Path to Heaven

Chapter 529: 529

"Shuilin King seal is a medium level magic weapon of Xuan level. The vitality of water spirit is more than several times more pure than this long river rolling scroll. If it can be used to refine the magic weapons of one's own life and wash away the body and the golden elixir, of course, it would be better." The old man in green frowned and nodded.

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"It's a pity that the guy ran away and didn't get the seal. Otherwise, we can also try to see if the seal of Shuilin king can be used to refine the magic weapon of this life Weisuo looked very sorry.

Wei Suo is very sorry that he hasn't got the seal of Shuilin king, but he doesn't know. In fact, not every water magic weapon is suitable for refining the life magic weapon. After refining the life magic weapon, there will be a long river torrent, which can wash the body and the golden elixir.

The combination of magic weapon and golden elixir is extremely mysterious. Different water system magic weapons can refine life magic weapons, which will have different mysteries.

Wei Suo didn't know that the most mysterious thing about Shuilin King seal was that the water spirit of Shuilin King seal could wash the body apart from its power reaching the middle level of Xuan level.

Besides the seal of Shuilin king, it is difficult to find a second magic weapon that can wash away the body.

Therefore, this is also the most proud place of the mysterious white robed people inherited from the ancient sanhuangmen.

However, Weisuo had the effect of refining the long river scroll into a magic weapon of life. If the mysterious white robed young man knew that Weisuo had the same capital as him by accident, he would be angry and spit out blood.

"It's a pity that this golden elixir is useless. Otherwise, if this golden elixir can be used to refine and exterminate the golden elixir, its power must also be extremely terrifying. The friars of the five levels of the golden elixir may be able to kill them in seconds." Wei Suo and some regret will qianluo immortal's golden elixir, grasp in the hand.

This golden elixir of immortal qianluo is even bigger than his gold elixir. It can be seen that the martial arts practiced by immortal qianluo are of high level.

Now grasp in the hand, you can also feel the horror of this golden elixir.

However, the power of the golden elixir has all been lost. Although the whole pill is still red copper, it does not have the slightest brilliance and aura. It seems that it has become a lifeless wood, and the black triangle order talisman, which is integrated with the golden elixir, has been completely destroyed.

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"Boss, you said that this golden elixir can't be refined into an extinction elixir, but this golden elixir looks so terrible. Can you make some light patterns on it and disguise it as an extermination elixir? When it comes out, it will frighten people to death." Seeing Wei Suo's sigh of regret, he wanted to throw the useless golden elixir into the bones of the immortal qianluo, but Yangzhi bird said this.

"Disguised as an elixir?" Hearing Yang Zhiniao say so, Wei Suo is slightly stunned, can't help but look at the old man in green robe.

"The idea is good." The old man in green robe glanced at Yangzhi bird and then looked at Wei cableway: "it's a genuine gold elixir at all. It's very easy to try to make some light patterns on it like extinct gold elixir. When I'm on my way, I'll teach you how to make it. But there's definitely no breath of elixir on the breath. I'm afraid it's fake. I'm afraid you can't fool people if you want to paste people. "

"Then get a real elixir embedded in it, and the breath will be the same?" Yang Zhi bird said again.

"This..." The old men in green are choking.

The golden elixir of immortal qianluo has lost its power. It is easy to dig a hole and bury the real elixir in it. If you bury an elixir and do some treatment outside, it may be the great monk of the five levels of the golden elixir. You can't see that this is a fake elixir. Only when it really explodes, can you find that it's the one inside.

"Then when we are on our way, we will try to get this golden elixir." Weisuo didn't waste his time, but with a glance, he directly included the damaged pure gold puppet in the third layer into the NaBu ancient precepts.

Although it has been completely damaged, it can kill a great friar with four golden elixirs here. It may be mysterious. Some of the gold and other things in the body may also have some functions.

"These should be shadow stones, which can record images of fighting methods. The third floor should be a place for the monks in the door to watch and speculate on the fighting skills of the powerful monks. However, this kind of Shadow crystal needs special array cooperation, and it should be useless if it is damaged like this. " The old man in the green robe said so after he saw weissou's next glance resting on the broken white crystal.

