Path to Heaven

Chapter 491: 491

Weisuo didn't have any nonsense. He put away his golden magic weapon in his hand and pointed to a little. He left the fire boat and rushed to the group of flaming cloud cranes from the rear.

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There was a roar.

Almost at the same time, Weisuo offered a long river to heaven.

A huge wave, suddenly toward the last side of the several flaming cloud crane hit the past.

In an instant, the last six or seven cloud cranes with flaming feathers all gave out a sharp hiss. The red feathers of the whole body shook open, and the condensed red fire beads were ejected from the mouth.


Being blocked by these red fire beads, although the waves from the torrent of the long river still rush to the body of the last three flaming cloud cranes, and the three flaming cloud cranes have no fire light on them, but the three flaming cloud cranes like drowned birds are not dead, and their whole body trembles and wants to flee back.

Seeing this scene, Wei Suo's face was just a glimmer of joy, and there was another explosion. The black and blue crystal like xuansha ghost claws burst out, and the three half dead cloud cranes were captured and photographed.

One collected three flaming cloud cranes face to face. In the red flame torrent, the rest of the flaming cloud cranes were all enraged, all turned their heads and rushed toward Weisuo and others.

"Wei Daoyou, the magic power of these monsters is far higher than that of Fenghuang quadruped vulture, and their divine sense can be accurately locked within 200 Zhang. Be careful not to be surrounded by these monsters, or we will be hard to deal with such a large number."

The black "killing animal chain" volume, a flaming cloud crane strangled breath, at the same time, Li ruohai said this to Weisuo, at the same time, Li ruohai had a slave animal bag in his hand.

Between the flash of yellow light at the mouth of the slave animal's bag, a snow-white centipede, which has been ten feet long, suddenly appears in front of Wei Suo and others.

This snow white centipede sends out amazing cold air. Its body surface is covered with ice beads like lumps. It has no wings and other things. But its abdomen emits white air. It is actually holding it stably and suspending in the air. It has the ability to resist the air.

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As soon as the beast was sacrificed, a white light rushed out of its mouth and hit a flaming cloud crane.

The eyes of this flaming cloud crane immediately filled with a look of horror. The red light flashed in his mouth, but he directly sacrificed a demon pill the size of a longan, and a large amount of red Dan fire poured out from it.

But this piece of red fire can not stop the white light from the snow-white centipede. In a flash, the white light overcame the red red red red fire. First, it hit the demon pill, and then it hit the flaming cloud crane without stopping.

The body of the demon Dan and the flaming cloud crane was almost instantly covered with white frost, and then directly formed a small one large two Tuo white ice, fell down.

Seeing this scene, Weisuo's eyebrows immediately jumped.

At the moment, although it was still daytime, he did not call out the old man in green robe, but he also recognized that the snow white centipede released by Li ruohai at the moment was a kind of monster named "tianshuangxuewu".

However, the original level of this monster was only five levels higher, which was two grades lower than that of the flaming cloud crane. At present, the frost and snow centipede can easily kill a fire feather cloud crane, and its magic power has reached at least level 6.


But let Weisuo's eyes and strange awn flash is, after releasing the first frost and snow centipede, Li ruohai did not stop.

It was a fiery red monster, which appeared from another slave's bag.

This fire red monster is a bat with a wolf head.


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However, the magic power of this bat seems to be more amazing than that of the frost and snow centipede. A red fire blade flashes and cuts off the head of a flaming cloud crane.

"What else?"

Li ruohai still did not stop, but also took out a slave bag. As soon as the slave bag was opened, what appeared in front of Weisuo and others was a white ice Phoenix with an amazing breath.

Just a breath, a foot long ice cone has been shot out, two flaming cloud crane into a sieve.

After releasing the three monsters in succession, Li ruohai did not release other monsters at last. However, Wei Suo couldn't help rolling his eyes at the three monsters.

The spirit beast Palace's means in cultivating demon beasts and slave beasts are indeed not comparable to those of other sects.

The first to release the frost and snow centipede will not talk about it, it is obvious that like Weisuo's heart eating insects, the cultivation of more than one level.

However, the second fire red bat is obviously a wolf head bat of the wind system, which is a lower level Four wind system monster. Besides the wolf head bat, Weisuo has never heard of it, and there is a fire monster in this shape.

Wolf head bat, Weisuo has got several before, but now this one should be the monster of wolf head bat, but it has turned into a fire monster. This is a bit incredible.As for the third head, this is an authentic seven level low-level monster, Tianji ice Phoenix, which is a branch of Xuantian ice Phoenix.

