you can't believe that you have become a golden elixir and become such a monk." Nangong Yuqing looked at Weisuo, "until today I see you, I'm sure it's true."

"So you have heard about me. When you ask someone to go out with the jade rune, you can stir it up from time to time to see if I can happen to see it?" Asked vissault.

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"But I didn't have much hope, and I didn't expect that you would always carry this piece of jade Rune with me." Nangong Yuqing's mouth appeared a trace of no artificial smile.

Weisuo flattened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

I don't know why, in front of Nangong Yuqing, he is really like a sister.

Ordinary children, no matter how mischievous, how mischievous, how rogue, in front of their sister, are also good. Wei Suo is a little bit like this when facing Nangong Yuqing, usually some thick skinned, obscene things, in front of her don't know why they can't be used at all.

"Now if you want me out, I will follow you. What do you want me to do? " Nangong Yuqing this time, but also looked at Weisuo's eyes, said: "do not use hot springs and other words to prevaricate."

"So direct?"

Weisuo's careful liver suddenly tight. Of course, he could understand the meaning of Nangong Yuqing's words, which was how he was going to deal with his relationship with her.

However, in retrospect, Nangong Yuqing, as a general elder sister, had always been very frank and direct when she contacted him.

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Just like in Lingyue City, when she had just rented a Tian class residence, and she was glib enough to ask her to take a hot spring bath with her, Nangong Yuqing said seriously to him, because he really wanted to be a Taoist partner with her. She could not think about it, but she asked Wei Suo not to regret it at that time, because Wei Suo had not seen the world at all, I haven't seen many nuns outside.

It is precisely because Nangong Yuqing is such no coy attitude, so Weisuo has always been indecent in front of her.

"What do you think? It's rainy and sunny in Nangong. " Thinking of their past, thinking of the first time I saw Nangong Yuqing in red armor, I was killed and cheated. I thought that I and Nangong Yuqing lived and died together in the tomb of Qingfeng mausoleum. I thought of her wearing a white robe and participating in the auction with myself Wei Suo's heart is indescribably soft, but his face is more and more serious. Let Jinghua Feilian freely fly towards the front, but he turns around and looks at Nangong Yuqing seriously and says.

"Would you like to be my companion?" Looking at him, it seems that he has suddenly become mature, and not the same as before, and slightly stunned Nangong Yuqing, Weisuo seriously asked this sentence.

Nangong Yuqing was stunned and immediately she glared at Weisuo, "what about Jiya?"

"My affection, she understood." Weisuo's mind came up with the face of Jiya, smiling slightly, "now just look at what you mean."

"If I become a person's Taoist partner, I will be wholeheartedly to a person. Even if I die for him, I will never regret it. But that person should also be sincere to me. Even if he is not around me, he should also remember that I am his Taoist companion. When I think of me, I am also loved by my heart." Nangong Yuqing looked at Wei Suo, "there are countless good nuns in the world. Maybe you will not like me if you have seen one better. If you want me to be your Taoist partner, you should think about it so as not to regret it in the future."

"Indeed, there are countless good nuns in the world, but there are few who can live and die with me and share weal and woe with me. Besides, with you, I'm not likely to have too much in common with other nuns." Wei Suo smile, also don't say much, but reached out to hold Nangong Yuqing's hand.

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"Not necessarily." Nangong Yuqing didn't take out his hand and let Wei Suo hold it. The conversation between them had already pierced the last layer of paper, and there was no need to say anything more. Looking at the endless black night sky ahead, Nangong Yuqing's eyes were indescribable calm. "You have such accomplishments and supernatural powers now. Even people like the leader of Li Palace should ask for help from you. There will be great achievements in the future. How can we women like you be bound to such a person?""I'll be busy then." Holding Nangong Yuqing's hand, his eyes accidentally aimed at her bulging chest, Weisuo's head began to "activate".

"You are good at everything else, but sometimes you are too emotional and careless." Nangong Yuqing gave Wei Suo a white look, but he taught Wei Suo a lesson again. "Even if you want to ask the blissful immortal to ask me for help, don't be in a hurry for a while. At least you should try to understand the magic power and strength of the blissful immortal, and then ask me. You are too risky to do so in the future."

"I've had a fight with the friars of Jindan wuchong. I'm sure, but it's not a pure adventure." Weisuo pleaded, but he was interested. "By the way, how did you worship him? Do you get any good from him? "

"You may know that our tiece people were ambushed by the people from Heisha and Dongyao resort. It happened that a monk passed by and saved me. The monk happened to be a distant relative of mine, and her master had some friendship with the blissful immortal. In her early years, the blissful immortal owed her a favor to her master, because I thought you had died in the hands of Dongyao resort. In addition, she wanted to avenge tiece's people, and her own accomplishments were only divided into mind realm and could not She could help me, so she begged the blissful immortal to accept me as a disciple. " Nangong Yuqing looked at Wei Suo and laughed, "I didn't expect that I had been in the blissful palace for so long that I heard that you almost destroyed Dongyao Resort and Juxing palace. It really made me feel bitter. Because according to the rules of the blissful palace, all the disciples are not allowed to walk freely until they reach the triple level of fennianjing. They should obey the orders of the blissful immortal. "

"As for the benefits of magic weapons, because I have worshipped him for a short time, I haven't got anything. Otherwise, he must have asked me to return it today." After laughing, Nangong Yuqing then said, "but his skills are very distinctive. The skills he taught me may be useful to you."

"Oh? What technique? " Weisuo asked curiously.

"You see." Nangong Yuqing took her hand out of Weisuo's "claws". She saw her hands move, and a ball of oval golden light shot out of front of her. However, just where the golden light shot to the front two or three feet ahead, another oval golden light appeared on the other side of the place. Then, the first group of golden light exploded, but disappeared without a trace.

"This is a technique that can confuse the opponent and make the opponent not respond well." Wei Suo's heart moved, and he immediately saw that although Nangong Yuqing's first skill was full of power, it actually had no attack power. What really launched the attack was the second golden light that suddenly turned out. And with his divine sense, it was only after the second golden glow of Nangong Yuqing that he felt the clue.

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If the opponent doesn't know the mystery of this technique, it's very easy to get confused and unable to respond to the enemy.

It's called "the magic of life". The mystery of this method is that there are many kinds of shapes of the brilliance. It's very difficult for the other side to get accurate when fighting against the enemy like this. The next skill you use is not this kind of technique, and it's hard to guard against it. " Nangong Yuqing looked at Wei cableway: "I'll tell you about this technique later."

"Good." Weisuo nodded at once, which was also useful to him.

"Then how can you have the cultivation of the golden elixir, such a magical power. Now you can talk to me Nangong Yuqing looks at Wei Suo with a look of listening.

"I'll start from the beginning. I'll introduce you to someone first. " Hearing Nangong Yuqing say so, Wei Suo just thought of something. He patted his head and took out a black thing from nabao bag.

"Wei Suo, you have the opposite sex and no human nature thing, I do% of your uncle's!"

And Nangong Yuqing almost scared is, just took out this black thing, inside issued a very depressed angry curse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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