Weisuo nodded, and the divine sense carefully scanned several times. After confirming that there was no other valuable thing, he took the black knife made of Fuwen refined gold in his hand, and began to cut up the star white Luojin in the three layers of temples.

This black knife made of refined gold with talisman pattern can cut the star white Luojin, and it is really easy.

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Just half an hour later, Weisuo cut out all the stars in the three layers of the temple, and put them into the Nawu ancient ring.

Later, Weisuo did not stop at the fault mountain, but continued to fly in a direction.……

After more than half a day, vesuo, who was flying in the air, suddenly stopped.

The vast expanse of this inexplicable place is far beyond his imagination.

After flying for more than half a day, he still didn't see the edge of this place. He felt that the place was more than hundreds of thousands of miles, or at least millions of miles.

Moreover, it seems that there is no central position at all. He has seen several places along the way where there are many remains of buildings.

It seems that there is no definite number of things involved, where they will go.

What's more, the terrain in sight has not changed much at all.

For the most part of the day, he was more and more frightened. If the whole space was like this, he really didn't know how to get out.

But at the moment, what made him pause was that he seemed to hear the roar of fighting in the distance.

In his eyes between doubt, he clearly heard a faint roar.

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The sound made him judge that it was coming from a distance to the left of his present position.

Without the slightest hesitation, weissou flew towards that direction.

After about half a stick of incense, there was a blue and yellow light in Weisuo's sight.

These two elusive lights also made Weisuo's eyes shrink. In a flash of his eyes, he took out the invisible robe and put it on his body.

The speed of these two ways of escaping light is amazing, especially the speed of the blue light escaping in front of him is more than twice faster than that of his leaving the fire boat. The speed of the Yellow escape light in the latter part seems to be faster than that of his fire boat.

These two escape lights seem to be chasing and fleeing. The blue light in front of them is trying to escape.

Originally, with the speed of this green escape light, it should be able to completely shake off the Yellow hiding light behind. But in a moment, Weisuo saw that the speed of the light was falling.

It seems that the monk who makes the green color escape light is a kind of skill similar to blood light hiding. By paying some price, he can greatly improve the speed of escape, but he can't cast it for a long time.


All of a sudden, Wei Suo, who had been watching the change, suddenly jumped his eyebrows and did not hide his whereabouts. Instead, he directly offered a sacrifice to lihuofang, which turned into a black red escape light and met the green light.

"Who is the Taoist friend who is chasing Qingping At the same time, Weisuo's voice also rolled out.

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"Wei Daoyou!"

Originally flying in front of the blue color Dun light, see Wei Suo's escape light rise, is a look of horror, but hear Wei Suo's voice, one of the friars is extremely surprised to cry out.

The monk, who is covered in the green flame, is the green duckweed who was separated from Weisuo in the lingmiao valley.

"Let's go!"

After sending out a surprise call, she shot at Wei Suo's Li Huo Fang. Qingping, who looked like Zhenyuan was wearing out extremely violently, made such a sound again.

"I can't go. Their escape speed is above mine Just in a flash of time, Weisuo's boat from the fire catches Qingping, but Weisuo stops on the contrary and looks at the Yellow escape light, "who is this rear pursuing?"

"It's the real man Panlong of zhenwuzong and a monk I don't know. The real man Panlong is a great monk in the later period of the three golden elixirs. The accomplishments of another monk are also far ahead of me." Qingping gasps violently, looking at the back of the escape light, the original pale face, but more of the face bloodless.

Because she also knew that Weisuo was telling the truth. There was no way to escape in such a place where there was no barrier, if he was not as fast as the other party.

"The great monk of zhenwuzong? How could it be here? " Weisuo's brow was not conscious of wrinkling up, "why do they want to kill you? What about Qi Daoyou and their people? "

"I don't know." Qingping shook her head. "My husband and I have all been torn apart by the force of space. They are also one person to this place. I found a fragment of the yellow crystal tablet in a place before. Seeing this piece of crystal tablet, I thought that my husband and others might also be involved in it, and they might be nearby. So I cried out for a while. I didn't expect to see my husband and them, but they led these two people to me. I didn't know what use the yellow crystal tablet fragment was for these two people. As soon as I saw the yellow crystal tablet fragment, I immediately hurt my killer and wanted to rob it Fragments of the yellow crystal stele. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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