The strength of the ice Phoenix in the sky should be similar to Wei Suo's black bone Ming Jun.

It is no problem for tianshuangxue centipede and the mutant wolf headed bat to resist an ordinary friar with no special treasure on hand.

What Weisuo can be sure is that under such circumstances, Li ruohai will not take out all his strength at the bottom of the box, so there is nothing wrong with the rumors from the outside world. Li ruohai is not an ordinary double monk of golden elixir. There are many monsters of high rank on his body.

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Just the strength reflected at present, Weisuo may not be Li ruohai's opponent unless he uses the elixir or blood eating sabre.

With the addition of these three monsters and Weisuo's intention to control lihuofang, Weisuo has been on the edge of these flaming cloud cranes. Therefore, it is very easy to deal with these flaming cloud cranes. In a short time, five people have already killed more than 20 monsters.

But at this time, sudden changes occurred.

Weisuo suddenly felt a strange breath coming from behind.

This breath, even let Weisuo's heart have a sense of danger that can not be overcome.

"Is that?"

As soon as Weisuo turned his head, he took a cold breath.

At the moment, an ape like monster is walking into the collapsed wall of Huangdao city.

This monster has white hair all over the body, and its body size is also surprisingly large, with a height of seven or eight feet. It seems that the body is extremely heavy, but the feet seem to step on the soft clouds in general, when walking, it does not make any sound.

On top of its head, there is a protruding sarcoma, white light exploding in the eyes, and four long tusks are exposed in the mouth. It looks extremely ferocious.

The most amazing thing is that the long white hair of this giant ape like monster not only emits thick white miasma fog, but also there are countless fist sized white giant fleas crawling in and out of the hair.

If there were monks in the distance of 200 Zhang, many white giant fleas would fall from the giant ape like ripe fruit.

After falling down, these white giant fleas came to these friars between the ups and downs.

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It seems that these white giant fleas can only attack at close quarters, but their jumping power is extremely amazing. When they jump up, they can shoot hundreds of feet like magic weapons. Even the monks in the air can attack them. Moreover, the attack power of these white giant fleas is also very amazing. Just at a glance, Weisuo saw that at least 56 friars were attacked by these giant fleas, and were directly penetrated into the body by these giant fleas.

The friars who had been burrowed into the body by these giant fleas immediately became swollen and shiny as if they had been soaked in water for a long time, and then quickly turned into a pool of pus, leaving only a withered yellow skeleton. And inside the giant flea from the skeleton drilled out, as if eating a meal.

"Barren ancient white water!"

Feeling Wei Suo's abnormality, he turned his head and looked at it. Li ruohai's face suddenly changed dramatically. The cold voice vomited out these four words.

"Barren and ancient Baize? What kind of monster is it Weisuo immediately asked.

He had never heard of this strange monster, and he felt that the divine sense of this monster was even stronger than him, and now it seems that the divine sense of this monster has locked them in and regarded them as targets.

"Barren ancient Baize, this is a strange animal that only exists in the extremely wild wilderness far away from the friars' land! The white miasma emitted by this kind of exotic animal contains innumerable disease gas, which will remain for a long time. Do not inhale a trace of this white miasma, or even the golden elixir will suffer from a strange disease of ulceration, and will also be infected by contact with the sick monk. Three thousand years ago, several dozens of friars of Liuli clan met with such a monster in the wilderness. Although by luck, 56 people escaped, but after returning to zongmen, it triggered a plague. At that time, tens of thousands of monks of people fell down in several cities. If you fight with this demon, you can't use any other direct attack magic weapon except for the aura and you, which is a kind of vitality magic weapon. Otherwise, it will be contaminated with white miasma Li ruohai's ugly face quickly explained: "and the giant fleas on his body also have this kind of miasma. If it is close to the body, it will be dangerous."

"How many levels is this monster?" Listen to Li ruohai said so much, but did not mention the level of the monster, weisoton can not help but cry.

"Eight low levels!" Qi Longshan and others obviously have not heard of this kind of monster. They also feel that Li ruohai has not talked about the key point for a long time. However, when they heard Li ruohai's words, they immediately took a cold breath.

"Not good!"

At this moment, Weisuo's face suddenly changed again, and he looked up.

I saw a huge black shadow, straight down from the sky!Compared with this shadow, Weisuo's boat is also very small, as if it can only give the shadow teeth.

This black shadow is an emperor black Jiao! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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